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published in(发表于) 2016/6/8 9:20:46
Beijing prosecutors met with Lei Yang case lawyer, take the initiative to listen to opinions and suggestions



Beijing prosecutors met with Lei Yang case lawyers actively listening suggestions | Lei Yang | Beijing prosecutors _ news

Lei Yang. Information chart

Original title: Beijing inspection appointment of the four branch "Lei Yang" relevant lawyer heard opinions and suggestions

New media, Reuters Beijing, June 8 (Xinhua tuming Xiong Lin) 8th, official crime investigation Department of the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate last branch met separately in connection with the police officer and Lei Yang family hired a lawyer, informed the prosecutors for criminal investigation of five cases heard and consulted the relevant observations and recommendations of the prosecutors handling the case, lawyers and receive relevant material related to personnel.

Prosecutors said will carefully analyze the proposed recommendations and related materials, ensuring that legal rules of criminal investigation. Lawyers of the prosecution initiative to seek opinions and suggestions, according to advancing the opening of prosecutorial Affairs expressed its gratitude and recognition.

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Beijing XING xxx, procuratorial organs in accordance with the decision of five investigation

Beijing, June 1 Reuters new media (Xinhua tuming Xiong Lin) Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate official Micro-Blog "the Beijing Procuratorate," published on April 1st, a few days ago, Beijing Changping District people's Procuratorate has completed the "Lei Yang died after suspected prostitutes were forced by police constraint measures" clues in the preliminary investigation, to meet the conditions of file for investigation.

According to case's practical needs, Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate decided that referring the case to the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate last branch of investigation. On June 1, 2016, shall decide on the Changping Public Security Bureau of the Beijing Municipal People's Procuratorate last branch East, such as small police criminal investigation of five according to the procedure to notify relatives. The same day, the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate accused appeals prosecution to families of Lei Yang Wu also informed the prosecutors handling the case.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Lei Yang Beijing prosecutors

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北京检方约见雷洋案相关律师 主动听取意见建议|雷洋|北京检方_新闻资讯



新华社北京6月8日新媒体专电(记者涂铭 熊琳) 8日,北京市人民检察院第四分院职务犯罪侦查局分别约见了涉案警务人员和雷洋家属聘请的律师,通报了检察 机关对邢某某等五人立案侦查的情况,听取和征求了相关律师对检察机关办理此案的意见和建议,收取了有关人员提供的相关材料。




新华社北京6月1日新媒体专电(记者涂铭 熊琳) 北京市人民检察院官方微博“北京检察”1日发布,日前,北京市昌平区人民检察院完成对“雷洋涉嫌嫖娼被民警采取强制约束措施后死亡”线索的初查工作,认为符合立案侦查条件。

根据办案的实际需要,北京市人民检察院决定,将该案交由北京市人民检察院第四分院立案侦查。2016年6月1日,北京市人民检察院第四分院依法决定对昌平 区公安分局东小口派出所民警邢某某等五人进行立案侦查,按程序通知家属。同日,北京市有关检察机关控告申诉检察部门还向雷洋家属吴某某通报了检察机关办理 案件情况。

责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

雷洋 北京检方


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