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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/6/8 9:34:03
Old college entrance examination to grandson to buy natural, refreshing, swallow after tragedy



Old college entrance examination to grandson to buy natural, refreshing, tragedy-entrance after he swallowed, snake-IT information

Yesterday, a little after 10 o'clock in the morning, Xie calls the public says, a man in the suburb, heard that eat snake can help eyesight refreshing, bought it for the grandchildren to participate in college entrance examination. "His grandson too sick without food, he ate it. "Mr Tse said, I didn't think of that one to eat, the old man snake poison.


Some people poisoned after eating Snake

"He got a lot of people, to get the snake. "Yesterday more than 10 o'clock in the morning, Xie calls the public says his friends in contact the day before yesterday and they asked where can I buy the gallbladder.

Hsieh said he learned that turned out to be relatives of friends have children participate in college entrance examination kids Grandpa heard about natural eyesight, refreshing, to make the grandson exam spirit, wants to buy a snake for the children to eat.

"Later introduced a snake, a snake he had bought in the past. "Said Mr Xie, did not think this snake out of trouble.

Mr Tse said, in the early morning, Grandpa urging children to eat snake, but the child too sick, said refusing to eat what, finally, Grandpa.

"After he finished, said nausea, has been called worse. "Mr Xie said, and later family sent the old man to the hospital, I heard that eating Snake poison.


At present, who has no problem

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Mr Tse said a friend calls, eating Snake man no problem. After the reporters agreed, with the elderly people by phone. Call, the old man said, Snake is he spent 70 dollars bought in the East Garden.

"To buy buy a snake, snake gall to add money. "The old man said, a cauliflower snake only dozens of Yuan, but vendors refused to bile.

Old man says, said hawker selling snake, snake easily broken, one must add money to buy later has been added to the 70, the other side before they would sell him take snake.

"The child refuses to eat, I want to throw. "The old man said, near the entrance, grandson of said eyes mist, the spirit is not very good, he heard the snake eye, refreshing, ask a lot of people only reach East Garden, one of the vendors selling snake.

But, after the old man ate, nausea and vomiting, after his scallion induce vomiting at home. Call, the elderly do not want to say too much, but said he was not hurt.

Doctors say

Raw snake can be serious to coma

Snake can cause poisoning? Yesterday, reporters, armed police hospital emergency department, consulted a doctor, he said, under normal circumstances, eating Snake problem, but after someone eats, prone to symptoms of poisoning.

"Fish offal such as bile, is a toxic, natural too. "Hu said taken directly can easily lead to the heart, brain, liver, kidney and other organ damage.

Hu said, eat natural part person, prone to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, convulsions, coma, serious will happen, or even acute renal failure and lead to uremia.

"Natural heat-clearing and detoxifying effect eyesight, but eat it raw with parasites. "Hu urged, gallbladder wall easy to break, so it is best not to swallow.

Hu said, and now the game listing season, some people illegally catch some game to sell, such as toads and frogs, if not eaten properly, is easy to eat parasites to stomach, eating wild game in the event of discomfort should check to the hospital in a timely manner, so as not to delay treatment.

Special reminder

Don't give children during college entrance examination supplement

"Eat, eat during the examination period, don't mess up. "Yesterday, Hu said, candidates in a period of strong body, strength, energy consumption for a short time, by virtue of its regulatory function will be recovered soon, do not require additional supplementary nutrition and health care products.

Hu said that during the examination, if children make up, patched up easily lead absorption, not fit and may even cause diarrhea, allergy, lit, counterproductive and not conducive to examination.

"Meat is not advocating, as will increase the burden of gastrointestinal. "Hu said some parents think that meat is the most nutritious, but to prepare meat every day, easy to increase the burden on children's gastrointestinal, does not favor the blood supply to the brain.

In addition, Hu said the diet change too much in the past, also easily upset children often used, likely to cause discomfort, detrimental to the child's body.

"Deliberately not to change the recipe, balanced nutrition. "Hu urged, parents don't believe in saying what the folk remedies such as refreshing brain, after all, nothing can be effective for a short time.

老人为孙子高考买蛇胆提神,自己吞下后悲剧 - 高考,蛇胆 - IT资讯






























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