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published in(发表于) 2016/6/23 8:47:15
Start live broadcast on Facebook: zhakebogeyueaobamaben Friday chat technology



Start live broadcast on Facebook: zhakebogeyueaobamaben technologies-Facebook chat on Friday, Zuckerberg, an Obama-IT information

IT information news on June 23, Zuckerberg on Facebook live streaming platform mind everyone knowing, according to earlier reports, small star recently has spent US $ 50 million (about 330 million yuan), inviting media stars and traditional authority to provide webcast services, live on the Facebook platform, you can see that many exclusive attractions that broadcast content. And now, Zuckerberg asked United States President Obama offended on Friday the Facebook Live live activities, and Barack Obama will talk about topics such as technology, the Internet.

Obama will participate in the 2016 global entrepreneurship summit in paluoaoerduo, California (Global Entrepreneurship Summit), and entrepreneurs expand communication from 170 countries and regions. Facebook Live will be developed for a live program of the Summit, which Obama and Zuckerberg Facebook Live discussion on Silicon Valley's best talents and investors through science and technology innovators around the world networking topics.

Especially in Orlando shortly after the shootings, should allow the Government to get more user information via the Internet to help solve the case become the subject of heated debate, addressed this subject in this broadcast is also possible. Specific forms of activity in the current Facebook Live is not clear, I do not know whether or not to allow the audience to ask Obama questions, but can interact through Facebook Live in real time.

Facebook上开直播:扎克伯格约奥巴马本周五聊科技 - Facebook,扎克伯格,奥巴马 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月23日消息,扎克伯格对Facebook直播平台的上心人尽皆知,根据此前的报道,小札最近已经花费了5000万美元(约合人民币3.3亿元),邀请明星和传统权威媒体提供网络直播服务,因此在Facebook直播平台上,你能够看到很多独家的吸引人的直播内容。而现在,扎克伯格又邀请美国总统奥巴马于本周五参加Facebook Live的一场直播活动,将和奥巴马共聊科技、互联网等话题。

奥巴马将参加在加州帕罗奥尔多举行的2016全球创业峰会(Global Entrepreneurship Summit),与来自170个国家和地区的创业者展开沟通。Facebook Live会针对本次峰会进行一些直播活动,其中,奥巴马将和扎克伯格通过Facebook Live探讨硅谷优秀的人才和投资者如何通过科技和世界各地的科技创新者建立联系的话题。

特别是在奥兰多枪击案发生不久之后,是否应该让政府通过互联网获得更多的用户信息来帮助破案成为人们热议的话题,在本次直播中也有可能谈到这个问题。目前Facebook Live的这场活动具体形式还不清楚,不知是否允许观众现场向奥巴马提问,但可以通过Facebook Live进行实时互动。

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