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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:13:16
Bribery 600,000 housing fund management center of Gansu province sentenced to 4.5 years



Housing Fund Management Center, Gansu bribery 600,000 | | convicted of accepting bribes _ was sentenced to 4.5 years news

Original title: do personal benefit 600,000 of accepting bribes was sentenced to 4.5 years

Housing Fund Management Center, Gansu province, former Chief yanwanjiu kickbacks in the purchase of the Office, the final judgement of the Court

Procurement of office space, charge of Gansu province, yanwanjiu Housing Fund Management Center staff members in the procurement process, collection of homeowner rebates 600,000 yuan. Afterwards, which was used to pay off a gambling debt by yanwanjiu. Chengguan district, Lanzhou City Court of first instance sentenced yanwanjiu to 12 years of imprisonment on charges of bribery, yanwanjiu filed an appeal after sentencing. On June 24, 2016, the Lanzhou Institute released the final decision, during the court proceedings, the criminal law amendment (IX) implementation, in accordance with the relevant legal provisions, eventually convicted of first instance section, yanwanjiu revision shall be sentenced to four years and six months and fined 200,000 yuan.

600,000 to repay gambling debts of bribery trial sentenced to 12 years

After investigation, was born in 1974 in yanwanjiu, Head Office of the original Housing Fund Management Center, Gansu province. In May 2011, the purchase approved by the provincial government asked for it from the Center housing procurement of office space. On May 16 of that year, the Centre has set up a business with purchasing group, yanwanjiu members of the purchasing group. In June, yanwanjiu friend Liu about a Chengguan district of Lanzhou city, located in a building, 9/f, Luo homes for sale. Yanwanjiu after talks with Luo on behalf of units in the process of buying property, proposed to the Luo as the Centre agreed to buy, to give a rebate of 1000 Yuan per square meter, Luo, agreed. On August 25 of that year, the Centre and the Luo a sign the real estate contract of sale, contract purchase 647 square 13,150 yuan per square meter, total price of 8,508,050 Yuan. On August 31, the Luo some receive the Centre after the first purchase, 4.25 million Yuan, yanwanjiu 600,000 yuan in kickbacks.

On December 8, 2011, due to the Centre's staff were arrested for crimes were reported, prosecutors in investigation, identified a suspected of taking bribes in yanwanjiu, hence the yanwanjiu investigation. According to arrest yanwanjiu after explain the 600,000 yuan to be used to pay off their gambling debts in silver. On February 28, 2013, Chengguan district, Lanzhou City Court after the judgment of first instance, yanwanjiu refuses to appeal. On November 29, 2013, homes to some of the facts are not clear in the case of Lanzhou, ruling remanding. On September 22, 2015, Chengguan district, Lanzhou City Court made a verdict after a retrial in the case believe that personnel engaged in official business of the defendant yanwanjiu being a State-owned institution, making use of his facilities, in economic activities, in violation of State regulations and receive kickbacks, personal, his behavior had constituted the crime of taking bribes, sentenced to 12 years.

During the second trial the new law eventually commuted to four years and six months

After the verdict, said yanwanjiu refuses to appeal, without bribes, the 600,000 yuan was loans. Think final appeal court in Lanzhou, yanwanjiu is not a reason to appeal. Upheld the facts are clearly ascertained and evidence fully, applicable law is correct, when the trial court decision, according to the People's Republic of China Criminal Code provisions related to yanwanjiu the Commission of bribery and sentenced to 12 years, punishment is proper. But yanwanjiu appeal during, November 1, 2015 criminal amendment (nine) entered into force implementation, according to criminal amendment (nine) on criminal No. 386 article, and No. 383 article first paragraph (ii) items of provides and the Supreme People's Court, and highest people's Procuratorate on handle corruption bribery criminal case applies legal several problem of explained second article provides bribery 200,000 yuan above 3 million Yuan following is crime amounts huge, this case appeal people bribery amounts 600,000 yuan, Should be three to ten years following sentencing, old laws and the principle of lighter punishment under the Penal Code, and yanwanjiu family initiative during the hearing in the Court back pay 600,000 yuan illicit money, yanwanjiu may be given a lighter punishment. Accordingly, Lanzhou in the Court of final appeal and upheld the first-instance court sentences convicted part revoke part of sentencing, sentence yanwanjiu bribery and sentenced to four years and six months and fined 200,000 yuan. (Reporters Fan Li)

Source: the Western business daily

Responsible editor: Zhang Chenglei SN069

Article keywords:
Bribery jail

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  原标题:办事谋私利 受贿60万获刑四年半



  受贿60万偿还赌债 一审获刑十二年



  二审期间新法实施 最终改判四年六个月

  宣判后,闫万玖不服上诉提出称,其没有受贿,该60万元是借款。兰州中院终审认为,闫万玖的上诉理由不能成立。原判认定事实清楚,证据确实充分,适用法律正确,原审法院判决时,依据《中华人民共和国刑法》相关规定以闫万玖犯受贿罪,判处有期徒刑十二年,量刑适当。但闫万玖上诉期间,2015年11月1日《刑法修正案(九)》生效实施,根据《刑法修正案(九)》对刑法第三百八十六条、第三百八十三条第一款(二)项的规定及《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理贪污贿赂刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第二条规定受贿20万元以上300万元以下属犯罪数额巨大,本案上诉人受贿数额60万元,应在三年以上十年以下量刑,根据刑法从旧兼从轻原则,且在法院审理期间闫万玖家属主动退缴60万元赃款,可对闫万玖从轻处罚。据此,兰州中院终审,维持一审法院刑事判决定罪部分,撤销量刑部分,判决闫万玖犯受贿罪,判处有期徒刑四年六个月,并处罚金20万元。 (记者 樊丽)


责任编辑:张承磊 SN069

受贿 获刑


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