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published in(发表于) 2016/6/7 7:17:26
Xiaoshan mother-daughter murder suspect is caught, people provide clues to the award-winning million



Xiaoshan mother-daughter murder suspect caught members of the public to provide clues to the award-winning million | mother-daughter murder case _ news

The Xiaoshan police with dogs searched the Hill correspondent for

The morning of May 30 this year, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, a mother and daughter to North mountain disappeared after playing, Xiaoshan mountain overnight after police received a police organization, the morning after police dogs to search for bodies of mother and daughter, who have sharp injuries, after the incident, many residents even once around not up the Hill. Subsequently, the police task force under enormous pressure, battled for 6 days and 6 nights, with strict "grid" prevention and control mode, on the evening of June 5, and Gao arrested suspects, which marks the North Hills mother-daughter murder case solved successfully.

Correspondents Zhang Ke reporter Lu Lixiang

  Mother and daughter missing after mountain, the next day the bodies were found

Things to May 30 to begin the day, small young 25 year old wife and 5 year old daughters out to play. A little after 10 o'clock in the morning, Yang received the letter of micro-wives pictures and videos, picture show, his wife took her two daughters to ride electric cars to the near North mountain, North mountain range where they live only a few kilometres. Everything looks very ordinary, 12:04, Xiao Yang's wife sent a short letter friends, are some of the photos and the northern mountain views, did not think this was her last message.

Xiao Yang said that 12 points before you send messages on their past and each other have no reaction, "she wouldn't answer the phone, even if all of a sudden didn't hear, will immediately call back until the evening, her phone is open, but no one answered. "That night, Xiao yang called five or six relatives, fellow, visiting the North looking for and called the police.

On May 31, police in the North dry mountain grass along the road of blood and subsequently found murdered in the North Hills mother and daughter. After investigations, two people with stab wounds, were murdered. It is understood that the murdered mother-daughter of Guizhou national refuge in Xiaoshan, were investigated by police.

  Large dog mountain, lasted for several days

"No road over the mountains, but we can't give up, you must go in search. "Head of the Xiaoshan police dog base Pan guoliang said," May 31, we sent more than more than more than 10 dogs and more than 20 trainers, mountain overnight. "Police dogs trained, follow some drops of blood in the North Hill next to a toilet, has found the scabbard and xieyi (later proved to be a suspect), Le jour OU, while the bodies of two victims were found, however the suspect disappeared.

The next day, big dog mountain, which lasted several days, the police walked over the mountains north, until the suspect has left the mountains. Thus, Xiaoshan police rapidly mobilized all investigative police force, set up a task force to investigate. Soon, in a hide in the jungle, the police found bloodstains in the bathroom, and found a drop in the vicinity of men's shoes and insoles, combining scene investigation and the external investigation, police determined that the shoe is suspect. Further identification and analysis of data, the police found, 36 years old man of Anhui high has been suspected of the crime.

Suspects have left the North Hills, so the police combat team on the synchronization of video, some more than 300 video surveillance operator with the crime, in order to make every effort to solve, they also bought the eye drops, protracted war preparations.

Soon, the police restored the suspects whereabouts the day before the crime was committed, suspects on May 30 at 7 o'clock in the morning, from the city by bus into the territory of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, was removed after the bus and walk from Xiaoshan District, near the Museum on the North mountain until the incident. Site analysis and strict inspection and monitoring have been supervised, police concluded that the suspect had been injured, he is not far away! Even so, police are still sending task force members travel to Anhui, Shanghai suspects live in areas such as investigations, looking for clues.

  Under the cloth "iron", suspects cannot escape

After the incident, road traffic police, special police of public security, law and order, the police have linked around the northern mountains around, decorate a multilayer cards and police, the main entrances were guarded by armed police, quietly cast a big net.

Compared to the layers of police set up checked posts, mobilize the masses to help with inspections, will undoubtedly make the search more. This reporter has learned, after the suspect identified, Xiaoshan police issued a "grid" inspection instructions, "net police" took pictures of suspects in the investigation of access at the same time, they also requested all the grid, grid members especially Center near the scene of the crime into action, searching for suspects may stay local.

Yang Wei is the northern police station of a grid of civilian police, in the North Station in 16 grids, grid number is J02101 his, reputation in a specific scope for the site and surrounding blocks. In North dry area, also has a special of masses power--"North dry looked looked", they may is community cadres, also may is bus driver, and pharmacy clerk, and sanitation workers, and snacks owner,, they active in their network grid of micro-letter "looked looked group", also active in Street road, they most has capacity, and most has opportunities found most line of clues.

In fact, suspects several times to escape, because they saw police and patrol the crowd back. When suspects are high after being caught, he said his exhausting experience 6 days/6 nights: "I tried to escape, police are everywhere, not escape, I'm too tired to die! ”

  Grids provide important clues and win a million award

Mr Chen is "Pekan looked" Member, is also the owner of a pharmacy. After the incident, police Yang Wei took pictures of suspects to Mr Chen and his wife, so they stay in the day-to-day operations of the yigexinyan.

The evening of June 5, pharmacy to the entrance to a disheveled man, wandering back and forth several times after the man into the store and bought a box of painkillers, then left in a hurry. Mr Chen's wife felt this person was like a suspect, then immediately notify the husband Mr Chen, Mr Chen without going out to keep up with the suspects, but lost the way, Yang Wei, and he quickly called the police.

Subsequently, Yang Wei informed the police on duty rushed to the scene, large reinforcements in Xiaoshan penalty after police and railway train station police station police with the assistance of, Zhongyu grid suspects were found in the bushes near a railway, arrested. When caught, suspects has been exhausted, even without the strength to escape.

Yesterday morning, North of the police station Director Tian Ming profession, send a bonus of 10,000 yuan to Chen, as recognition of his provided an important clue.

According to Xiaoshan police released the suspect Gao, born in 1980, unmarried, unemployed, have three theft convictions, long playing in the bar room of chess and card, undue hardship. After the arrival of Gao, because of self-inflicted acts of self-mutilation, physical condition do not meet the normal review, and the motives and process details pending further screening.

Source: modern gold

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Mother-daughter murder case

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萧山母女被害案嫌犯被抓 市民提供线索获奖万元|母女被害案_新闻资讯

萧山警方带警犬搜山 通讯员供图

  今年5月30日上午,一对母女到杭州市萧山区北干山游玩后失踪,萧山警方接警后连夜组织搜山,次日凌晨,警犬搜寻到母女俩的遗体,身上均有锐器伤, 案件发生后,周边不少居民甚至一度不敢上山。随后,警方专案组顶着巨大压力,连续奋战6天6夜,凭借严密的“网格化”防控模式,在6月5日晚上,将嫌疑人 高某抓获归案,这标志着北干山母女被害案成功告破。

  通讯员 张科顶 记者 陆李翔


  事情要从5月30日说起,这一天,小杨25岁的妻子和5岁的女儿出去游玩。上午10点多,小杨收到了老婆发来的微信图片和视频,图片显示,他老婆带着女儿骑 电动车去附近的北干山玩,北干山距离他们住的地方只有几公里。一切看上去都很平常,中午12点04分,小杨老婆还发了一条微信朋友圈,内容是一些自拍照和 北干山上的景色,没想到这成了她发的最后一条消息。




  “山上很多地方没有路,但我们不能放弃,必须进去搜。”萧山警犬基地负责人潘国良介绍说,“5月31日凌晨,我们派出10多条警犬和20多名训导员,连夜搜 山。”警犬训练有素,循着几点滴落的血迹,在北干山一厕所旁,先后找到了刀鞘和血衣(后证实是嫌疑人所留),天亮时分,尽管两名受害人的遗体被发现,然而 疑凶不知去向。

  接下去的日子里,大规模的警犬搜山持续了好几天,警方把北干山来回走了个遍,直到确定嫌疑人肯定已经离开山上。于 是,萧山警方迅速调集一切能调集的侦查警力,成立专案组展开侦查。很快,警方在一处隐藏在密林中的厕所里发现了血迹,并在附近发现了一只掉落的男鞋和鞋 垫,结合现场勘验情况及外围调查,警方确定这只鞋子正是嫌疑人所留。通过进一步鉴定和大数据分析,警方发现,36岁的安徽籍男子高某,有重大作案嫌疑。


  很 快,警方还原了嫌疑人案发前一日的行踪,嫌疑人于5月30日早上7时许,从杭州城区乘坐公交车进入萧山境内,辗转公交和步行后,从萧山区博物馆附近上北干 山,直至案发。结合现场勘验、监控分析及严密布控,警方推断:该嫌疑人已经受伤,他走不远!即便如此,警方依然派出专案组成员,出差到安徽、上海等嫌疑人 曾居住的地区调查,寻找线索。



  相 比起警方的层层设卡,发动群众一起来帮忙巡查,无疑会使搜寻力度变得更大。记者了解到,嫌疑对象身份明确后,萧山警方发出了“网格化”巡查指令,“网格民 警”拿着嫌疑人照片,在调查访问的同时,他们还要求所有网格员,尤其是案发中心现场附近的网格员积极行动起来,搜寻嫌疑人可能落脚的地方。

  杨委是北干派出所的一名网格民警,在北干派出所16个网格中,他的网格编号是J02101,具体范围为中誉现场城及附近区块。在北干辖区,还有一批特殊的群 众力量——“北干望望”,他们可能是社区干部,也可能是公交司机、药店店员、环卫工人、小吃店主等,他们活跃在各自网格的微信“望望群”,也活跃在街头路 面,他们最有能力、最有机会发现最一线的线索。









责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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