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published in(发表于) 6/13/2016 11:09:24 AM
Li keqiang and Germany’s Prime Minister met the press



Li keqiang, and Germany _ Prime Minister Li keqiang, met the press | news

CCTV News (news feeds): after the ceremony, he and Merkel met with Chinese and foreign journalists and answer your questions.

Li said Sino-German Government consultations promote the development of bilateral relations has become the "Super engine." Both sides agreed to continue the spirit of "total plastics innovation" the spirit, honest and meet each other halfway, constant consensus, expand common interests, create the new engine of Sino-German cooperation.

In answering questions about Chinese enterprises in the German mergers and acquisitions issues, Li said China and Germany support the enterprises of the two countries within the framework of the law, in accordance with market principles and internationally accepted practice to conduct mutually beneficial cooperation. The Chinese Government will adopt various measures, further opening, and equal treatment for foreign investors to create, open and transparent and attractive investment environment, support Chinese and German enterprises to jointly explore the international market. Hope the German Government will also provide convenience for Chinese enterprises to invest in.

Merkel said that in this round of German Government consultations to achieve positive results. Germany support continued to play an active role in International Affairs, China, is willing to work with China to expand cooperation in third markets such as fields, create a good environment for enterprises of the two countries to expand mutual investment.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Li keqiang

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  在回答关于中资企业在德并购的问题时,李克强表示,中德双方支持两国企业在法律框架内,按照市场原则和国际通行惯例开展互利合作。中国政府将采取多 种举措,进一步扩大对外开放,为国外投资者营造一视同仁、公开透明、富有吸引力的投资环境,支持中德企业联手开拓国际市场。希望德方也为中国企业投资提供 便利。


责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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