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published in(发表于) 2016/7/5 9:49:29
Heilongjiang police knock down the billion Internet based gambling gangs involved,



Heilongjiang police knocked | gambling billion Internet based gambling gangs involved _ news

Depth method night rates (sections integrated and Zhang Jiao Zhu Shunzhong interns) reporters today by night (app ID:fzwb_52165216) learned from the Heilongjiang provincial public security Department, several men covet, "Fortune", in relation to partnership set up legendary private servers on the network games, and in which the set bet. On June 8, shuangyashan police many provinces in the South cut off the amount of money involved billions of Internet based gambling gangs suspects 8, nearly 15 million yuan of the freezing and seizure of property.

Shuangyashan resident Wang Hua (pseudonym) more than 30 years old, have always liked playing online games legend. Earlier this year, he found a legendary character, create an account and found that the character also has a game does not function, you can gamble. Set the roles in the game, players can take the game currency silver piece to roll the dice, than winning or losing. Lost silver piece, you can recharge in-game money, PayPal transfer can also be used to make a purchase. Win the silver piece, Exchange can be used directly for money. Wang gambled a few times, would indulge in. In this way, by April, Wang has lost tens of thousands of Yuan, "I suddenly woke up, heard a lot of people lost a lot of money", he thought, and gas, shuangyashan City Public Security Bureau immediately called the police. (App ID:fzwb_52165216)

Shuangyashan City Public Security Bureau after investigations found that the gang set up online gambling at a legendary character, and pumped into a profit-making, it is estimated that involved up to hundreds of millions of Yuan. On June 8, shuangyashan City Public Security Bureau arrested a Lu, Wu 8 people headed by a criminal gang, freezing capital of more than 12 million yuan in accordance with law, seized the Porsche, BMW and other cars and a large number of Web servers, computers and other instrumentalities, total property nearly 15 million Yuan.

Suspects accountable, they are playing games on a network meet later to discuss the "Fortune" rental stores too noticeable, is not convenient, thought of the legendary character, game dice bet size, they cut from the gambling. Gambling win and you lose, but overall they earned, because the server is in their hands, control the dice is very simple. (App ID:fzwb_52165216)

At present, 8 suspects had been shipped back to the shuangyashan and detained, case is further processed.

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

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黑龙江警方打掉涉案上亿元网上设赌团伙 |赌博_新闻资讯

  法晚深度即时(稿件统筹 朱顺忠 实习生 张姣)今日法晚记者(微信ID:fzwb_52165216)从黑龙江省公安厅了解到,几名男子妄想“发大财”,就合伙在网络上架设传奇私服游戏,并在其 中设赌。6月8日,双鸭山警方南下多省市打掉这个涉案金额上亿元的网上设赌团伙,抓获犯罪嫌疑人8人,冻结扣押财物近1500万元。

  双鸭山居民王华(化名)今年30多岁,一直都喜欢玩网络游戏传奇。今年年初,他在网上发现一款传奇私服,建立账号进去后发现,这个私服还有一个 别的游戏没有的功能,可以赌博。在游戏里设置角色,玩家可以拿游戏货币元宝去摇骰子,比大小定输赢。元宝输光了,就可以在游戏中用钱充值,也可用支付宝转 账进行购买。要是赢了元宝,可直接兑换成钱。王华赌了几次后,便沉迷其中。就这样,到了4月份,王华竟然输掉了上万元,“我这才猛然惊醒,听说很多人都输 了不少钱”,他越想越气,随即向双鸭山市公安局报了警。(微信ID:fzwb_52165216)

  双鸭山市公安局经调查发现,该团伙在网上架设传奇私服进行赌博,并从中抽成牟利,估计涉案达上亿元。6月8日,双鸭山市公安局一举抓获鲁某、武 某为首8人犯罪团伙,依法冻结资金1200余万元,扣押保时捷、宝马等车辆及大量网络服务器、电脑等作案工具,总共财物近1500万元。

  据犯罪嫌疑人交代,他们是在网络上玩游戏相识,后来商量着“发大财”,觉得租门店太显眼,也不方便,就想到了传奇私服,利用游戏人物摇骰子赌大 小,他们从赌博中抽成。赌博有输有赢,但总体是他们赚,因为服务器在他们手里,控制骰子很简单。(微信ID:fzwb_52165216)


责任编辑:向昌明 SN123



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