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published in(发表于) 2016/6/29 8:40:57
Inside China to build runway chaos in the industry: companies for lower prices



Revealing runway project of China construction industry turmoil: Enterprise for bid price and then dare low | | campus _ HIV runway news
The afternoon of June 27, schools in 12-bit sampling under the supervision of the parents. (For parents)

Runway not all poisonous type of precast concrete, plastic, composite, air is common in several types, with water-permeability plastic is the most problematic. Reporter camera

On 27th, this newspaper reported the school attached to Shandong Agriculture University students of nosebleeds and other exceptions, since the summer is set, parents blamed the school's track. 27th, constructing our response have been sampling and to the designated testing agencies testing, will actively handling parents ' complaints. Meanwhile, the school under the supervision of the parents ' representatives has been sampling.

Reporter Zhao Xingchao

  Parents: hundreds of students exception

School: attendance normal

After the issue of this newspaper reported, parents of the school attached to Shandong Agriculture University exceptions student enrolled is continuing. 27th, the abnormality was a 1-4-grade students of statistics has been completed. Among them, one or two, grade six class, each class having 10 or more people there have been physical abnormality. Problems similar to most students of his time in recent weeks, concentrated so far in June.

Under reported by the parents, grade 1 class 1, 17, 1, grade 2 and 13; 2 class 1 grade 11, 2 grade 2 class of 18; grade 3 class 1 and 21, 3 class 2, grade 12; 4 class 1, 17. Only four grades, have had nosebleeds, skin lumps, dry eye pain, cough, anomalies, such as the number of students reached 109. Among them, the more students nosebleeds, accounted for more than half.

Parents reflect, "Children's Day" after the students due to diseases such as bronchitis, fevers, injections, medication treatment in hospital. Even many parents said children cough and throat has been sick for a month, nosebleeds or there are six or seven times.

School officials said a few days ago after parents reflected in school was devoted to strengthening the observation of the physical conditions of the students. June 20 to 24th on the attendance record, on average less than 10 students every day sick leave, including trauma, attendance is more than 98%, which is normal. Schools consider students ' abnormal time, not enough associated with plastic playground.

Parents said students there had been similar cases in the last year, but parents don't communicate with each other, don't know the universality. Into June, nosebleed, dry eyes, suddenly focused on respiratory diseases outbreaks, most parents still think that is the case, I thought it was caused by drinking less.

  Samples have been sent

Shijiazhuang, a testing organization

On 27th, contractors and schools respectively for runway samples tested.

Construction staff of qilu evening news, told reporters they had sent samples to the national testing organization, 15 days after the result. "After we learned that parents reflect, active management, and related material at the appropriate time to open. ”

27th, before the schools were also invited to participate in the consultation of representatives of parents, school playground samples, under the supervision of the parents, the school will send the sample to a testing agency, Shijiazhuang.

Qilu evening news reporter that the sampling process open and transparent, five sampling points were selected by parents, sampling and testing costs borne by the school. School officials said two students from each class selected as representatives, five-year total of 20 representatives, school selection of these representatives are at the parent group in a relatively prestigious. More want to be involved in sampling and testing of parents, unable to enter the campus, could only watch the sampling process at the school gate. Because some of the parents have not been able to attend, during sampling, 12-bit parent supervision.

27th, the school issued an information note on its website, saying construction plastic playground is the balanced development of compulsory education requirements, are important indicators of standardization construction of primary school conditions. "Reconstruction projects through public bidding, expert reviews, comprehensive scoring the winning bidder is determined, program on track. Site construction strictly enforce the contract, management norms, acceptance of hierarchy in place. ”

In accordance with the original arrangements, school final exams this week, calisthenics and physical education on students, reduces the time during playground activities. The school says, and now need to wait for the test results, if not qualified, accountable supplier immediately.

Timely feedback from the parents to the school and the construction side is pleased, "we just want our children to a healthy environment, do not want accountability, all waiting for the test results come out before I do. ”

  -People familiar with the matter said                

Messy like a square runway veterans blast the industry cost 170, quoted only seventy or eighty

The recent "poison track" news of crowding the screen, becoming one of the hot topics, family members and teachers were worried. "Poison track" of what? What is not known in this industry insider? The morning of June 26, worked the runway project bidding and construction business for more than 10 years of Qiang (not his real name) told a press conference revealed some shady.

  Price competition is just too fierce

Want to make money cheats

Reporter: plastic track how popular?

Li Qiang: Olympic fever, Quan Yunre and body-heat, is the direct cause. Most critical is the quality of education, physical fitness, physical education became an important indicator of student assessment, which drive the standardization construction of the campus playground. Ministry gate to the school playground with specific assessment requirements, size, number of facilities, including investments and so on, and directly linked to the number of students. Old school playground, how is soil, sand or coal slag. Students taking physical education, sunny day, rainy day with mud, does not help students exercise.

Later, some schools are asphalt, cement and ground Stadium, but the lack of flexibility, when student body prone to injury. College wood floors, but can only be used for indoor basketball courts, not so large buildings to canopy cover to address runway problems, track only outdoors.

In that case, the local government invested in education increases, funding is not the problem, many schools have started the runway project. Because the runway is functional and aesthetically pleasing, and became the school's standard. City schools have now all feature, jiaodong town primary and secondary schools have also been built.

Reporter: plastic track business is so hot, why don't you dry out last year?

Li Qiang: Although this project is more popular, but the competition is so fierce, not at all dry. And those new small companies compete, compete on price, is inevitably on materials you want to cheat, to earn some dirty money. Precisely because the market is so chaotic and disorderly competition, I was no longer doing any runway operations last year.

  Professional qualifications after cancellation

Small companies low price competition

Reporter: runway is waste tire to blame?

Li Qiang: waste tires toxic, harmful glue adhesive. This "poison track" events, most set up is probably worn out rubber tire. Plastic runway end of material to plastic products, due to the new rubber price is too high, campus runway are mostly made from old tires. In fact crushed into small particles do not generate toxic waste tire. What is the exact problem? Mainly glue, adhesives, or mixed in with the other plastic products, including old leather and plastic, these waste products in a crushing squeeze sealed shape, bad company will use poor quality adhesives, continue volatile for a long time, will give the children a lot of poison body.

Reporter: the runway is toxic when I began?

Li Qiang: I personally think that toxic, which started from the abolition of qualification of construction of the runway. Shandong province, with first class sports facilities Project Professional Enterprise is six or seven, two have twenty or thirty. But starting from 2014, countries would gradually relax the requirements, used to work in construction, decoration, landscaping company and contractor, also have joined in, genuine, radish fast not to wash the mud. They don't have any experience with closed eyes. Appears "poison track" projects, mostly newcomers, or caused by the old company subcontracted to a novice.

Reporter: runway works do not have to bid? How can hold?

Li Qiang: all runway will be bidding, but the runway project, being mostly price competition, that is cheap is preferred. Some even have a standard price in the Middle, but the winner was the low bidder. Unlike the major building projects, integrated scoring of the bidders, requirements for corporate reputation.

Some enterprises involved in the bidding, in order to win the project, no matter how low the price. For example, imports rubber track two thousand or three thousand Yuan a flat, prefabricated to more than three hundred or four hundred. Water is the most common type of plastic track, generally costs about 170 Yuan per square meter, but some companies offer close to seventy or eighty, is not even enough material costs, labor costs, only by cutting corners to reduce costs.

  Government decentralization is

But not abandon regulatory

Reporter: runway do you have national standards? How to request?

Li Qiang: "poison track" incident, some businesses said the volatile gases above the runway the absence of national standards, in fact, this is a ridiculous assertion. Any product not standard, nor toxic. Sport itself is for physical fitness, if HIV is because exercise, what is this thing?

In fact, runway material has a number of requirements, including benzene and other toxic substances and heavy metals content, nearly 10 items to do testing. If "poison track" passed the test, it would have to be juggling the sums concerned.

Reporter: How do you think plastic track tubes instead?

Li Qiang: "poison track" caused concern of the whole society, Ministry of education has put its building and the proposed runway, reopened to its tendering process and related reviewed, will coordinate the relevant departments to improve the corresponding standards. These are very good ways, the key must be conscientiously implemented.

Our market is not yet mature, including tendering and there are a lot of loopholes, building areas of high incidence of corruption, everyone knows, we are much easier to catch dead, put on the chaos. I feel that the Government cancel the decentralization of relevant professional qualification is right, but you can't give up control.     Want to "poison the runway" does not occur in the future and hope all who hold the life line, not to make dirty money. Our reporter

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
HIV runway campus environment

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Qilu evening news

  塑胶跑道不是全部有毒,预制型、全塑型、复合型、透气型是常见的几种类型,其中渗水型塑胶是最容易出问题的。 本报记者 摄


  本报记者 赵兴超     



  本报报道发出后,山东农业大学附属学校的家长们还在继续统计出现异常的学生人数。27日,一份一到四年级学生异常情况的统计已经初步完成。其中,一、 二、三年级共有六个班,每个班都有10人以上出现过身体异常。大部分学生出现类似问题的时间是在最近几周内,主要集中在6月份至今。

  根据家长 们上报的情况,1年级1班17人、1年级2班13人;2年级1班11人、2年级2班18人;3年级1班21人、3年级2班12人;4年级1班17人。单是 这四个年级,有过流鼻血、皮肤起疙瘩、眼睛干疼、咳嗽等异常情况的学生人数就达到了109人。其中,流鼻血的学生较多,占到一半以上。


  校方表示,前些天在得到家长们的反映后,学校专门加强了对学生身体情况的观察。6月20日到24日的出勤记录上,平均每天只有不到10名学生身体有恙请 假,还包括外伤等,出勤率在98%以上,属于正常情况。校方认为学生出现异常的时间分散,不足以说明与塑胶操场有关联。







  齐鲁晚报记者了解到,取样过程公开透明,由家长选择了五个取样点,取样检测费用由学校承担。校方称,每个班级选取了两名学生家长作为代表,五个年级一共 20名代表,学校挑选的这些代表都是在家长群体中相对有威望的。更多想要参与取样检测的家长,没法进入校园,只能在校门口远远观看取样过程。因为部分家长 有事没能参加,取样过程中有12位家长代表监督。 





  跑道工程资深人士爆业内乱象 一平方成本170元,报价仅七八十





  李强:奥运热、全运热和健身热,都是直接原因。最关键的还是素质教育,身体素质、体育成绩成为学生考核的重要指标,这些都带动了校园操场标准化建设。教 育部门对学校操场有具体考核要求,包括多大面积、多少设施、投资数额等,和学生人数直接挂钩。以前的学校操场,多是土质的,或者煤渣沙石的。学生上体育 课,晴天一身土、雨天一身泥,确实不利于学生锻炼身体。








  李强:废旧轮胎无毒,胶水粘合剂有害。这次“毒跑道”事件,最冤枉的可能就是废旧橡胶轮胎了。塑胶跑道底料要用塑胶制品,由于新橡胶颗粒价格太高,校园 跑道工程基本都是用废旧轮胎。其实废旧轮胎粉碎成小颗粒不会产生毒害。问题出在哪里呢?主要是胶水、粘合剂,或者混入了其他塑料制品,包括旧皮革、旧塑料 等,这些废品在粉碎挤压粘合成型时,不良公司会用低劣质量的粘合剂,长期持续挥发,会给孩子们身体造成很大毒害。


  李强:我个人认为,跑道有毒是从取消建设资质开始的。山东省具备一级体育场地设施工程专业资质的企业也就六七家,二级有二三十家。但是从2014年开 始,国家慢慢放开了这方面的要求,以前做建筑、装饰、绿化的公司和包工头,也都纷纷加入进来了,鱼目混珠,萝卜快了不洗泥。他们没有任何经验,闭着眼就 干。出现“毒跑道”工程,基本都是新入行者,或者老公司转包给了新手造成的。



  有些参与投标的企业,为了拿下工程,再低的价格都敢报。例如,进口的塑胶跑道要两三千元一平,预制型也要三四百以上。最为常见的是渗水型塑胶跑道,每平 方米的成本一般在170元左右,但是有的公司报价居然压到七八十元,连材料成本、人工成本都不够,只能靠偷工减料来降低成本。








  我们的市场经济还不成熟,包括招标投标都存在很多漏洞,建设领域腐败高发,大家都心知肚明,我们很多事情容易一抓就死,一放就乱。我觉得政府取消相关专 业资质的放权是对的,但是不能因此放弃监管。希望“毒跑道”今后不再出现,也希望所有人守住做人底线,不要去赚黑心钱。     本报记者

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

毒跑道 校园环境


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