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published in(发表于) 2016/6/28 13:48:21
Facebook paid $ 2000 for a 6 year old chef’s “ice cream“



Facebook paid $ 2000 for a 6 year old chef's "ice cream"-Facebook-IT information

IT news , June 28, from India's 6-year-old chef Nihal Raj has its own You Tube channel, his highly sought after on the Internet, Facebook and even spend $ 2000 to buy him an ice cream making videos.

Nihal Raj comes from a family of food lovers, started cooking when he was 4 years old. Most of his works are the desserts, because the process is relatively simple. In 2015, he opened a KichaTubeHD channel, first they try toys videos uploaded and, later, Nihal Raj a video making popsicles were posted on Facebook by his parents, this video is very popular, and his parents on the You Tube video-sharing, from then on, they uploaded a total of 14 videos.

In May, when a team made for Facebook video on them, and eventually to buy Facebook for $ 2000 one of the ice cream video non-exclusive copyright of trade. Since then, many companies want to buy Nihal Raj copyright, however, Nihal Raj every Wednesday to focus on its own You Tube channel update video, most of the purchases were politely rebuffed.

Facebook花2000美元买了一个6岁厨师的“冰淇淋” - Facebook - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月28日消息,来自印度的6岁小厨师Nihal Raj拥有自己的You Tube频道,他在网上备受追捧,Facebook甚至花2000美元购买了他的一个冰淇淋制作视频。

Nihal Raj来自一个美食爱好者家庭,他在4岁时就开始尝试烹饪。他的大部分作品都是甜点,因为工序比较简单。在2015年,他开设了一个KichaTubeHD频道,一开始他们尝试上传的是玩具视频,后来,Nihal Raj的一个制作棒冰的视频被他父母上传到了Facebook,这个视频十分受欢迎,然后他的父母就把视频分享到了You Tube,从那以后,他们一共上传了14个视频。

在5月份的时候一个为Facebook制作视频的团队联系上了他们,最终促成了Facebook以2000美元的价格购买其中一个冰淇淋视频非独家版权的交易。从那以后,有许多公司想要购买Nihal Raj的作品版权,然而目前Nihal Raj专注于每周三为自己的You Tube频道更新视频,对大部分的购买意向都婉言回绝。

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