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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/7/1 8:21:57
Lijiang travel was the groom, 4 girls beat official involved in the investigation



4 girls Lijiang Lijiang, tourism was the groom beaten official investigations | | | beatings _ news of tourism information

Original title: net exposure 4 girls Lijiang was groom beaten official involved in the investigation

CNS, Kunming, July 1 (reporter Hu Yuanhang)-network recently found 4 girls tour in Lijiang were grooms about the beating, Yulong County party Committee propaganda department 1st concerned responded in an interview with reporters: at present, the local has been involved in the investigation.

From 29th to 30th, Yunnan local bloggers have been posting information, 4 girls travel to Lijiang, Lijiang caravan, didn't think the trip has been beaten, and attached with one of the girls chat.

Chat show girls travel to Lijiang, got off the plane, it was a strange woman in a blue van, Cha magudaonaxima, sent to help. Racecourse told they must ride to get to the place to eat, so they pay 245 Yuan per person to ride. After riding four were making the found camera bag, but the Racecourse staff refused to admit that intimidation and language requires them to go away. Because one of the girls took out his mobile phone video, taken by the Racecourse staff phone and slapped. Later, the four bags were thrown out, batterers have been insulted, and once again beating video girls. Area police later arrived, will take four people and the attacker to the police station. Compensation for hit men 1000 Yuan, but is still "very bad".

Reporters learned that incidents took place at lashi Lake of Lijiang city Yulong County, 4 girls had just finished his entrance examination, graduated from Sichuan to Yunnan travel. Were girls as young as 18 years old.

1st journalist linked to Lijiang city Tourism Commission complaint departments, staff responded by saying that after the incident, 4 girls is not the first time to Lijiang city Tourism Commission complaints, rather than alarm. Lijiang city Tourism Commission network about the later, actively looking for 4 girls, and learned from them: local police have dealt with the matter on the day of the incident, caravan workers apologized to 4 girls, and compensate for the 1000 Yuan.

The staff also said be sure 4 girls select travel service are not formal institutions. Now girls have to Dali, continue their graduation trip. Tourism Authority also provide help to them.

Subsequently, the reporter called the Yulong County party Committee propaganda department showed that after the incident, the local Government has attached great importance to, and asked relevant departments to verify. 1st, in charge of the Deputy magistrate has arrived at the scene to investigate. After the investigation is completed, it will open to the public.

In fact, Lijiang caravan beat visitors is not the case, media reports as early as 2013, the "groom beaten women tourists in Lijiang, tourists daopei groom 3500"; earlier this year, and "Lijiang on horseback clashed again, female visitors are more than more than 10 men beaten" event.

In this regard, Lijiang city, the Tourism Board said, in order to change this situation, since last year, the Board combined with related departments to strengthen the training of local travel agents, and tagged in beware of tourist trap tips, but there is still a lot of tourists being cheated. Lijiang city Tourism Commission recommendation: after visitors arrive in Lijiang, should choose the regular travel agency Tour and select the regular riding, beware of fraud. (End)

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Lijiang travel battery

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China News Network
4名少女丽江旅游遭马夫殴打 官方已介入调查|丽江|旅游|殴打_新闻资讯

  原标题:网曝4名少女丽江旅游遭马夫殴打 官方已介入调查

  中新网昆明7月1日电 (记者 胡远航)针对近日网曝4名少女丽江游遭马夫殴打一事,涉事地玉龙县委宣传部1日在接受记者采访时回应称:目前,当地已介入调查。









责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

丽江 旅游 殴打


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