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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/6/15 6:14:10
Average annual salary of 800,000? Detailed analysis of Huawei wages



Average annual salary of 800,000? Detailed analysis of Huawei-Huawei wages, average wages-IT information

Huawei wages appear high. In fact, behind this income not only is he a man of dedication, is paid for the whole family. Million or more people, that accounts for Huawei's nearly 170,000 employees 6%.

"Huawei" became a media Buzzword. "Company man" become the object of Internet users and groups. Even their wages have been sensitive issues such as desensitization and exposure on the Internet. We are often a variety of statistics on average, and this one is no exception. Huawei a year was "800,000 per capita". This is an impressive number. However, I'm around a lot of Huawei people laugh smile and say, "sorry, I was dragging. ”

"The 800,000 per capita" until there is another article issued by those engaged in the real estate network statistics "Huawei million by more than 10,000 people." Of these claims, Huawei official channels did not respond. Huawei people's reaction would be calm. Not calm were onlookers, curious babies to families of inquire about Huawei and preconceived exclaimed: "Wow, your husband salary is so high! ”

More extreme examples, it is said that some families refer to net income, to his account and suspected her husband had hidden among the 5 million of the 4 million . Couple mutual suspicion, the couple nearly divorce.

I think in addition to the company's HR and finance departments, as well as outside the Department, and outsiders who do not have super powers or privileges, said details of income to China.

Might as well let me-one of the families of its staff, from the emotional case based on Huawei's high wage is not high.

At dinner, the boy said: "MOM, I feel I am not the father of a son, (I) like father () son, Dad either working overtime or on business, either travel or overtime, either working overtime or call is not with me. "--This is the original photo I posted of a 6-year old children to work in Huawei's father complained.

Huawei employee's kids, caught up with my father one day do not work overtime, will be putting together my dad walk in the community, such as in "the walk dad." In the words child fuck "is for friends to see, I also have a father." Children's complaints and actions, both innocent and poignant. Who doesn't want to work with my family the child. The point is, Huawei employees, seven out of 10 o'clock in the morning, met at project, and slept through the night at the Office. After work went home children have taken up the grunt, out the next morning, the child may not be getting up. Someone said, who told you to get so high salary? Or that deal don't do it. Oh, that easy. And life in the workplace is not a simple "Yes" or "no" can be easily selected.

In the so-called high-wage, including Huawei who leave with their families, with their children grown. Because they work long, partner at home, Huawei families had to abandon his original work, family reunification, care for the children. Child's daily diet, education and counselling, which are inseparable from the companionship and supervision of parents.

June 30-somethings c couple is its staff, there is a 1 year old baby. Once upon a time the child left to care for the elderly, poor generation to raise concerns as our children grow and prominent. The couple had to make a choice. So Mrs c gave up its work meant the family annual incomes decrease of 300,000 yuan. C June a person's income to feed the family.

Like Huawei Technologies, giving up her job back home and the other half in number. The upbringing and education of children cannot afford to delay, Huawei employees work, forcing the other party had to give up career earnings and career fulfillment.

Huawei families have several things in common, one of which is "strong". This powerful psychological and behavior patterns. At home a lot of things, such as buying a House decoration, children's education, companionship, family matters, human contacts, and so on up to the families to deal with. Other half too busy, no time to take into account, gradually, Huawei's family (usually a woman) becomes more and more like a man. From conception to production, husband at her side to check the number of fingers. I "enjoyed" twice and relatives is specified must be present for the first time "solid b-." Second, of the production. Husband than long-term assignment overseas, from the families of prenatal to birth her husband has been absent, I'm happy.

Huawei wages appear high. In fact, behind this income not only is he a man of dedication, is paid for the whole family. This objectively caused Huawei Huawei's high dependency of family groups, will pay more attention to news about Huawei, Huawei's every appearance, families with proud. Other half works well or not, naturally also affects the family's nerves. Massive 170,000 employees of Huawei, and family size are considerable. Huawei family groups, becoming a sociological phenomenon: families own super, but created its own economic benefits cannot be quantified, it is a group full of irony, "strong and weak" in contrast. Family care Huawei's performance, and each step of the development are also familiar with the other half of the work, income and so on. Families of Huawei and Huawei, have to some extent share a sense of common destiny.

Knowledge through on-line articles, many people also know that Huawei wages made up of three pieces: base salary, stock options and bonuses. These three components are the individual's income level, specific jobs, as well as the complete project performance to determine. Base pay and allotment amounts at each rank there are caps.

Enter Huawei d June 2013 graduate, joined the service at the starting salary 8000, arrest five around 7000 Yuan a month after insurance payments, excluding rent, living expenses, half still live. After 6 months of probation, salary adjustment for 10,000 yuan, 500 Yuan more than the also recruits students. And, where this part is consistent with Huawei recruits pay in other cities. Living costs in Wuhan and Shenzhen can compete? Obviously not. Three years later, d-June increased the wages only once. Because of its level just beginning-level – level 13, cannot enjoy the rights issue for the time being, naturally there would be no bonuses. Bonus depends on his evaluation, and completion of the project. Overall, d June is about more than 200,000 a year. He said the students to work with him on other Internet company's income, but the latter so much overtime without Huawei.

Huawei with three years of work, want to buy Huawei base near the 40-square-meter room, about 2 million or so. 500,000 down payment monthly payment nearly million. "Haven't thought about buying a House for the time being. "D said, somewhat shy look on his face.

Also didn't speak about the sky-high price of high quality degree House. Two Futian, Nanshan District, Shenzhen quality degrees, and average price per square meter has exceeded 100,000. With an area of 100 square meters, for example, price is closer to 12 million. 5 million down payment, a loan of 7 million, and 20 months for close to 50,000. Huawei people pay special attention to children's education, aware that economic pressure is spot, to solve the problem of children to school, have to clench their teeth and start buying.

In the face of high prices, high income are clouds.

Online articles around, only high-level employees of Huawei's income, is indeed dazzling. Such high-level high income family members of its staff are referred to as "sister". We envy, nor too many jealous at all. Because of different product lines, different jobs, different individuals or different leadership to complete different projects will make everyone's income has a big difference. By comparison, expatriate overseas earlier, personal fight, or a good relationship with the leadership, active person, someone who can get a good project, income would be better. Even if Huawei million more people, that total to nearly 170,000 employees, the company 6%.

Huawei issued at the beginning of April each year on year dividend and bonus. There, putting together local tax Department should meet the wave of hefty taxes. Looking at my husband's money, after tax less a majority, and as a civil servant neighbors laughed at Huawei's husband's overtime, we, as a family, how can we not feel that society is absurd?

Starting in 2014, the virtual withdrawal of restricted shares from Huawei incentive model, and TUP (Time Unit Plan)-unit of time planning, namely cash-reward type of deferred allocation plans to replace. Compared with the former stock option motivation mechanism, this equity allocation of benefit, employees do not need payment of principal. 2015-Huawei virtual restricted stock valued at 6.81 Yuan per share, if an employee were assigned 10,000 shares, in accordance with the previous mode of operation, employees must pay purchase 68100. Enjoy bonus the following year. After the introduction of TUP, employees purchase shares of principal, but the grant for a period of 5 years. Four years before profit sharing, v value of annual dividend plus cash, equity incentive to terminate. As dividends each year, depending on the corporate profits of the previous year. Highest dividend year is 2012, 2.98 Yuan per share. We are very excited for a while. In recent years down to 2 Yuan less. Share price-dividend ratio, value and worth, own an account within each one, but the tax must be paid. This is not, in April this year, a Department employee bonus tax and dividend tax has to Dongguan.

Many years ago, Huawei's headquarters move from Nanshan to Sakata, selling newspapers near the Nanshan Huawei sold that year disc hawker stalls, blue card bus driver (illegally) followed by. Huawei, they can make a living. A joke says that they have hupenghuanyou to Huawei Sakata Al Qaeda money. "Huawei, people stupid money, fast! "I don't know why, write here, I suddenly thought of the old joke many years ago.

Huawei wages high? All the families and all the spectators, what do you think?

平均年薪真能80万?详细分析华为工资 - 华为,平均工资 - IT资讯





















从2014年起,从前的虚拟受限股渐渐退出华为的激励模式,而以TUP(Time Unit Plan)——时间单位计划,即现金奖励型的递延分配计划取代之。与从前的股权激励机制相比,这种股权分配的好处是,员工不需要支付股票本金。2015年度华为虚拟受限股票价值为6.81元每股,如果某员工获配1万股,按照从前的操作方式,员工必须自掏腰包68100元进行购买。次年享受分红。实行TUP之后,员工个人不再购买股票本金,但授予期为5年。前四年拿分红,第五年分红加兑现增值部分,股权激励终止。至于每年分红多少,则视上年度公司利润而定。分红最高的年份是2012年,每股2.98元。大家很是为此兴奋了一阵子。这几年回落至2元不到。股价与分红的比例,值与不值,每人心中自有一笔账,但税是一定要交的。这不,今年4月份,某部门员工的年终奖和股票分红税收已经交到东莞地税了。



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