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published in(发表于) 2016/6/16 6:41:32
Exposure in China India soldier conflict details: India after the officer got the chocolate down



Exposure in China India soldier conflict details: India subsided after the officer got the chocolate soldiers | | |-India _ the conflict news

Original title: exposed details of Indian soldiers in conflict: India after the officer got the chocolate down

[World Wide Web Reporter Tan Liya] India media recently hyped Chinese soldiers entered the disputed region of Southern Tibet in China and India, some of the details about this event was exposed again. According to the India press trust reported on June 15, in this case, short conflict between soldiers of the two countries, but India army has said that the conflict is not. Allegedly, in the end, India after a commander to get China to chocolate, and conflict resolution.

According to India the official description of the incident, the incident occurred on June 9, there were a total of 276 soldiers tried in Southern Tibet, China 4 locations to control line India side. Conflict is "Karl? g", located in the Yangtze River area south Tibet and India on the control line, China's people's Liberation Army said the area belongs to China.

When Chinese soldiers, stationed in the India army dispatched soldiers in the past, trying to stop the "ambition" of people's Liberation Army across the control line. Allegedly, some 215 people's Liberation Army soldiers attempt to Karl? Kerry mentioned this place to break forward, at the same time there are other total 61 soldiers tried three other locations, respectively. "Official sources" said the two sides during this conflict.

India army official said Indian soldier Karl? East Kerry just happened "minor conflict".

According to reports, the event finally subsided: met 4 PLA officials, accompanied by a translation in the area of one India fleet commanders of the army, and then gave him two bags of chocolate and a gift bag.

India media reported that Chinese soldiers "invasion" event, spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry Lu Kang 15th responded. "Sino-Indian border has not been demarcated. "Lu Kang said. He also pointed out that, according to the Chinese side to understand, Chinese border troops in the control line that the Chinese side to carry out routine patrols.

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Printed chocolate soldier conflict

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  [环球网报道 记者 谭利娅]印度媒体日前炒作中国士兵进入中印有争议的藏南地区,有关此事件的一些细节再被曝光。据印度报业托拉斯6月15日报道,此次事件中,两国士兵曾发生短暂冲突,不过印度陆军方面表示,此次冲突规模并不大。据称,最后,印度一名指挥官拿到中方给的巧克力之后,冲突化解。


  当时见到中国士兵前来,驻扎在这里的印度陆军迅速派遣士兵过去,尝试阻止“雄心壮志”的解放军穿越实控线。据称,大约215名解放军士兵尝试从尚卡尔?提克里这一地点突围前行,与此同时还有其他共计61名士兵分别尝试通过另外三个地点前进。 “官方消息人士”称,双方就是在此期间发生冲突。



  针对印度媒体报道的这起中国士兵“入侵”事件,中国中国外交部发言人陆慷15日也做了回应。 “中印边界尚未划定。”陆慷说。他并指出,据中方了解,中国边防部队是在实控线中方一侧开展例行巡逻。


士兵 冲突 中印 巧克力


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