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published in(发表于) 6/14/2016 7:24:53 AM
China in the International Organization for migration, analysis



Analysis of China into the International Organization for migration: _ will not be forced to receive refugees | international organization for migration news

Original title: why China's application to join the International Organization for migration

According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry's website news, China has applied for membership in the International Organization for migration.

On June 13, the Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Wang meets with visiting Director-General of the International Organization for migration Swain. Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Wang presented to the Swain on China's application to join the International Organization for Migration's letter. Both sides on international migration situation and exchanged views on issues such as China's cooperation with IOM.

On June 13, 2016, the Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Wang meets with visiting Director-General of the International Organization for migration Swain.

On June 13 land generous at a routine press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman at the meeting, asked the question: "it is understood that China is seeking to become a full member of the International Organization for migration. Can you confirm that? ”

Lu Kang recognized that morning, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Wang Chao met with the visiting Director-General of the International Organization for migration Swain, and presented by Minister Wang Yi on China's application to join the International Organization for Migration signed the letter. Swain Director expressed warm welcome and highly appreciated.

Lu Kang also said that the International Organization for migration is the migration of the most important intergovernmental international organizations. Since 2001, China has been an observer, both of migration management capacity-building, foreign consular protection carried out a large number of practical cooperation, IOM had trapped in Syria, Micronesia, to provide assistance to Chinese citizens. China is the most populous country, is immigration powers, became a full member of the International Organization for migration, will play a greater role in the field of international migration, contribute wisdom in China to further promote international cooperation in the field of immigration.

Some analysts pointed out that, to join the International Organization for migration is not signed the Convention relating to the status of refugees, there is no obligation. The International Organization for migration is mainly to promote international cooperation and migration studies. Illegal workers as well as refugees, the sovereignty of the country, no international organization could force China to accept. China joined such an organization, the price is nothing more than publishing some information, participation in cooperative projects, but the harvest is on the international migration of voice and opportunities to train related personnel.

According to the IOM website, before the Organization and China cooperation includes: keep China-EU dialogue on immigration issues; the strengthening and promotion of EU legal immigrants to prevent illegal immigration, combating trafficking; improving the lives of Chinese immigrants.

Annual report of the international arrivals by 2015 China now has 60 million overseas Chinese around the world. According to the 2014 international labor cooperation projects in China's Ministry of Commerce, there are 1 million Chinese migrants in temporary employment abroad. In this project, only in 2014 for the first six months, China dispatched 562000 people to work abroad, representing a growth of 6%. According to World Bank estimates, China is the second largest migrant remittance-receiving States.

Meanwhile, more and more foreigners are choosing to travel to China. In 2014, there were 52668100 foreigners in transit. The end of 2014, more than 663556 foreigners have received residence permits valid for six months.

With the ongoing economic restructuring, China has a huge number of internal flows of migrant workers, which is probably the largest number in the history of China. National Bureau of statistics estimates nearly 269 million migrant workers from rural areas into the growing city. In response to an increasingly mobile population, the Chinese Government is developing and strengthening border management and labor policy. Action to promote orderly migration, prevent illegal migration movements and related activities, such as people-smuggling and trafficking in persons.

Since 2007, the International Organization for migration to support the Chinese Government's efforts, official opening of the IOM Liaison Office in Beijing, through targeted technical assistance for migration management in the field. The International Organization for migration is to diversify and expand its cooperation with China.

The International Organization for migration is particularly concerned about China's massive transmigration (the peasant). Specific cooperation projects with China, including a project on the Mekong River regional flows of migrants, and a project on the phenomenon of migrant workers in Guangdong Province.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
The International Organization for migration

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中国欲入国际移民组织 分析:不会被迫接收难民|国际移民组织_新闻资讯







  陆慷还表示,国际移民组织是移民领域最重要的政府间国际组织。中国自2001年起成为该组织观察员,双方在移民管理能力建设、海外领事保护等方面开展大量务实合作,移民组织曾向受困于叙利亚、密克罗尼西亚等地的中国公民提供协助。中国是人口大国,也是移民大国,如成为国际移民组织的正式成员,将 在国际移民领域发挥更大作用,贡献中国智慧,进一步推动移民领域国际合作。

  有分析指出,加入国际移民组织,并不是签署难民地位公约,并没有规定义务。国际移民组织主要是促进国际合作和搞移民问题研究的。非法劳工也好、接收难民也好,都是国家主权,没有哪个国际组织可以强迫中国接受。中国政府加入这样一个组织,代价无非是发布一些信息、参加一些合作项目,但是收获的是国际移民 事务上的话语权和培养相关人才的机会。


  根据2015年中国国际移民年度报告,目前全世界有6000万海外华人。据2014年中国商务部的国际劳务合作项目,此外尚有一百万中国流动人 口在海外临时就业。在该项目中,仅在2014年的前六个月,中国就派出了562000人到国外工作,较上年同期增长了6%。据世界银行估计,中国是第二大移民汇款接收国。


  随着正在进行的经济转型,中国有为数巨大的内部流动农民工,这或许也是中国历史上数量最大的。国家统计局估计,将近2.69亿农民工从农村转移 到不断增长的城市。为应对日益流动的人口,中国政府正在开发和加强边境管理和劳动力流动的应对政策。也采取行动促进有序迁移,防止不合法的迁徙运动和相关 活动,如人口走私和贩卖人口。






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