XI Jinping, pay martyrs of the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade at the expense
[XI visit died in the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade martyrs] red flag fluttering, green grass. XI Jinping and his wife Peng arrived in Serbia Hou, came to the site of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed, Rite of martyrs died in the Embassy bombing. Nicolici, accompanied by the President pay tribute. On the site, stands a monument to the new black, "remembering the martyrs cherish peace," 8 words grave and solemn. The two heads of State placed a wreath at the advanced finishing ribbon. National anthem was played, passionate music echoing. 17 years ago, and the memories, scenes come to mind. History cannot be forgotten, peace will always cherish.
[Plug in Belgrade attended by heads of State of China Cultural Centre foundation stone laying ceremony] sunny June Belgrade, site of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed to assume new missions, will be built here a message of peace and friendship of the Chinese cultural center. President XI Jinping Nicolici common cornerstones of Earth for the China Cultural Center. As the first China Culture Center in the Balkans, it will be the window of the local people's understanding of Chinese culture.
(Editors: Hao Long UN654)
2016-06-17 23:41:10
China News Network
[习近平凭吊中国驻南联盟使馆被炸事件中牺牲烈士]红旗猎猎,绿草如茵。习近平主席和夫人彭丽媛抵达塞尔维亚后,来到中国驻南联盟被炸使馆旧址,凭吊使馆被炸事件中牺牲的烈士。尼科利奇总统陪同凭吊。旧址上,伫立着一块簇新的黑色纪念碑,“缅怀烈士 珍爱和平”8个字庄重肃穆。两国元首敬献花圈,一同趋前整理缎带。国歌奏响,激昂乐曲久久回荡。17年前的悲壮记忆,一幕幕涌上心头。历史不容忘却,和平永远珍惜。
[中塞元首共同出席贝尔格莱德中国文化中心奠基仪式]6月的贝尔格莱德阳光明媚,中国驻南联盟被炸使馆旧址承担起新的使命,这里将建起传递和平与友谊的中 国文化中心。习近平主席同尼科利奇总统共同为中国文化中心的奠基石培土。作为巴尔干地区首个中国文化中心,它将成为当地民众了解中国文化的窗口。
(责任编辑:郝龙 UN654)
2016-06-17 23:41:10