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published in(发表于) 2016/7/5 9:49:52
Uncovering Sanxingdui in Sichuan: migrant worker a hoe and dig out the world’s Nineth wonders



Uncovering Sanxingdui in Sichuan: migrant worker a hoe and dig out the world's Nineth wonders | DUI _ news

Yang Yongcheng in the Sanxingdui Museum about discovering stories.
Zongmu mask
Artifact (2)
The golden sceptre
Bronze tree
Bronze State of people

Sanxingdui pit discovered 30 anniversary of the revelation

Sanxingdui, known world "Nineth wonder." Its discovery caused a sensation in the world.

On July 18, the Sanxingdui will usher in the pit discovered 30 anniversary. In the invited list, including global archaeological experts, there are two little-known special people, 73, of Guanghan villager Yang Yongcheng Guo Hanzhong and conservation experts. They are witness to two pit excavation, participants, and unravel the mysteries of Sanxingdui "key."

30 years ago, Guanghan city, Nan XING Zhen Samsung village, 43, a brick factory worker Yang Yongcheng a hoe down, a piece of bronze was hit. Yang Yongcheng breaks up soil, got a shock: it's a bronze mask. Together with archaeological experts arrived at the scene, as well as local a 16 year old teenager Guo Hanzhong. Juveniles have a wish: do not pay to participate in excavations.

This year, with the Sanxingdui Yi、erhao large sacrificial pits were found, thousands of resold outside Taiwan have come out. The bronze trees, zongmu masks, bronze big state people, the golden sceptre, a brickworks (2 pieces), Sanxingdui 6 "national treasure"-level cultural relics, all comes from here.

Today, Guo Hanzhong is a famous expert on restoration of cultural relics of Sanxingdui. Yang Yongcheng had over 7 years old, became a grandfather. "Sometimes I wanted to feel the magic, experts dug up, foreigners did not dig, we dig a few farmers hoe. "Yang Yongcheng recalls without emotion," this could be the fate. ”

Samsung says Zhu Yarong, deputy curator of the Museum, participate in archaeological excavations of the brick factory workers, experts and scholars all please come back, is to pay homage to them, they discovered and awakened the sleeping thousands of Sanxingdui.

Guanghan City Bureau of cultural relics Deputy Director Yang Yang referred to these people as "with God's will", or how are they hoe dug out of Sanxingdui.

 Shaking the hoe

Hitting a bronze ear

Located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, with the Chengdu plain as the center of ancient civilization, has now been accepted and the Yellow River civilization, is the mother of the Chinese civilization.

However, until the beginning of the last century, a brilliant civilization, because there is no physical evidence was believed to exist only in myth.

Change began in 1927. That year in Guanghan, Nan XING Zhen, Yan Daocheng and his son Yan Qingbao digging ditches next to the House at home, came across a pit of jade, and in 1934, when he led West d.c.Graham, curator of the University, Yan Daocheng of jade was located and unearthed relics more than 600 pieces of ... ...

"But the next 50 years, due to the war and ' the cultural revolution ' and other reasons, find prolonged stagnation. "Former Sichuan Institute of historic relic archaeology archaeology vice-captain, Sanxingdui ruins excavation project leader Chen Dean said.

Born and raised in Nan XING Zhen XING Cun Yang Yongcheng, unclear history of excavations near his home. But the old man about the "treasure" legend, was printed in the mind from an early age. "Grew up listening to old man, near the buried treasure, Americans had to dig. ”

On July 18, 1986, Yang Yongcheng are NaN XING Zhen brick factory, brick factory nearby, is the Sanxingdui archaeological station. 9 o'clock in the morning, Yang Yongcheng are moving, when I heard someone shout "dig up anymore! "He threw down their hoes and ran to the crowd. "With gold belts, ivory, bronze, jade. "Yang Yongcheng, and dozens of workers surrounded the" treasures "of land, followed by the archaeological staff arrived at the scene, a rescue excavation began.

According to official statistics, pit have clear bronze human head 13, after repair finishing, and bronze faces, kneeling figures, copper-gold, copper Yuan 178 pieces of bronze and jade 129, stone 70 pieces, pottery 39 pieces, sea shells, 124 Gold 5. Among them, Yang Yongcheng as saying "Gold Belt" after finishing is a one metre long, weighing 1 pound golden rod, is the largest found gold! Because of utensils for ritual use, pit, the pit was named first.

In early August, the first pit excavation work completed. When they did not return to God from a big surprise when Yang Yongcheng, a hoe, dig a bigger surprise.

The afternoon of August 14, in the first pit 20 meters away, Yang Yongcheng are using hoes to dig. But the dig, but peace feels a little bit different, not loose and soft, it is like a hard hitting pebbles. Yang Yongcheng away hoe see myself hitting a bronze ear!

Quickly breaks up the soil by hand, a bronze mask in front of Yang Yongcheng. The bronze masks and dug out a month ago, almost identical! Don't dare dig again, Yang Yongcheng landfill back, hurriedly called the archaeological staff. "Some villagers took the relics before, and later seek to hand over to the. Take off less claw feet, so I never want to bury it. ”

Bonus of 100 Yuan

Treasure hunt winning hands hand wife

Yang Yongcheng unexpectedly, I found the second pit, buried more artifacts than the vault first!

As a discoverer, Yang Yongcheng was hired as an Assistant to participate in excavations, but because of the weight is too much, he wants to go down to the pit's request, was "cruel" rejected. "At that time I did eat, 130 pounds, the experts said I was too heavy, crushed into a pit to the relics, called me on the edge of the paotu. ”

Yang Yongcheng watch, a group of women and smaller specialists into the pit, holding chopsticks the piece of bamboo, next to the plane slowly. Yang Yongcheng sitting in the den, to dig up mud shovels elsewhere.

This work much easier than he had in a brick factory. August heat, Yang Yongcheng in the brick factory, digging, earth-moving, can earn 7 cents per cubic metre. Hard digging all day, can only make 2 Yuan. "Sit in the den and watch them dig relics, occasionally digging paotu, paid by the hour. 2 cents an hour more than the brick factory at ease. ”

As time passed, a 5.3 m long, 2.3 m wide pit, gradually clear up. Pieces of Antiquities released den Yang Yongcheng made him look stay: in addition to the bronze mask, ivory, jade, gold, and more.

State people were dug out of a bronze, although two have been destroyed, or is unusually large. Experts take to wood, covered with paper pad, as a removal tool. Yang Yongcheng together with 7 other male adults, to lift a bit. After repair, a 2.62 m high man stood up again. Now, this is the highest and most complete bronze standing figures, known as "King of the bronze statue in the world."

Together with DALI portraits, bronze tree, zongmu masks and a number of rare magic works have been unearthed. Statistics let you jump: second pit # total gold, copper, jade, stone, bone and more than 1400 pieces, sea shells around 4,600.

Yang Yongcheng eyelids, a "source of Yangtze River civilization" increasingly clear: 2.62 m high bronze figure, perhaps the heads of Kings and gods of the ancient Shu Kingdom statues. First sacrificial pit unearthed a mysterious golden sceptre, perhaps King of Shu Yu Fu times staff ... ... Yu Fu clan, maybe once in Sanxingdui capital Foundation.

This incredible find, Shu, China to study bronze age history, providing a rare material to fill important gaps in the history of Chinese bronze art and culture, caps forward bashu culture for more than 1000 years.

Yang Yongcheng though do not understand the meaning, but also happy, because in addition to receive wages, he also received the 100 Yuan in prize money. First discovered by Yang and Liu Guang, received bonus of 70 Yuan per person, yangyongchenghewen Li Yuan the second discovered, get a bonus of 100 yuan per person. "I found the second, more complete than the first, so the more bonus points. ”

Yang Yongcheng recall 1986 price of a cow, some seventy or eighty. The 100 Yuan, has a son and a daughter at home, mother have to support him, really a lot of money.

30 years later, Yang Yongcheng can't remember, "SSO" bonus, wife have yourself, have you done good. But he remembers clearly, great grandson and young granddaughter, used to pull the things they ask excavations of Sanxingdui.

 30 years ago, "be a man" excavation site

According to Yang Yongcheng said, State people were dug out of bronze, while two had been destroyed, or is unusually large. He and another with 7 male adults, to lift a bit. People/objects/speed/writing David Yang Yongcheng found sometimes think that magic, experts dug up, foreigners did not dig, we dig a few farmers hoe ... ... This could be the fate

30 years ago, Guanghan city, Nan XING Zhen Samsung village, 43, a brick factory worker Yang Yongcheng a hoe down, crashed with a loud, arm and thumb shook the raw, hoe nearly off his hands. Yang Yongcheng breaks up soil, got a shock: it's a bronze mask.

It was this incredible's a hoe, he also closely connected with the Sanxingdui.

In addition to the hundred of the year Prize, for 30 years, Yang Yongcheng often invited, free of Sanxingdui. 2015 China cultural heritage day, he also served as special guest, for the race shot through the Sanxingdui ruins.

"Sometimes I wanted to feel the magic, experts dug up, foreigners did not dig, we dig a few farmers hoe. "Yang Yongcheng recalled that hoe was not without emotion," this could be the fate. ”

Huaxi City newspaper reporter Lin Wei Tang Jinlong global photography

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

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  1986年7月18日,杨永成正在南兴镇砖厂打工,砖厂不远处,就是三星堆考古工作站。上午9点,杨永成正在挖土,突然听到有人大喊“挖到东西了!”他 丢下锄头,往人群处跑去。“有金腰带、象牙、青铜、玉石。”杨永成和几十名工人围住了“宝藏”出土地,紧接着,考古工作人员到场,一场抢救性发掘开始。

  据官方统计,坑内先后清理出青铜人头像13件,经过修复整理,还有青铜人面像、跪坐人像、铜戈、铜瑗等青铜器178件,以及玉器129件、石器70件、 陶器39件、海贝124枚、金器5件。其中,杨永成所说的“金腰带”,后经整理,是一根长达一米多、重1斤的金杖,是同时期国内发现的最大金器!由于坑中 器物多为祭祀所用,这个坑也就被命名为一号祭祀坑。





  寻宝得奖 转手上交老婆






  一个青铜大立人像被挖出来了,虽然已经被毁成了两截,还是大得出奇。专家拿来木板,铺上纸垫,作为搬运工具。杨永成和另外7个男壮年一起,才能抬动其中 一截。后经修复,一座高2.62米的人像重新站了起来。如今,这是现存最高、最完整的青铜立人像,被誉为“世界铜像之王”。









  30 年前,广汉市南兴镇三星村,43岁的砖厂工人杨永成一锄头下去,咣的一声,手臂和虎口震得生疼,锄头差点脱了手。杨永成刨开泥土,吓了一跳:是个青铜面具。





责任编辑:向昌明 SN123



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