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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:13:45
Hunan’s huayuan County, 147 pupils in excessive urinary mercury, 1 suspect is controlled



Hunan's huayuan County, 147 pupils in excessive urinary mercury 1 suspects pupils in huayuan County in Hunan province by control | | | mercury exceeded _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, June 26 (reporter)-26th from Hunan province, huayuan County Government Office was informed that Ma Li Jiao Chang Zhen Center primary school of the recent mercury pupils causing allergic contact dermatitis, with the increase of urine samples, urine mercury exceeded the further increase in the number of primary school students. As of 26th afternoon, school a total of 719 cases submitted urine samples, check make check; 561 students in cases of complete urinary mercury, which exceeded 147 cases. Excessive urine mercury student hospitalized for 142 people, has been discharged from hospital 5. Remaining samples that are not testing all detection results in the near future.

At present, excessive urinary mercury detection rates significantly decreased. According to the Health Department's laboratory, the second batch of 88 students has submitted urine samples showed 70 people excessive urinary mercury, third instalment of 188 students has submitted urine samples showed 14 people urine mercury standard. The afternoon of June 25, the fourth batch of 197 students has submitted urine samples showing 1 excessive urine mercury.

Relevant government departments for investigation by the huayuan County, on May 25, Ma Li Jiao Chang Zhen Center primary school class two, grade 3 male Ma Li Jiao Chang Zhen Ma Li Jiao Chang Cun, a workshop in an iron pot residue of mercury, using local pickup of bottled mineral water over more than 50 ml is placed inside the bag, playing in the school to students, a number of student's hands played with the mercury beads. On June 2, and a history of exposure to mercury pupils face itchy skin red rash appears. After the incident, huayuan County party Committee and Government and relevant departments take timely treatment, comprehensive Mo Pai, close observation and monitoring, to investigate and punish, control of pollution and a series of emergency measures to ensure that every student health, excessive urine mercury.

After investigation, the workshop boss Wang is in Fenghuang County in xiangxi Prefecture person. Construction began in November 2015 Ma Li Jiao Chang Zhen Ma Li Jiao Chang Cun mercury-smelting workshop, completed in December of that year. Preliminary identification, the workshop is not for the EIA and related procedures, illegal construction and put into production without permission, since the beginning of April 2016 production until the end of April, now is in a shutdown state.

On June 12, 2016, huayuan County Environmental Protection Department official implementation of the mercury-smelting workshop to initiate an investigation. Meanwhile, police actively intervene to set up a task force, 1 suspect in connection with the application of coercive measures in the further investigation of the case. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Excessive mercury pupils in huayuan County in Hunan province

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Xinhua News Agency
湖南花垣县147名小学生尿汞超标 1名嫌犯被控制|湖南花垣县|小学生|汞超标_新闻资讯

  新华社长沙6月26日电(记者明星)记者26日从湖南省花垣县政府办公室获悉,麻栗场镇中心小学近期发生多名小学生汞接触导致过敏性皮炎事件,随着尿检 样本增加,尿汞超标的小学生人数进一步上升。截至26日下午,全校共送检尿样719例,做到应检尽检;完成尿汞检查学生561例,其中超标147例。尿汞 超标学生住院142人,已出院5人。剩余未化验的样本也将在近期全部检出结果。


  经花垣县相关政府部门调查,事情起因为5月25日,麻栗场镇中心小学五年级二班3名男生将麻栗场镇麻栗场村一作坊铁锅内残留的水银,用就地拾 取的矿泉水瓶装了约50余毫升放置书包内,在上学时分送给同学玩耍,有多名学生用手捧玩过水银珠。6月2日开始,有过汞接触史的小学生脸部皮肤发痒出现红 色斑丘疹。事件发生后,花垣县党委政府及相关部门及时采取了积极治疗、全面摸排,密切观察、动态监测,依法查处、控制污染等一系列应急措施,确保每名尿汞 超标的学生都健康出院。



责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

湖南花垣县 小学生 汞超标


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