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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:14:05
Report suspected triad of China, former Vice Minister of environmental protection Zhang Lijun: how liable not to appeal



Report suspected triad of China, former Vice Minister of environmental protection Zhang Lijun: how liable not to appeal

Tension forces on trial

GAO Jian, author

Field of environmental protection "Tiger"-former Vice Minister of environmental protection Zhang Lijun on suspicion of taking bribes of 2.43 million Yuan, City Court to stand trial today. "I'm sorry the party and the State" military tension stereotypical "repentance quotes" pleaded guilty and said "How liable not to appeal." Chang an Street (app ID:Capitalnews) is in the courtroom.

Zhang appeared in court maintained the usual dress code: black suit and white shirt. Full head of black hair turned white hair, cheeks deep, much thinner, no previous "domineering", just like an ordinary old people – no more than 20 days, he would have been 64 years old.

City Attorney second branch prosecution allegations said: 1998 to 2013, Zhang Lijun, using served as People's Republic of China Environmental Protection Council plans Financial Division Director, and People's Republic of China environmental protection general planning and financial Division Director, and pollution control Division Director, and Deputy Secretary, and People's Republic of China Environmental Protection Department Deputy Minister, positions Shang of convenience, for others in products distribution, and project approval, and positions promotion, and children employment, aspects provides help, received others give of property amounted to equivalent Yuan more than 2.42 million more than Yuan.

9 allegations, 6 were for companies in the distribution, project approvals to help take bribes, a pen is to help promotion for others, in addition there are 2 employment help for other children and collect the money. In addition to collecting money outside, Zhang Lijun, also received a car.

Accused, defence counsel made a minor. Lawyer think, was discipline interviews Hou, Zhang Lijun, active, and truthfully account has problem, belongs to surrendered; and check party allegations of bribery plot in the on help others children employment problem, which with, tension army and no received money, addition with, Zhang Lijun, although "said has words", but eventually also is by party himself admitted to (employment post) of, so, not should finds for bribery.

In addition, Zhang himself ready for the penitential books, he said:

"I did, sorry, sorry state of the party and their families. ”

"No matter how are judgments of the Court, I will not appeal. ”

After the end of the trial, the court adjourned, selective sentencing.

Born in 1952, Zhang, Jilin province Huadian County man in December 1975, graduated from Northeast University of Technology Department of ferrous metallurgy, master of science, Economist.

Said Zhang, different people have different described, but can take a "red".

According to his lawyer as saying Zhang's parents were cadres who work before the founding of new China. Zhang Lijun, had a pretty strict since childhood, in the Commission's review period, Zhang Lijun, feel ashamed for the family, they have failed to organize training. Therefore, the lawyers also defended the lightest. Lawyer, Zhang Lijun, belong to the "root seedlings of red" Guan er Dai.

Two years ago led to the case reports say about Zhang Lijun, about the letter? Entitled to expose "fog effects behind the madness, right hand" report declares that: "a ' high authority ' (Zhang Lijun) and pollution prevention Division of the Department of environmental protection officials, using his power, inspired and with fabricating falsification of qualifications, national standards and collude to defraud winning profiteering, test measurement of manufacturing and selling fake and shoddy products. "Zhang Lijun, reported the letter issued by the pollution control standards and documents or illegal, and caused the national smog pollution. "The standard lead pollution limits for new car emissions standards more than 10 times higher, resulting in national emissions test confusion, motor vehicle pollution control. "The report also said that tension forces with triad background. Report descriptions to the letter, Zhang can be four words describe: red top ...

Zhang Lijun, Beijing automobile exhaust pollution have been raised the "culprit" and the difficulty in air treatment water treatment, environmental protection and maximum pressure of the blind pursuit of GDP, such as razor-sharp views make him a "net red." Is the so-called "red is more", review the promotion of Zhang Lu, also in soaring amid the controversy.

In July 1989, the 37-year old Zhang from Shulan County magistrate post in Jilin province, was promoted to party Secretary of the Jilin provincial environmental protection Bureau, directly. Prior to that, he had inserted, do workers, and almost miss the top of environmental protection. But starting from this year, Zhang Lijun, the "root" in the field of environmental protection. 4 years later, Zhang Lijun, "Beijing" as the Director of the China environment news. After 4 years, in 1997, Zhang entered the door of the State environmental protection administration, serving Financial Secretary, Environment Ministry officials formally opens the 16-year career, eventually stepped down, Deputy Minister's Office.

After entering the field, "lay pipe lines" evaluation of tension has been around the army. Especially a few years at the newspaper, Zhang to go with the tide, using newspaper funds for business activities, but ultimately lost money. Therefore, reported its newspaper assets for personal benefit. Investigation of the discipline inspection group after: Zhang Lijun, there are no irregularities.

Within the SEPA, is not highly of Zhang. Many people believe that tension forces on men tough in dealing with the internal organs and even some outrageous. Single vote, Vice Minister of the Ministry of environmental protection, Zhang is the lowest number of votes, but still end up elected and main responsibilities are pollution prevention, abatement and environmental enforcement "critical areas".

Worth noting is that tension forces half a year before the crime was committed, the central third inspection group stationed in the Ministry of environmental protection, in terms of the construction project environmental impact assessment proposed six major issues.

One is not of first building, modification of EIA, such as massive violations exist, hidden behind the supervision of dereliction of duty and corruption.

Second, some leading cadres and their families an illegal meddling in the EIA approval, or companies undertaking EIA projects for profit.

Third, EIA technical services market red top "intermediary" phenomenon, prone to conflicts of interest and improper benefits delivery.

Qualification approval four EIA institutions "money card", and subsequent monitoring is not in place.

Five is not strict, regardless of denial of approval not only causes pollution risks, and their rent space.

Six is the local environmental protection department corruption-prone review Central.

Any of these problems, Zhang took off hook.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-06-27 19:46:35


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(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-06-27 19:46:35

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