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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/6/29 8:44:54
S7 series smartphone sales, Samsung will make a profit of 45.2 billion yuan in the second quarter,



S7 series smartphone sales, Samsung Samsung's second-quarter profit of 45.2 billion renminbi revenues, Samsung S7-IT information

IT news , June 29, Samsung S7 series phone release, markets reacted very strongly, and now the success of this model will help Samsung gains as much as 45.2 billion yuan in profits in the second quarter.

Analysts adjust Samsung 2016 expectations of operating profit in the second quarter, Samsung's upcoming earnings report, the company's operating profit will not be less than $ 6.8 billion, or about $ 45.2 billion yuan. In comparison, Samsung in 2015, revenue of $ 6.3 billion in the third quarter, fourth quarter revenue of $ 5 billion in 2016, first-quarter revenue of $ 5.84 billion.

However, Samsung's operating profit recorded third quarter of 2013 $ 8.94 billion, but revenue fell after 2 quarters, is seeing a rebound, for Samsung, this is obviously very good news.

S7系列智能手机销售给力,三星二季度将获利452亿人民币 - 三星,营收,三星S7 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月29日消息,三星S7系列手机发布后,市场反映十分强烈,如今这款机型的成功将帮助三星在第二季度斩获高达452亿元人民币的利润。



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