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published in(发表于) 2016/6/8 9:21:42
Feng hospital global innovation



Feng hospital global innovation and entrepreneurship (Shenzhen) base inaugural documentary | venture _ news

Founded by GE Capital "front man--global innovation base" recently has built in Shenzhen. Due to its unique of opened Festival and was industry outside praised: "China innovation venture service of and a dazzling of landscape line", more has many visit site of industry big Lady and entrepreneurs will Hou obsession, straight call "cool of see a eye on didn't want to left"! Shenzhen front people hospital by excellent grid capital and Shenzhen wind fire creative common operation management, she of established marks excellent grid capital to front people hospital as global resources integration platform, cover Beijing, and Shanghai, and Shenzhen, China core industry regional of layout has basic completed, And capital for the yogurt to create "capital + resource" a solid basis for ecological investment system.

Feng hospital was founded in Shenzhen Conference, yogurt capital founding partner, Mr Feng hospital founder Kou xiaowei, detailed hospital founded front journey of capital investments and yogurt. His yogurt capital "capital + resource"

State investors of strategy idea, get participating Tencent, and Ali, and Baidu, and millet, and 360, and NetEase, and gathered times, and 37 game, and Disney, and HTC, and Austrian fly anime, and interactive entertainment, and Burson-Marsteller interactive, and deep create voted, 300 bit foreign Internet and the Pan entertainment enterprise senior and the investors of warm response, everyone General think, times in progress, "capital + resources" of ecological investment concept, conform to has Hou Internet times and pan entertainment industry of development trend, Also shows that China's venture capital industry has access to resources as the core value of the investment.

"This is the best of times, it was the worst of times", and Kou xiaowei said in a keynote, Dickens a quote today and be verified. "" Entrepreneurship is valuable, resource prices higher. " Around 2010, the outbreak of the mobile Internet, market structure has changed dramatically, in particular concentration of resources or even a monopoly, causing many challenges to entrepreneurs and investors, see opportunities everywhere on the surface and face reality, but found difficulties.

In recent years, venture capital of retail, "dumb money many people" phenomenon has also caused investment bubbles expand and the deterioration of the investment climate, most do not have the resources and identifying financial investor, faces enormous risks. But on the other hand, Ali, Tencent, Baidu has strong industry resources, millet represented investors, was steady, through risk control front, through market channels, matching high quality resources to help a large number of entrepreneurs, many companies tend to rise in the won after their investment, while the success rate of industrial investment fund has also greatly improved.

In Internet and culture industry fought has near 30 years of Kou xiaowei, 2011 end of founded excellent grid capital zhihou, timely insight to has trend of changes, 2013 he timely proposed has founded "front people hospital" of idea, hope using its long-term accumulated of industry resources and contacts, put front people hospital playing caused excellent grid capital of global resources integration platform, through integration global resources, established resources ecological network, for excellent grid capital investment of project provides full industry chain, and full of resources docking service. He advocates and social "entrepreneur State of mind, for the entrepreneur services" concept, has also been a large number of industry leaders Lei, Zhang, and Chen, Zhou Hong袆, Chen Tianqiao, Chi yufeng, a high evaluation. In early 2014, the first wing hospital located in Shanghai. Has been formed in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Hangzhou, five base incubator, accelerator, four functions of financing, marketing platform; gaming, anime, VR, four international investment industry association. Front man for 4 years, excellent resource value of capital investment and innovation projects are emerging, their business model is widely recognized by the industry and the investment community.

Feng hospital in Shenzhen as a service in southern China and an important resource for Hong Kong and Macao and radiation in South-East Asia integration platform, received strong support from well-known enterprises at home and abroad. Tencent open platform General Manager Hou Xiaonan said, Tencent open platform of concept and front people hospital and excellent grid capital of development concept very similar, both can together build has global influence of all create space; millet technology mutual entertainment Deputy President gaiyanling stressed, as excellent grid create voted Fund of LP, millet technology will will give excellent grid capital and front people hospital build of investment ecological more of resources support; Disney China Deputy President He Dehua said, looks forward to in Disney "heart entertainment" of company may

Depression, with excellent yogurt capital investment projects in the future in the copyright for more cooperation, marketing and personnel; HTC

Bao Yongzhe, Deputy Chief of China believes that yogurt on the capital investment in VR is in the domestic leading position, his star meter network for investment and development of VR games of the black shield, HTC Vive platform at the World Championship, believe that in the future there will be more capital investment team HTC VR ecological components.

Feng hospital in Shenzhen started at the inaugural games, anime, VR, three hatch Accelerator, was called feng hospital in southern China industry resource integration service of three "weapon", in the development, copyright, technology, market for yogurt in terms of capital investment projects providing a full range of services.

2015, Kou xiaowei proposed: "excellent grid capital do capital + resources of ecological investors", and will this a concept implemented, teamed up millet technology, and Palm interest technology, and Grand group, and everyone network, and Dragon figure game, and tour family network, and blue Hong Kong interactive, and 37 game, and interactive entertainment, and Burson-Marsteller interactive, ten Internet giant funded established has excellent grid create voted Fund, a only has so strong industry resources background of create voted Fund in China investment territories is is rare of, ten giant of valuation added up about 500 billion, Media called it the China venture capital industry "big Fund", since its establishment, the Fund is sought after by many domestic and foreign entrepreneurs.

Meanwhile, excellent grid capital around "Internet + Pan entertainment + full industry chain", has formed has four Fund series of layout: 1) industry chain Fund: early create voted Fund, and medium-term VC Fund, and late merger Fund; 2) resources type Fund: Copyright Fund, and VR Fund, and Education Fund, and Television Fund, and artificial intelligence Fund; 2) globalization Fund: Sino-US Technology Innovation Fund, and in the to technology innovation fund, and Central fashion industry Fund; 4) strategy industry Fund: has participation has 360, and YY, privatization investment , And big-name public companies will increase, and so on.

Dr Han Wangxi, Vice Minister of the propaganda Department of Shenzhen Municipal Committee at the founding Conference, Mr he Feng hospital development plan capital investment philosophy of sincere appreciation and yogurt, he welcomed the "front men--global innovation base" located in Shenzhen, and sincerely hope that the yogurt capital and Shenzhen, front man will be to make a fruitful contribution in helping to for innovative entrepreneurs.

Held at the same time "Pan entertainment &VR industry innovation Summit", the yogurt is excellent enterprise of capital investment of the three founders: CEO now, stars of the m-wave m network founder Chen Xiuchao, Keystone technology founder Wang Gaonan, sharing successful experiences. Dynamic optical has became China line network animation drama original operation of well-known Enterprise, has I called MT, multiple well-known IP, and light media cooperation of animation big movie I called MT of Yamaguchi mountain war remember is released; star meters network is China VR interactive entertainment of leading enterprise, its development of black shield is currently in international Shang was award of only one China VR game; Vault stone technology is front people hospital hatch of first a hand tour team, has get excellent grid capital, and Sequoia Capital, of investment, Is China's number one sports hand developers, Wang Gaonan in his personal and business and representatives of the super successful experiences, to share with you in front of people and capital system, how fast-growing experience.

Shenzhen front people hospital is located Yu Shenzhen, Nanshan District, snake mouth, by old plant transformation and into, both reflected has green environmental concept, and very with modern design sense, many settled who have said was this cool to wants to dating of place fascinated has, said she is "a has mountain (industry resources), and has water (capital), and has dream (entrepreneurs) of good place".

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

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  态投资者的战略构想,得到与会腾讯、阿里、百度小米、360、网易、欢聚时代、37 游戏、迪士尼、HTC、奥飞动漫、互动娱乐、博雅互动、深创投等 300 位中外互联网及泛娱乐企业高层及投资人的热烈回应,大家普遍认为,时代在进步,“资本+资源”的生态投资理念,顺应了后互联网时代和泛娱乐产业的发展趋势,也表明中国风险投资业已经进入到以资源为核心价值的投资阶段。

  “这是一个最好的时代,也是最坏的时代”,寇晓伟在主题演讲中指出,狄更斯当年的名言今天又被验证了。” “创业诚可贵,资源价更高” 。2010 年前后,移动互联网爆发,市场格局发生了巨大变化,特别是资源的高度集中甚至垄断,给创业者和投资者造成了诸多挑战,表面看机会遍地,面对现实,却发现困难重重。


  在互联网和文化产业摸爬滚打了近 30 年的寇晓伟,2011 年底创办优格资本之后,及时洞察到了趋势的变化,2013 年他适时提出了创办”锋人院”的构想,希望利用其长期积累的产业资源和人脉,把锋人院打造成优格资本的全球资源整合平台,通过整合全球资源,建立资源生态网络,为优格资本投资的项目提供全产业链、全方位的资源对接服务。他倡导并身体力行的“以创业者心态,为创业者服务”的理念,也得到了一大批产业领袖雷军、张朝阳、陈一舟、周鸿袆、陈天桥、池宇峰等的高度评价。2014 年初,第一家锋人院落户于上海。目前已形成北京、上海、深圳、苏州、杭州五大基地;孵化器、加速器、投融资、市场推广等四大功能平台;游戏、动漫、VR、投资等四大国际产业联盟。锋人院运作 4 年来,为优格资本投资的创新创业项目带来的资源价值正逐渐显现,其运营模式也得到了产业界和投资界的普遍认可。

  深圳锋人院作为服务华南及港澳并辐射东南亚的重要资源整合平台,得到了国内外知名企业的大力支持。腾讯开放平台总经理侯晓楠表示,腾讯开放平台的理念与锋人院和优格资本的发展理念非常相似,双方可以携手打造具有全球影响力的众创空间;小米科技互娱副总裁盖延玲强调,作为优格创投基金的 LP,小米科技将会给予优格资本和锋人院打造的投资生态更多的资源支持;迪士尼中国副总裁何德华表示,期待在迪士尼“用心娱乐”的公司愿


  中国副总裁鲍永哲认为,优格资本在 VR 投资上已经处于国内领先地位,其投资的星米网络开发的 VR 游戏《黑盾》,在 HTC vive 平台全球大赛上获得冠军,相信未来会有更多优格资本投资的团队成为 HTC 的 VR 生态的组成部分。


  2015 年,寇晓伟提出:“优格资本做资本+资源的生态投资者”,并将这一理念付诸实施,联手小米科技、掌趣科技、盛大集团、人人网、龙图游戏、游族网络、蓝港互动、37游戏、互动娱乐、博雅互动等十大互联网巨头出资成立了优格创投基金,一只具有如此雄厚产业资源背景的创投基金在中国投资界是很少见的,十大巨头的估值加起来约 5000 亿,因此有媒体把它称为中国风险投资界的“豪门基金”,成立以来,该基金受到了国内外众多创业者的追捧。

  与此同时,优格资本围绕“互联网+泛娱乐+全产业链”,已经形成了四大基金系列的布局:1) 产业链基金:早期创投基金、中期 VC 基金、后期并购基金;2) 资源型基金:版权基金、VR 基金、教育基金、影视基金、人工智能基金;2) 全球化基金:中美科技创新基金、中以科技创新基金、中欧时尚产业基金;4) 战略产业基金:已经参与了 360、YY 等私有化投资,及知名上市企业的定增等。


  在同时举办的“泛娱乐&VR 产业创新峰会”上,优格资本投资的三家优秀企业的创始人:动感光波的 CEO 周彬、星米网络的创始人陈修超、拱顶石科技的创始人王高楠,分享了成功经验。动感光波已成为中国一线网络动画剧原创运营的知名企业,拥有《我叫 MT》等多个知名 IP,与光线传媒合作的动画大电影《我叫 MT 之山口山战记》即将上映;星米网络是中国 VR 互动娱乐的领军企业,其开发的《黑盾》是目前在国际上获大奖的唯一一部中国 VR游戏;拱顶石科技是锋人院孵化的第一个手游团队,先后获得优格资本、红杉资本等的投资,也是中国排名第一的体育类手游开发商,王高楠以其个人创业及代表作《中超风云》的成功经历,为大家分享了在锋人院和优格资本的体系下,如何快速成长的体会。


责任编辑:陈琰 SN225



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