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published in(发表于) 6/14/2016 7:25:10 AM
EU reportedly will be for Chinese State-owned enterprises to improve standard of review



EU against Chinese State-owned enterprises by exposure to increase review | sea | EU regulators _ State-owned enterprises news

Before the headquarters of the European Union identifies flags for the EU. (Photo: Reuters)

  Summary: a decision of the European Union sharply raise the threshold for Chinese State-owned enterprises to buy European assets, or influenced the chemical with $ 43 billion takeover of Switzerland agrochemical company Syngenta deals. The deal is China's biggest foreign acquisition so far.

  Reference news June 14 British media said, in the European Commission for a recent rule plans to buy European assets of State-owned enterprises in China, the move is of great significance, such acquisition will face more regulatory scrutiny in the future.

Reuters reported on June 13, France EDF (EDF) and China Guangdong nuclear power Group (CGN) applications to set up a joint venture company, has sole discretion over EU antitrust issues found after the approval of the European Commission, CGN central agency with the management of State-owned enterprises in China--are not independent relationship between State-owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. The EU believes that the Executive Committee has the right to decide whether the deal would be released.

Reportedly, this means that the Commission can consider whether to decide to trade upon the passage, not only to see CGN revenue for itself, but also depends on the sum of all revenues of China's State-run energy company.

In this way, turnover of CGN is automatically above the size threshold of EU merger review, for those who might be considering buying assets in Europe, it saw no need for the regulatory approval of China's State-owned enterprises struck a warning.

Reports, usually in mergers in the EU, only mergers and acquisitions revenue of more than € 250 million (US $ 281 million), total global revenue of more than $ 5 billion at the same time, the European Commission will be to review the merger.

If CGN's revenues did not exceed the threshold of 250 million euros, but if State-owned energy companies in China as a whole, certainly higher than this standard.

Although the ruling announced in April, almost no one paid attention to the details, but for Chinese enterprises and its takeover target law firms have issued a warning to the customer in the past few weeks. They said this decision could put Chinese State-owned enterprises in Europe, how big is the business, you need to apply the EU's merger review in order for the transaction to add obstacles to, or at least delaying the acquisition of Chinese State-owned enterprises.

  Of takeovers in Europe and raised political concerns over

Reported that the incident was because Chinese companies--most of which are State-owned enterprises, in the acquisition of more than $ 200 billion in foreign assets in the past 18 months, in Europe and the United States caused some political concerns.

France and Germany politicians worried about the rapid advance of Chinese companies in Europe, France President Francois hollande against Shanghai Jin Jiang group holding France hotel group Accor (Accor) acquisition.

European Commission approved in March the CGN-EDF joint-venture plan, but waves are comprehensive analysis report released in April, the report explains why the European Commission approved the deal.

Reported that the CGN's case marked the first time the European Commission stated that the Chinese Government controls everywhere, all State-owned enterprises in one industry should be viewed as a single entity.

"The CGN's decision shows that, for the Chinese State-owned enterprises to participate in trade of the European Commission's intention to review," Hogan Lovells Beijing partner Adrian Emch said.

CGN does not reply to a Reuters request for comment, the company said in documents submitted to the European Commission its independent operation. The State-owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council did not reply to requests for comment by Reuters.

Reports said some European and United States policy makers China's largest foreign acquisition pose a national security risk, prompting United States foreign investment Review Committee (CFIUS) review, and in some cases limit trading.

According to Thomson Reuters data, in the past 18 months the foreign acquisition of domestic firms at least 50% involves State-owned wholly or part of the holding company.

  Approval process is likely to become more complicated

According to a source familiar with the matter said the European Union, the European Commission's decision does not set a new precedent, but more clearly reflect the Executive Committee for the idea of the background of these State-owned Chinese enterprises. "This likely to be the basis for such acquisitions in the future," the sources said.

Lawyers say, their recommendations to the Chinese State-owned clients now is, even if those customers that transaction does not meet the EU's merger review threshold or communicating with the European Commission, especially if these enterprises operating in China's energy sector.

Reports, if not submitted applications to obtain a license to trade, is likely to incur a huge fine. For example, in 2014, the European Commission asked Norway salmon farming company Marine Harvest out 20 million euros in fines, the company merged with competitor without EU approval.

"This is definitely a example of such a case in the future," Freshfields China's anti-monopoly law was responsible for the head of one of Nicholas French says, "if it is in State-owned enterprises in the energy sector, they must come up with concrete evidence to refute the Commission's analysis. ”

Reports for those applying for assessment of mergers and acquisitions business, the approval process may become more complicated, the European Union will be asked to provide additional information, acquisition of assets of State-owned enterprises in Europe that its holding company structure. Due to China's State secrets laws are very strict, to do so may be difficult.

Attitude in the European Union or indeed affect China chemical with $ 43 billion takeover of Switzerland agrochemical company Syngenta (Syngenta) transactions. The deal is China's biggest foreign acquisition so far, lawyers say approval may take longer, and may need to provide additional information.

"Review of level may increase. If a large number of State-owned enterprises are required to provide specific information, then the merger application to the EU could be more difficult, "United Kingdom think tank Institute for Statecraft, Professor Alan Riley said.

"Think about the Chinese chemical industry, the company is likely to face the demanding requirements of the Board, the Board may want to provide them with at least one other biological and agricultural information associated with State-owned enterprises, they can only hope there is not a lot of overlap. ”

Source: references

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
State-owned enterprises out of the EU regulation

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  参考消息网6月14日报道 英媒称,欧盟执委会针对近期一项中国国有企业收购欧洲资产的计划作出裁决,此举意义重大,今后这类收购行动将面临更多监管审查。

  据 路透社6月13日报道,法国电力集团(EDF)与中国广核集团有限公司(CGN)申请成立合资公司,对欧盟反垄断问题拥有唯一裁量权的欧盟执委会审核后认 定,CGN与中国管理国营企业的中央机构——国务院国有资产监督管理委员会之间并非独立关系。因此欧盟认为,执委会有权决定这宗交易能否被放行。





  虽 然这项裁定在4月公布时几乎没人注意到细节,但为中国企业及其收购目标提供服务的律师事务所已在过去几周向客户发出了警告。他们称,这项决定可能让中国国 有企业无论在欧洲的业务规模有多大,都需要申请欧盟的并购审查,从而为交易增添障碍,至少是推迟了中国国有企业提出的收购计划。






  “CGN案的决定表明,欧盟执委会对于中国国企参与交易的审查意向,”Hogan Lovells律师事务所驻北京的合伙人Adrian Emch表示。







  报道称,假如不提交申请获得许可就进行交易,有可能会招致巨额罚单。例如在2014年时,欧盟执委会就向挪威三文鱼养殖公司Marine Harvest开出了2000万欧元的罚单,因该公司未经欧盟审批就与竞争对手合并。

  “这肯定是未来此类案例的前车之鉴,”Freshfields律所负责中国反垄断业务的负责人之一Nicholas French称,“如果是能源行业的国有企业,他们必须拿出具体的证据来驳倒执委会的分析。”



  “审查级别可能会提高。假如大量的国有企业都要提供具体的企业信息,则向欧盟提出并购申请可能会更加棘手,”英国智库Institute for Statecraft的教授Alan Riley称。



责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

国企出海 欧盟监管


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