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published in(发表于) 2016/6/25 12:00:58
Independence day: revenge movie experience: advertising is full of Hollywood blockbusters,



Independence day: revenge movie experience: advertising is full of Hollywood-independence day independence day back-IT information

Now 20 years ago, in 1996, led by independence day starring will Smith a Hollywood film spree, because of its extremely cool special effects and a majestic battle scenes were inspired by countless fans. Today, 20 years later, independence day: revenge Board land again, this time far more ferocious. Only the avatar, and the Lord of the rings, Warcraft effects bombed us, and anticipation of the independence day?

20 years ago a small addendum to the few cinemas in the city, screens generally are 2D, viewing experience is very bad. And now, with the popularity of 3D,IMAX, we can be shown through advanced means to experience the madness of Hollywood special effects. At the time of the release of independence day, small took a IMAX movie tickets are 55 Ocean, a person holding the popcorn in the afternoon sitting in the seat to watch Roland Emmerich for us to create a visual feast.

In 120 minutes of time in, Roland Emmerich through now most advanced of show equipment and shooting skills for we brings of unparalleled of war scenes, from people and alien Zhijian of war, to aircraft war, again to film Hou end of nuclear burst, all displayed with Hollywood movie powerful of effects and beyond all of visual experience, let people in 120 minutes of views shadow time in the immersive, seemed itself is which of one combatants, at least in film end zhihou also can short time to immersed in Grand of war scenes among.

But outside the top special effects, the independence day: return also brings us what? Independence day: revenge of adhering to the Hollywood beyond cool special effects, but follows a weak narrative features. Judging from the story, compared with the first, which renders a more powerful alien war, but multi-line times plot structure is confusing haste, such as spherical spaceship appeared bewildered in the second line, the film originally wanted to attend the last but one sector. And follow the first routine homogenization serious plot lacking ideas, American hero theme also lets the audience feel boring. At the end of the film, alien collective IQ drops is a must for the entire movie is filled with slots, since the aliens have up-to-date technology, why do not extract machine next to the military transport in the Earth's core and then waiting for the core extraction aircraft arriving at Earth?

Compared with 20 years ago, the independence day, the independence day: revenge and more commitment to the Chinese market, and can even be said to please China. Both Chiang Kai-shek, Commander in the film, and AB played a fighter pilot, then, there are the ubiquitous QQ of mengniu milk and eventually break, there are the occasional few words in Chinese conversations, seemed to suggest that the future protection of world peace is by the United States and China. May be directed to increase Chinese elements more at the box office in China. President also becomes a woman for the first time in the film, it is implied that Hillary Clinton will win in this year's presidential election? (Donald Trump has been crying Halo), maybe I think more.

Compare with Warcraft, the audience for the feelings of the independence day is much more than this beast, if you don't have a good story to support, viewers will sooner or later be immune to Hollywood special effects. In today's movie market, only the story and special effects together with each other is a good movie, independence day 1, did it, but the independence day: that it is hardly the comeback glory.

Viewing out of the cinema after the end, I discovered the world was peaceful and smooth running as usual, at least at the moment, we cannot meet the aliens attack the Earth scenes, but the end of the film the white sphere that will joint the Earth together to fight back alien, I think independence day 3 is on the way. After a few years with the release of independence day 3, maybe we were viewing using the VR device is a good choice.

Good's, last to out IT information of recommends, if you is one effects control, on like Hollywood large of war scenes and in peak of effects, so on spent a 50 Yuan buy Zhang IMAX movie votes, good to enjoy this crazy of 120 minutes's; if you on story of plot is to value, independent day: comeback may not meet you of appetite. As for other viewers, spent 30 to see Hollywood's popcorn blockbusters, and for their hard work and to learn stress reduction burden, is also a good choice.

《独立日:卷土重来》观影体验:充斥着广告的好莱坞大片 - 独立日,独立日卷土重来 - IT资讯









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