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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:13:49
Imperial Palace in Beijing opened three channels during the year, the new areas opened for admission free



Imperial Palace in Beijing opened three new open channel area during the year _ admission free | forbidden city | on horseback archery news
Yesterday, Royal Caribbean cruises in Tianjin, Shan jixiang, Director of the National Palace Museum to the cruise staff Palace creative products. Beijing News journalist Pu Feng photography
Are open free of charge, open total area will reach 76%; considerable repair broken HongQiao Meng Shi shi, the Palace Museum "show"

The Beijing News (Xinhua yellow Ying) and just hear Palace who cannot see the person broken Rainbow "Jock cute lion", Qing emperor Prince on horseback archery, and became popular at the beginning of the year "God" National Palace Museum restoration artists ... ... By the end of this year, spectators visiting the Palace Museum is expected to harvest a big across the ancient journey.

National Palace Museum Director Shan jixiang said yesterday that this year, the National Palace Museum will open new fault in HongQiao to long, arrow-Ting to Mandarin House, West Riverside, three channel area, the existing open area increased from 65% to 76%. Tickets for the newly opened areas are free of charge, forbidden city will continue to increase the open area in the future, is expected to reach 85%.

Broken Rainbow open next month can be seen sprouting da Shi shi

Wuying Palace East of the forbidden city, long gate to the South, there is a broken Rainbow, because of various forms of stone lions watched. There is a "Jock cute lion", one hand over his head between her legs, face says Hugh humbled, but MoE States postures.

It is learned that HongQiao breaking started in the Yuan dynasty, "Jock cute lion" there was a rumor-the Daoguang Emperor see the shape of it touched himself eldest son died of grief, and widows with stone lion on a red cloth cover.

In recent years, due to broken Rainbow repair, rarely open to the public. "Jock cute lion" appearance, only active in photos and text. However, the next month, the audience can picture with this sprouting da lion!

National Palace Museum Director Shan jixiang said yesterday, now long regional has completed repairs to broken Rainbow, is expected to open next month. "This belongs to the forbidden city, the freezer area, Tsz Palace supporting regional opening should be open. "Shan jixiang said the broken Rainbow, the red walls in the West was the original forbidden city ice. Here will become the future Tsz Palace the support services area, viewers can rest. This means that after the audience from the Meridian Gate into the Palace, directly to the West of wuying Palace visit broken Rainbow may directly visit to the North West region as a whole, savings from axis long bypass time.

Arrow kiosk open from Mandarin House years

In areas to be opened, there are arrows to Mandarin House South of the Pavilion's parts. The area where almost parallel with the long doors to broken Rainbow channels.

National Palace Museum experts, arrow kiosk is located in the eastern part of the forbidden city view games outside, first Minister on a stretch of open ground South of the temple, was built in eight years of Yongzheng of Qing dynasty (1730), is the place where emperors of the Qing dynasty and their descendants practiced archery on horseback. Although the "Pavilion", which is actually a separate Hall, faces 5 rooms, depth 3, yellow Glazed tile Hill, surrounded by a gallery.

It is understood that the Palace was initially built arrows where booth is the Emperor and the Prince in this practice and ride to prevent Manchu Han raditional law caused by assimilation and annihilation.

Now arrow Pavilion buildings intact, to Mandarin House after the opening of the channel to the South, concert with long to broken Rainbow channel, basically forming an independent tour of the forbidden city passage.

West Riverside corridor will open Center for conservation and restoration

Earlier this year, the movie I repair cultural relics in the Palace Museum of the forbidden city Conservation Division became popular at the same time, the mysterious forbidden city conservation techniques are also cause for concern.

It is reported that the Palace moved to Department of science and technology from the West to the West Riverside area, is located in the Northwest of the forbidden city from Tower to the South row, close to the Red wall on the West side.

Shan jixiang said that after the move of the Department of science and technology, West Riverside House will also be open channels used, allows viewers to observe the process of restoration of cultural relics at close range, to build for the Conservation Centre. "A total of 361 meters long, 13,000 square meters of areas", Shan jixiang, introduction, will create a "glass wall" so the audience can see the repair Division of work, it was like watching a fix "show".

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Hundreds of Palace creating a product for the first time "Parade" out of the country

The Beijing News (Xinhua yellow Ying) head of the Empress Wedding Palace dolls, archery yellow jacket bodyguard, red embedded with metal studs at the end of the trunk is a section with door ... ... Yesterday, the 100 creative products of the Imperial Palace "stands for" aboard the Royal Caribbean international cruise ship--"the gift of the sea", in the international brand shop, display their own unique characteristics.

National Palace Museum Director Shan jixiang, "platform" for the Palace Museum to create product "help out", "this is the forbidden city creative collective sale going abroad for the first time, spreading Chinese culture. "Shan jixiang, introduced over the past 3 years, the forbidden city has developed over more than 8,700 creative products have been copying cultural relics from the past, into research and development to create products," hopes to make more people can create forbidden city products to take home. ”

The boarding information, then be creative out of the forbidden city to test the waters, it is reported that this "gift of the sea" will be held on June 28 in Tianjin home port, China opened its first season, and depart for Hong Kong at the end of October, and Australia.

"We hope that with the addition of Imperial Palace on board not only the business climate and culture. "Shan jixiang said the digital era, the National Palace Museum will also cooperate fully with the company and continuing to expand the scope and influence of the Palace culture, also will try to make the National Palace Museum's growing number of creative products from quality upgrades.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

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Forbidden City on horseback archery

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The Beijing News
北京故宫年内开放三大通道 新开放区域不收门票|北京故宫|骑马射箭场_新闻资讯
昨日,天津皇家加勒比游轮上,故宫单霁翔院长给游轮工作人员介绍故宫文创产品。新京报记者 浦峰 摄

  新京报讯 (记者黄颖)只闻其名不见其人的故宫断虹桥“护裆萌狮子”、清宫皇帝皇子骑马射箭场,再到今年年初走红的“男神”故宫文物修复师们……到了今年年底,前往故宫参观的观众将有望收获一场穿越古今的丰盛旅程。






  昨日故宫博物院院长单霁翔说,目前隆宗门到断虹桥的区域已经修缮完毕,有望于下个月开放。“这片属于紫禁城冰库区域,慈宁宫区域开放时应该配套 开放的。”单霁翔透露,过了断虹桥,西边的红墙后就是原来紫禁城的冰库。今后这里会成为慈宁宫区域的配套服务区,观众可以在此休息。这意味着,观众由午门 进宫后,可直接向西至武英殿参观,经断虹桥向北即可直接参观整个西部区域,节省了从中轴线出隆宗门的绕行时间。









  单霁翔说,文保科技部搬家后,西河沿通道的文保修复用房也将开放,让观众能够近距离观察文物修复的过程,将其打造为文物修复中心。“一共361 米长,1.3万平方米的区域”,单霁翔介绍,届时会打造一个“玻璃墙”,让观众可以看到修复师们的工作状态,就像看一个文保修复“秀”一样。

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责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

北京故宫 骑马射箭场


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