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published in(发表于) 2016/6/10 9:01:06
BlackBerry intercepts user data to help police detective, and



BlackBerry intercepts user data, helps the police detective-BlackBerry, BBM-IT information

BlackBerry's market share has been minimal, it now mainly to security-conscious enterprise customers with mobile phones and communication services, communication services but if it is not as safe as you think? Canada Broadcasting Corporation CBC News investigation has found, a special Department was set up within the BlackBerry help law enforcement intercepts user data from around the world, including a BBM message.

BlackBerry intercept information to help Brazil investigation and political scandal, the scandal led President Dilma Rousseff was suspended impeachment; BlackBerry has helped United States Major League Baseball's drug investigation, led the New York Yankees Star Alex Rodriguez was suspended. BlackBerry's approach contrasts with other technology companies: BlackBerry keen to help implement the investigators to "kick ass".

黑莓拦截用户数据,帮助警察探案 - 黑莓手机,BBM - IT资讯

黑莓手机的市场份额已经微乎其微,它现在主要向注重安全的企业级客户提供手机和通信服务,但如果它的通信服务并没有你想象的那么安全?加拿大广播公司CBC News的调查发现,黑莓内部设立了一个专门的部门帮助世界各地的执法部门拦截用户数据,其中包括了BBM信息。

黑莓拦截信息帮助巴西调查政治丑闻,这起丑闻最终导致总统Dilma Rousseff遭到弹劾被停职;黑莓帮助了美国职棒大联盟的一起毒品调查,导致纽约扬基队明星Alex Rodriguez被停赛。黑莓的做法与其它科技公司形成了鲜明对比:黑莓热心的帮助执行调查人员去“kick ass”。

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