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published in(发表于) 6/12/2016 10:11:40 AM
When Mr MASKEY met TV star characters from the Silicon Valley, and embarrassing,



When Mr MASKEY met TV star characters from the Silicon Valley, embarrassing results-horse gram, show-IT information

On June 12, according to foreign media reports, they are discovering more and more Tesla CEO Yilong·masike (Elon Musk) may be suffering from paranoia.

The billionaire entrepreneur recently declared that we live in a video game. If this is not enough to make you believe that musk has a delusion, then let us look at Mr MASKEY and hit American shows of the Silicon Valley (Silicon Valley) starring T · J Miller (T.J. Miller), a terribly awkward dialogue takes place in 2014.

Miller played in the TV series of the Silicon Valley, founder of ailiqi·baheman, a start-up company (Erlich Bachman). On one occasion, in Redwood City, California Silicon Valley crew, held a formal dinner after the private dance parties, has always been my way of musk apparently decided, Miller will own a proper tribute to the venerable Silicon Valley giants. However, Miller's approach took him by surprise.

The actor said he refused to flatter the billionaire entrepreneurs, said he did not even know this person. When musk to the Miller suggest some recommendations about this show, the of the Silicon Valley star immediately rejected his proposal.

Then, a woman is talking to the two men came and asked to take a photo, and her pictures of horse gram, but Miller.

On Thursday, Miller recalled, he and Thomas g between the irony of encounter:

"Some science cafes in Silicon Valley don't know what reaction to this show. "Miller said," they don't know what they play is, or in the offending them. Also, for the fact that they are confusing-the star who has their ever been a celebrity aura--the completely illogical, but that's the case, it makes them feel pain. ”

Miller is in Redwood City for a private party after the party encountered in the Thomas g.

"I did not flatter him, which could let him down. In fact, I can't flatter him, because I didn't recognize him at all. He said, ' I want to give you some suggestions to the TV series. ' And I said, ' no, thank you. We don't need any suggestions. ' My answers may disappoint him. ”

"Then, in the course of our conversation, a woman came up and said, ' can I take a photo, please? Horse gram to immediately strike a pose. To tell you the truth, the situation is really embarrassed. Because the woman gave it to Thomas g the camera, and then go straight to pose together with me. It's like saying, I'm sorry, man, I know you're a big coffee-indeed, he is a great coffee – but, I am a play of the Yogi Bear (Yogi Bear 3-D) 3D movie star. It is obvious that she just wanted to picture with stars. ”

If you are Thomas g, think about the time you will be embarrassed! You make electric vehicles to achieve a commercial, you have the rocket company, you are worth as much as billions of dollars.

Then, when you meet someone in the Yogi Bear plays a small role, got love for all people, you feel bad.

Miller's role in the Silicon Valley, is the founder of an arrogant startups. Conceit of this role if not mimicked musk arrogant personality, are now on a par with him.

Miller, of course, has its own star, but he still did not enjoy the media in particular science and technology media and musk's love and respect. A television actor than a think they can change the world with one hand may be more famous, which makes the Silicon Valley of the irony becomes more spicy from the show.

Real-life giant, they tend to be overshadowed by the charismatic on the screen mimics. This phenomenon is not uncommon. However, Miller's encounter with Thomas g accurately to describe the attitudes of people in Silicon Valley of the Silicon Valley--an often related to San Francisco Bay area science and technology practitioners of self-consciousness expansion.

当马斯克遇见美剧《硅谷》里明星角色,结果尴尬了 - 马斯克,美剧 - IT资讯

6月12日消息,据外媒报道称,他们越来越发现特斯拉CEO伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)可能患有妄想症。

这位亿万富翁企业家最近宣称,我们都生活在视频游戏中。如果这样的话还不足以让你相信马斯克具有幻想症,那么让我们来看看马斯克与热播美剧《硅谷》(Silicon Valley)的主演T·J·米勒(T.J. Miller)在2014年发生的一次令人尴尬至极的对话吧。

米勒在《硅谷》电视剧中扮演一家初创公司的创始人艾利奇·巴赫曼(Erlich Bachman)。有一次,在加利福尼亚州红木城举行的《硅谷》剧组正式宴会后的私人舞会上,一向我行我素的马斯克显然认定,米勒将会对自己这位德高望重的硅谷巨头表示出应有的敬意。但是,米勒的做法大大出乎他的意料。







“然后,在我们谈话的过程中,有一名女性走过来说,‘我可以合张影吗?’马斯克一听立即摆起了造型。说实话,当时的场景确实令人感到很尴尬。因为这名女性将照相机递给了马斯克,然后径直与我站到一起摆拍了起来。这就好比在说,抱歉,老兄,我知道你是一个大咖——事实上,他也确实是一个大咖——但是,我是一名演过《瑜珈熊》(Yogi Bear 3-D)3D电影的明星。显而易见,她只想与明星合影。”






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