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published in(发表于) 2016/6/25 12:01:18
United Kingdom technology entrepreneurs talk about out of the EU: the profession back 30 years,



United Kingdom technology entrepreneurs talk about out of the EU: the profession back 30 years-United Kingdom out of the EU, the EU-IT information

On Friday, in a shared Office space in East London Second Home, young technology industry are discussing "United Kingdom Europe back" all impact on the referendum. Voting results showed that most young people voted in the EU, while the technology industry and many people have worried about the final vote results.

Threads Styling fashion e-commerce company CEO suofei·xier (Sohpie Hill) says: "woke up this morning, many people were shocked. "Hill grew up in the North of England. She said her home has a lot of people, especially older people vote out of the EU, she felt depressed. She said: "I always see themselves as Europeans. ”

Hill now has about 50 employees, most of them younger than 35 years old. She also plans to continue hiring. She said, "it got me thinking about a problem, is to put 100 employees here, or 50 people here and 50 in Paris. ”

In the United Kingdom after the withdrawal from the EU, many in industry are questioning, London still has the potential to achieve its objectives, shall become the global technology industry hub. They fear that leaving the EU will result in recruiting and financing more difficult.

Dating using Sup's founder liqi·pulisi (Rich Pleeth) says: "I was very shocked. This is a complete disaster. Financing difficulty rises from difficult to impossible. For an older generation rather than rational thinking to go to the polls, they will let us go back 30 years. ”

United Kingdom age distribution of voters out of the EU public opinion, red from blue representative.

London renewable energy startups Bulb co-founder, former energy industry consultant, Haydn wood (Heyden Wood) that the generation gap is the main reason of the success of the referendum. In his view, on immigration, jobs and health care, older generation get the wrong information, and concerns. He is very angry about this. While many people are worried about the long-term future of the science and technology circle, but he tried to remain optimistic. He said: "I do not believe that this result as a disaster will help. It is not clear, what will happen in the future. ”

United Kingdom the Government has invested a lot of money and energy, technology industry development London, hope technology industries can become an important complement to traditional industry. United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron announced his resignation after the referendum results are announced. In his economic policies, developing the technology industry is a key part of it.

Past lax immigration policy that promotes the development of London's technology industry. Programmers and other technology industry can be moved to London from other parts of the EU. According to the industry group "Science and technology initiatives in London," said London has about 20% of industry practitioners from other European Union countries.

"Deep down"

From the Second Home a few blocks away and have another technology to create space for The Brew Eagle House. Payment processing startup founder Dopay fulansi·fanaiersaier (Frans van Eersel) worked for Barclays Bank. He worries that, in the face of United Kingdom Europe back pressure, banks will stop investing in financial technology startups, Startup Accelerator is no longer supported.

He said: "the venture was particularly disappointing. United Kingdom financial technology platform used to be very good, but the platform may be heading in the other direction. This is the next battle. Amsterdam will appeal to these companies, Barcelona, Paris and Berlin are also attractive. ”

In East London, all operated by the Alphabet to create space Campus, the atmosphere is very depressing.

Israel Science and technology company Personetics remote yuehan·xindeli (John Hindley), said: "in this case does not help. "Xin Deli from Liverpool, and he is 25 years old girlfriend moer·xiekedi (Mor Shkedy) to Romania. Xin Deli worry, Xie Kedi can permanently resident in United Kingdom. He said: "not be able to move freely within the EU, I am deeply disappointed. ”

"The British Empire" mindset

But not everyone was worried about the results of the referendum. Nigula·tanqiefu from Fitlondoners marketing services (Nikola Tanchev) and tuode·Qi wood-Hunter (Todd Zillwood-Hunt) was using his laptop to edit video. They did not participate in the referendum, it does not mean that the referendum results would affect them and their business.

Tancev said: "I don't worry about anything. "He comes from Bulgaria. In his view, regardless of the visa policy under, he can continue in the United Kingdom because he has United Kingdom needs digital skills. Qi Wude-Hunter, said that Fitlondoners will not be adversely affected by the result of the referendum, unless the whole of London is not a city suitable for living.

Tancev considered that, from a "British Empire" of mentality left over from the times led to the referendum results. He said: "let the United Kingdom become a normal European country, which hurt their self-esteem. They are reluctant to accept it. ”

Other financial tech entrepreneurs also said that United Kingdom back in Europe is not entirely a bad thing. P2P networks founder and CEO of loan RateSetter service lidian·liuyisi of London (Rhydian Lewis) that banks are likely to tighten credit, avoiding the risks associated with the referendum results. This is an opportunity for the company.

Ximeng·kaerwo (Simon Calver) is Lovefilm co-founder, his company was bought by Amazon in 2011. Currently, he is the United Kingdom VCs BGF Ventures partner. He said, as long as the Government can back European provisions related to the agreement with the EU, Ou Gong back to vote will not destroy the United Kingdom science and technology sectors. "Even a simple policy statement, that is, it is our intention, can also help. ”

He said technology companies, is particularly important to continue to cover the European market, and a clear policy to continue hiring foreign workers.

Paying business Rvolut laolunsi·kelige, Chief Operating Officer of the company (Laurence Krieger) said the United Kingdom technology entrepreneurship should not panic. By setting up subsidiaries, they can still develop in continental Europe. London will remain a financial centre even has narrowed. "This kind of thing happens unfortunately, but it's not the end of the world. ”

英国科技创业者谈脱离欧盟:行业倒退30年 - 英国脱离欧盟,欧盟 - IT资讯

本周五,在伦敦东部的共享办公空间Second Home,年轻的科技行业从业者正在讨论“英国退欧”公投带来的各种影响。投票结果显示,年轻人大部分投票支持留在欧盟,而伦敦科技行业的许多人都对最终的投票结果忧心忡忡。

时尚电商公司Threads Styling CEO索菲·希尔(Sohpie Hill)表示:“今天早上醒来后,很多人都被震惊。”希尔在英格兰北部长大。她表示,她的老家有很多人,尤其是老年人投票支持脱离欧盟,她对此感到沮丧。她表示:“我一直自视为欧洲人。”



交友应用Sup创始人里奇·普利斯(Rich Pleeth)表示:“我感到非常震惊。这是一场彻底的灾难。融资难度将从困难上升至不可能。年龄较大的一代人出于心态而不是理性思考去投票,他们将让我们倒退30年。”


伦敦可再生能源创业公司Bulb联合创始人、前能源行业咨询师海顿·伍德(Heyden Wood)表示,代沟是使得公投成功的主要原因。他认为,关于移民、工作岗位和医疗健康,年龄较大的一代人得到了错误的信息,并感到担忧。他对此很愤怒。尽管科技圈的许多人都担心长远的未来,但伍德试图保持乐观。他表示:“我并不认为,将这一结果视为灾难将带来帮助。目前尚不清楚,未来会发生什么。”




距离Second Home几条街远的地方有另一家科技众创空间The Brew Eagle House。支付处理创业公司Dopay创始人弗兰斯·范埃尔塞尔(Frans van Eersel)曾供职于巴克莱银行。他担心,由于面对英国退欧的压力,银行将停止投资金融科技创业公司,不再支持创业加速器。



为以色列科技公司Personetics远程工作的约翰·辛德利(John Hindley)表示:“处于这种状态下毫无帮助。”辛德利来自利物浦,而他25岁的女友摩尔·谢克蒂(Mor Shkedy)来罗马尼亚。辛德利担心,谢克蒂是否还能长期居留于英国。他表示:“无法在欧盟范围内自由行动,我对此感到深深的失望。”


不过并不是所有人都对公投结果感到担心。来自营销服务Fitlondoners的尼古拉·坦切夫(Nikola Tanchev)和托德·齐伍德-亨特(Todd Zillwood-Hunt)正在用自己的笔记本编辑视频。他们并未参与公投,也并不认为公投结果会影响他们自身和他们的生意。



其他金融科技行业的创业者也表示,英国退欧并不完全是件坏事。伦敦P2P网贷服务RateSetter创始人及CEO里迪安·刘易斯(Rhydian Lewis)表示,银行有可能收紧贷款,规避公投结果带来的风险。这对该公司来说是个机会。

西蒙·卡尔沃(Simon Calver)曾是Lovefilm联合创始人,他的公司于2011年被亚马逊收购。目前,他是英国风投公司BGF Ventures的主要合伙人。他表示,只要政府能就相关的退欧条款与欧盟迅速达成协议,退欧公投就不会摧毁英国科技行业。“即使简单的政策声明,即这是我们的意图,也能带来帮助。”


支付创业公司Rvolut首席运营官劳伦斯·克里格(Laurence Krieger)表示,英国科技创业者不应恐慌。通过成立子公司,他们仍可以在欧洲大陆取得发展。伦敦仍将是金融中心,即使规模有所缩小。“这种事的发生令人遗憾,但还不是世界末日。”

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