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published in(发表于) 2016/6/16 6:41:26
College entrance examination in Beijing marking: 0 points essay, write-only 1 Word



College entrance examination in Beijing marking: 0 points essay writing 1 Word only | | college entrance examination in Beijing _ news

The Beijing News (Xinhua yellow Ying) entrance reading halfway, zero and perfect composition of Chinese dazuowen have appeared. June 15 languages quiz team, there is zero writing for Jack, write-only a title or unrelated sentences. However, circulating on the Internet of "zero writing" is not really a zero score composition, is from the hand of users, and some around for many years.

The same day, Tsinghua University's entrance was opened for the first time scoring points in mathematics.

23rd, at 12 o'clock to check scores and rankings

9th 2016 in Beijing marking the official start of college entrance examination, is expected to end on 22nd.

Examination Yuan yesterday, needed scoring a total of about 205,000 copies this year, according to the Organization of work, will be released on 23rd at 12 o'clock the college entrance examination scores and rankings, big batch accepted the minimum control points and score a segment will also be released to the community on the same day. 25th, at 8 o'clock to 29th 20 o'clock, exam candidates to declare their undergraduate volunteers, single exam candidates volunteer.

  Read a teacher induction tests

As of 15th, the college entrance examination marking halfway, 1123 from the selection of teachers in the city is tense marking.

Examination Yuan official, checking of college entrance examination this year to further increase of the teaching and research staff and secondary school teachers selection ratio, teachers at district level has been increased, and more than half of the total number, more than the number of teachers in colleges and universities for two consecutive years. District grading teachers, in previous years and was named outstanding teacher for marking as a priority will increase personnel selection. Evaluation of single volume 30, all university teachers.

According to reports, formally marking the former will subject above the title leader of the Organization in charge of the Working Group focused study of the answers and scoring criteria, through a comment on common understanding. After the marking for all teachers by subjects working group focusing on business training through practical examination before formal induction to prevent bias in the marking process width, or the phenomenon of varying severity.

Meanwhile, this year subject to continue to full implementation of the "back-to-back double assessment" every quantitative sampling, to ensure that marking to scientific and accurate.

  Mathematics of Tsinghua University marking the first opening

Online marking of this year's college entrance examination in Beijing marking the continuation of all subjects, Tsinghua University's 15th at 14 o'clock opening sets for the first time in the school's math quiz.

In marking the site entrance, an electronic display screen tips mobile phones, watches and even smart bracelet and other devices need to be stored in the door into scoring points is required to pass through a security gate, and then examined by staff with handheld scanners.

Checking room, dozens of teachers ' computer screens found volume one by one. Here be closed management, all of whom required admission with valid documents. And since this year is still runs online marking, ' place of the network are connected by a local area network and external network to implement the physical partition, that is, inside and outside the network, so as to ensure smooth network security to ensure information security, to prevent viruses and hackers.

In addition, all respondents information server in a dedicated room, marking a database backup management, off-site storage. While banning marking teachers record candidates ' reply and exposed, and also privately view the marking and candidate results.


Mathematical volume: problem-solving than the answer ""

Math out of the college entrance examination this year, 150 minutes, 40 of which are divided into multiple choice, computer will be "liable to a volume"; the remaining 110 non-multiple choice questions, manual sentence volumes.

Math checking group-related charge, marking this year still "back-to-back" double evaluation mechanism, at least two teachers review. Such as the score is not up to the standard will go into "three evaluation", "three on" failed to enter arbitration.

Meanwhile, on the normal volume in proportion to the conduct of inspections, the charge, spot checks of more than 30% this year. As for "three marking" and "special" (each question score, 0 points) papers, 100% will be reviewed.

Math questions how to get high marks in question, the official said, more emphasis on evaluation of the problem-solving process this year, that is more important than the answers, "right, calculation error thrown will not be too many, can get the most points", he said, is the wrong answers to the correct answer, with only some scoring.

He explained that this is because the marking is more concerned about students ' thinking processes and mastery of knowledge, the answer right there will be a certain amount of luck involved, "there is only one right answer see the students ' thought processes".

Even more so to answer multiple questions, problem-solving process properly is the key to picking up points.

  Language volume: micro-composition component lead

Chinese college entrance marking groups of related charge, need to read the comments on language in the city this year nearly 50,000 volumes. Great composition, select "old cavity" has more than 30,000 copies, select the "bookmark" has more than 20,000 copies, overall rate of 64, last year overwhelmingly chosen "if I and States and the United Kingdom one day a male" is different.

Marking marking this year a total of 296 personnel involved in language, divided into 22 groups, there are 10 Office for knowledge question quiz, 12 Office for essay scoring (including micro-composition), in principle, the Group remained stable, but writing does not allow temporary adjustments within the group.

In marking Qian, proposition group will and marking group communication questions and reference answers, problem leader and leader also will "to body questions", on topics has effective feel Hou, again for specific papers for full sampling try assessment, find sample volume, formed clear, and specification, and for operation of score rules and description Hou, determine sample volume and rules sent marking led group report, through Hou again for specification and developed teachers training volume, eventually only into all teachers are assessment stage. Marking period, will also from time to time, indeterminate test verification made by the group, and master the process to prevent the first song immediately after the happening.

Examination Yuan-related charge, marking subjective due to composition in respect of "back-to-back double on" mode at the same time, marking group will also develop a threshold, "averaged within the threshold, threshold into the three assessment, also entered the final arbitration must not be" of a threshold is based on the topic of openness and the score is determined.

"Three rating also exceeds a threshold value, description of different disputes and plurality of views", the official said, this composition be careful marking to ensure fairness. He also disclosed that the threshold set by Beijing in recent years as small as possible, so Beijing for composition in the exams of three assessment rate has been high, to uphold the ' teacher of different views.

Out of composition and the zero points of concern composition problem, language reading group official said, at present two situations have occurred, "zero composition is mainly blank, write a title or write a sentence are not relevant".

In full marks composition aspects, micro-composition than big composition more, especially for select "load" a problem of students, average branch slightly high, "dared to select problem of are is good children, worth encourages", he said, in papers distinguish degrees lower, composition scores "belly" situation Xia, marking group dared to playing high playing low, as will scores distribution "tore", to enhanced distinguish degrees.


Zero online essay "outflow"

A year after college entrance examination, there will be all sorts of "zero writing" or "perfect composition" circulating on the Internet, but according to the provisions on confidentiality, ' not out of any relevant papers of the content.

So what do these essays outgoing? 15th, Examination Yuan official, Beijing each year published in anthology form excellent books after college entrance examination, but according to the Ministry of education provided through formal procedures related to publishing.

As regards the recent outgoing "zero writing", the official said, are not really candidates compositions, "is from the hand of an expert," he jokes, and even some "zero writing" has been around for many years.

But in the examination room, only one word does not write or write-only a nothing Word, "enough" zero writing "standards".

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Beijing University entrance exam

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The Beijing News
北京高考阅卷:0分作文已产生 只写1句话|北京|高考_新闻资讯

  新京报讯 (记者黄颖)高考阅卷时间已经过半,语文大作文的零分和满分作文均已出现。6月15日语文阅卷组介绍,目前出现的零分作文情况为交白卷、只写一个标题或者不相关的句子。不过网上流传的“零分作文”并不是真正的零分作文,是出自网友之手,有的还流传了许多年。
















  数学卷 :解题过程比答案易“拿分”










  在 阅卷前,命题组会与阅卷组沟通试题和参考答案,题组长和小组长还会“以身试题”,对题目有切实感受后,再针对具体试卷进行全面抽样试评,找出样卷,形成明 确、规范、适合操作的评分细则与说明后,确定样卷与细则送阅卷领导小组报告,通过后再进行规范并制定教师培训卷,最终才进入全体教师正评阶段。阅卷期间, 还会不定时、不定组发测试卷核验,并准确掌握进度以防止前松后紧的情况发生。











责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

北京 高考


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