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published in(发表于) 2016/6/28 13:46:10
China health family planning Commission of China medical administration Hospital Authority former Director Jimmy Wang Yu bribery in question are being sued



China health family planning Commission of China medical administration Hospital Authority former Director Jimmy Wang Yu bribery involved complained | |-corruption _ the family planning Committee of China health news

International online reports: according to the Supreme People's Procuratorate news, recently, the State of health and the family planning Committee of Medical Affairs HA, former Director Jimmy Wang Yu was arrested for bribery case, jurisdiction specified by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, from Nanchong city, Sichuan province, the people's Procuratorate prosecute Nanchong city intermediate people's Court according to law.

Prosecutors in investigation and prosecution stage, Jimmy Wang Yu's procedural rights of the accused were informed in accordance with law, and questioning the defendant, Jimmy Wang Yu, and listen to views from the Defender. Sichuan province Nanchong city, people's Procuratorate indictment allegations: accused Jimmy Wang Yu in served as original National Ministry of health medical political Division Deputy Director, and Director, and national China health family planning committee medical political medical tube Council Secretary during, using positions Shang of convenience, for others in medicine, and ambulance, medical supplies production, and sales aspects and national hospital focus specialist review in the seek interests, illegal received others huge property, law should to bribery crime held its criminal.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Family Planning Commission of China corruption

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  检察机关在审查起诉阶段,依法告知了被告人王羽享有的诉讼权利,并讯问了被告人王羽,听取了其辩护人意见。四川省南充市人民检察院起诉书指控: 被告人王羽在担任原国家卫生部医政司副司长、司长、国家中国卫生计划生育委员会医政医管局局长期间,利用职务上的便利,为他人在医药、救护车等医疗用品生产、销售方面和全 国医院重点专科评审中谋取利益,非法收受他人巨额财物,依法应当以受贿罪追究其刑事责任。

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

中国卫生计划生育委员会 反腐


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