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published in(发表于) 2016/6/6 8:16:53
Do you want to set up the South China Sea, China’s Foreign Ministry responded the air defense identification zone



Do you want to set up the South China Sea, China's Foreign Ministry responded the air defense identification zone

Premier Li invited, Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany will be held from June 12 to 14th on an official visit to China. The Prime Minister and the Chancellor Li keqiang will co-chair the fourth round of the Sino-German Government consultations.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi invited Kenya Republic of Foreign Affairs and international trade Minister amingna·muhanmode on an official visit to China from June 7 to 9th.

Q: can you introduce Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel visited China and the fourth round of the Sino-German Government consultations relevant arrangements? China is expecting to visit? Views of the Chinese side to deepen the Sino-German relations?

Answer: Merkel's visit is the 9th time in her visit to China, the main objective is the same Prime Minister Li keqiang, co-chaired the fourth round of the Sino-German Government consultations. During his stay in Beijing, XI, Zhang dejiang, Chairman of the President will be meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Besides Beijing, Merkel will also visit Shenyang, Liaoning province.

Sino-German Government consultations led by the two Prime Ministers, is co-ordinating the most important coordination mechanisms and promote the Sino-German cooperation platform has successfully held three rounds of consultations since the establishment in 2011. Both sides over a total of more than 20 ministerial or Vice-ministerial-level officials to discuss the next phase of bilateral cooperation in the field of planning.

In recent years, Sino-German relations into the high level development track. Exchanges of visits by leaders in March of this year Germany President Gao kegong paid a successful visit to China, political mutual trust increase pragmatic cooperation with remarkable results. At present, the sides are actively promoting the "made in China" 2025 "Germany" industrial 4.0 "butt and high-level financial dialogue mechanism to deepen financial cooperation. As Chairman of the Group of 20 countries this year and next, Germany maintained close contact and good cooperation, coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs has become closer. Sino-German cooperation conform to the fundamental interests of both sides, but also contribute to the development of China-EU relations and promote world peace and prosperity.

China attaches great importance to developing with Germany, is willing to take a fourth round of consultations for new opportunities in China and Germany to promote pragmatic cooperation in various fields in China and Germany at a high level to realize new development.

  Q: do you want to set up the South China Sea the air defense identification zone? The decision will be announced when?

Answer: many countries in the world for air defense identification zone, this is a matter within the scope of the sovereignty of States. Going for the South China Sea the air defense identification zone need to consider various factors, especially in the face of the security threat in the air.

Q: Shangri-La dialogue, the Chinese Foreign Ministry website has published the Chinese Defense Ministers address Carter's reaction to the us. China believes that Carter spoke of what is incorrect?

A: as pointed out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman said Saturday in the statement, some countries disregarded the fact that at the Shangri-La dialogue, you ask me first to China, its position and opinion doesn't hold, China firmly opposes.

Q: recently, Tanzania, Uganda and Eritrea, Comoros, and Vice-Chairman of the AU Commission, expressed support for China's stand on the issue of the South China Sea. A growing number of voices of the international community to unilateral acts to bring sea arbitration in the Philippines said they did not understand, that Philip the dispute should be resolved through negotiation and China. Comment on this?

A: as you said, more and more countries understand and support China's just position on the issue of the South China Sea to support China with the countries concerned on the basis of bilateral agreements and consensus through negotiations to solve the dispute of South China Sea, maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Tanzania, Uganda and Eritrea, Comoros and the position of the Deputy Chairman of the AU Commission objective and fair, conforms to the South China Sea issue actual, represents the voice of fairness and justice of the international community. China is highly appreciated. Meanwhile, we urge the countries concerned to comply with bilateral agreements and regional consensus on negotiation to solve the reunification issue the right way.

Q: the enlarged Panama Canal completion ceremony will be held on June 26, Taiwan leaders are expected to attend. City, received the Panama invitation? Will send personnel to attend?

A: China at the time of development and its relations with countries throughout the world, always adhere to the one-China principle as the fundamental premise. The principle of one-China principle is generally accepted by the international community. We hope relevant countries carefully handle Taiwan-related issues.

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-06-06 18:49:11
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

















(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-06-06 18:49:11

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