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published in(发表于) 6/12/2016 10:07:01 AM
Pudong airport explosion witness: heard a tremendous noise and smoke rises



Pudong airport explosion witness: hear a loud noise _ smoke rises | Pudong airport news

[Xinmin ? latest news] today 2:30 P.M., Shanghai Pudong International Airport T2 Terminal departure level emergency alert, many netizens expressed to Xinmin Xinmin, hear c smoke near the ticket counter of the island at that time, loud and outgoing. After the incident, including public security, armed police officers arrived at the disposal, and there were armed policemen, parts of the airport have been quarantined.

According to Xue Xiaojie was the scene memory to Xinmin Xinmin reporter, about 2:30 P.M. or so, she is handling of c Island to Thailand procedure when he heard a man shouting in a loud voice, "we heard ' don't ' and ' Ah ' cries, and then heard a loud noise and saw smoke rising. "Since then, a large number of passengers escaped from the departure level. Xue Xiaojie said according to witnesses in the field ambulances rescued a middle-aged man and an old man; Xinmin Xinmin reporter learned that the wounded were rushed to the people's Hospital of Pudong new area.

Xinmin Xinmin sustained attention. (Xinmin Xinmin reporter Li Xin Dai Tian Jiao Xiao Junwei Hu Yan珣)

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Pudong airport

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China News Network
浦东机场爆炸目击者:听到巨大响声 有烟雾升起|浦东机场_新闻资讯

  [新民网·最新报道] 今天下午2时30分许,上海浦东国际机场T2航站楼出发层突发警情,多名网友向新民晚报新民网表示,当时听到C岛办票柜台附近冒出烟雾,并有巨响传出。事发后,包括公安、武警等到场处置,现场还出现了荷枪实弹的武警官兵,机场出发层部分区域被隔离。


  新民晚报新民网将持续关注。(新民晚报新民网记者 李欣 戴天骄 萧君玮 胡彦珣)

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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