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published in(发表于) 2016/6/21 9:33:52
Chinese netizens against sitting in bijie city, Guizhou province, the Government case, asking 177 million aid to



Chinese netizens accuse Government sat for questioning, bijie city, Guizhou province, 177 million aid to children left | | |, bijie city bailout _ news

Original title: ask 177 million children left in bailout funds go netizens accuse Government of bijie city of the hearing

Cover journalists Bo Liang

About 177 million left-behind children, bijie city, Guizhou province, the use of Special Relief Fund last July, leading online whistle-blowers Zhou Xiao赟 apply to the bijie City Government to make public the funds "financial audit". Bijie city 7 replies from the Government. Zhou Xiao赟 think the answer, once again filed an application for administrative reconsideration to the Guizhou Provincial Government, which is rejected. Last December, Zhou Xiao赟 a lawsuit, bijie City Government and the Guizhou Provincial Government to court. In January, the official filing of the Guiyang municipal intermediate people's Court.

On June 20, Zhou Xiao赟 to cover news, Guiyang has been sent a summons to determine if this "mingaoguan" administrative litigation will be held on June 28 in the Guiyang Intermediate Court two proper trial by the Court.

  The tragedy raised questions

Time to go back to June 9, 2015. That night, bijie city, Guizhou province, Tian Kan Township, qixing districts, killed 4 children left at home. The four children are one brother and three younger sisters, big brother is 13 years old, the youngest sister was 5 years old. Following a preliminary investigation, local police conclude collective drank pesticide is suspected suicide.

When public grieving for a child suicide, well-known whistle-blowers Zhou Xiao赟 push the eye back into the network through 2012. That year, also in bijie, 5 deaths of children left in the bin. According to media reports, after the tragedy, bijie Government set up a left-behind child care funds, "from now on, bijie city, County (district) fiscal year will take out about 60 million Yuan funds to benefit the life difficult for left-behind children, for them to buy school supplies, repair housing to improve their living conditions and provide medical help."

60 million per year by 2015 is 180 million! So much has happened to use? Has not publicly. Zhou Xiao赟 and decided, bijie city to seek information from the Government.

Zhou Xiao-Yun of doubt is in stark contrast, only in the year 2015, in bijie of Guizhou province a spate of tragic events of 6 children:

On May 5, 2015, qixing districts, bijie city, Guizhou province, Tian BA Yang Dazhi town advanced elementary school principal sexually assaulted 6 left-behind girl, was sentenced to death.

On June 9, 2015, bijie city, Guizhou qixing districts, 4 children left-behind children death by taking poison.

On July 4, 2015, nayong, bijie city, Guizhou province, killed 15 students left behind have been beaten and school when security guards witnessed the incident but did not stop.

On August 4, 2015, Shao Wo Xiang, nayong, bijie city, Guizhou province, two more than 10 years of left-behind children in the home were killed, and several knives.

On September 7, 2015, qianxi County, bijie city, Guizhou province, two left-behind girl, aged 14, 16 from the school back to the village, on the road "was pulling away."

On September 17, 2015, the party members, the Deputy Director of the Guizhou Provincial Development Research Center Cai Fushun was dismissed, CAI revealed more than adultery, sex with underage girls, and asked "did you 15-18 friend in bijie was a Virgin."

"These, what do a good job is to explain the left-behind children, bijie city, or is doing bad? So, I as a member of the ordinary citizen and would like to know how children Fund is spent. This is a citizen's right to know. "Zhou Xiao赟 said.

  Reply to "answer"

On June 16, 2015, Zhou Xiao赟 exposed to bijie City Government for "left-behind children, bijie city Special Relief Fund (also known as the left-behind children caring Fund, bijie City) audited financial reports, annual reports, third-party assessment report implementation effect". On July 9, 2015, bijie City Government said in the reply, the Government does not exist.

"Does not exist! Grounds that it was not charity, but rather special funds. However, the Government special funds, we should publicize budget reports and other financial information, even excludes Sun books every year, bijie City Government why don't you open it? "For this, Zhou Xiao赟 is not acceptable. On July 22, 2015, Zhou Xiao赟 of bijie city continues to apply to the Government to make public the funds budget reports, property reports, audit reports and other information on the accounts, ask the money trail.

On July 26, 2015, bijie financial information network announced the city's use of the Special Fund for caring for children left in 2013-2015, says city and County, bijie city in the 3 years financial 8% by compressing the administration of public funds in public institutions, establishment of a special fund for caring left-behind children, 3 years total 177.24 million Yuan. At this time, Zhou Xiao赟 know the Fund amounted to 177.24 million Yuan.

This application, bijie City Government to respond. However, Zhou Xiao赟 of content is still not satisfied with the reply. He said that total number of replies is to tell a few. For example, "2013 bailout payment 3.44 million Yuan, improving the learning environment 26.13 million Yuan, improving living conditions of 21.59 million Yuan." "Which is also called open? Student dormitories, cafeterias, where? I applied for a public project name, location, schedule, budget reports, inspection reports, more information, where is it? ”

Based on this, on October 8, 2015, Zhou Xiao赟 again brought to the Guizhou Provincial Government administrative review, requested the Government of bijie city, Guizhou Provincial Government be ordered to disclose information 7 applications open. However, on December 7 last year dismissed the provincial Government of Guizhou province, and Government of bijie city on 7 specific administrative act to enforce decisions.

  Sued the provincial government

Zhou Xiao赟 believes that Government disputed answer book, bijie city, as well as administrative reconsideration decision made by the Guizhou Provincial Government, are finding the facts are not clear, error of law, serious violations of the People's Republic of China Government information relevant provisions of the Ordinance.

To safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and the public's right, Zhou Xiao赟, bijie city, Guizhou Provincial Governments on 7 specific administrative acts, together with Institute 7 administrative proceedings in the two cases, sued the Hospital of Guiyang. On January 8 this year, he received the Guiyang City Hospital on January 6 in the case of notification of acceptance. On January 12, after the Zhou Xiao赟 costs, case to be officially registered.

Recently, Zhou Xiao赟 received two summonses from Guiyang intermediate court. Date issued the summons on June 16, 2016.

First summons to confirm, 9:30 A.M. June 27, Zhou Xiao赟 versus disclosure of Government information in the two held court before the Court the evidence Exchange in Guiyang. Second summons confirmed June 28 9:30 A.M., Guiyang intermediate court will be hearing the case.

  Expert view

  Zhou Xiao-Yun bijie city sued the Government and the Guizhou Provincial Government information open case concerns.

Zhongnan University Professor Yeh said the case involves special funds, government expenditure, according to the Auditing Act, should receive auditing supervision; if there are no audit, in violation of the relevant provisions of the audit law; if you conducted an audit, the Government chose to open information, is contrary to the relevant provisions of the regulations on disclosure of Government information, administrative omissions. Finance Bureau of bijie city openly the other day that the city's use of the Special Fund for caring for children left in 2013-2015, Yeh said that specific issues of public interest, such as in schools, canteens, personal finance is, without elaborating, citizens will still be able to apply for the relevant information public.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Bijie city of left-behind children relief fund

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Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper
中国网友告贵州省毕节市政府案开庭 追问1.77亿救助金去向|留守儿童|毕节市|救助金_新闻资讯

  原标题:追问1.77亿留守儿童救助资金去向 网友告毕节市政府将开庭

  封面新闻记者 梁波





  公众为孩子自杀悲痛之时,知名网络爆料人周筱赟将时间视线推回至2012年。当年,同样在毕节,发生5名留守儿童在垃圾箱内死亡事件。据媒体报道,这起悲剧之后,毕节政府设立了留守儿童关爱基金,“从现在起,毕节市、县(区)财政每年将拿出约6000万元经费,对生活困难的留守儿童进行补助,为他们购买学习用品,维修房 屋改善居住生活条件,并提供医疗救助等”。













  就在2015年7月26日,毕节试验区财政信息网公布了《全市 2013年-2015年留守儿童关爱专项资金使用情况》,称3年来毕节市市县两级财政通过压缩行政事业单位公用经费的8%,设立留守儿童关爱专项资金,3年共计1.7724亿元。这时,周筱赟才知道该基金共计1.7724亿元。











责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

留守儿童 毕节市 救助金


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