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published in(发表于) 2016/7/6 13:12:18
Shenzhen Hospital of Peking University doctor Winter swimming was a yacht killed, driver jailed



Shenzhen Hospital of Peking University doctor Winter swimming was yacht struck and killed a driver jailed | | killed _ a yacht news

Information: Liang Zhentao family in Fukuda's House for him to set up a mourning Hall. Nandu Xinhua Chen Wencai photography

Original title: Shenzhen hospital doctor died swimming yachtsmen was sentenced to 1.5 year

Yangcheng evening news reporter Shen Tingting, correspondent Jean-Claude Juncker report: Shenzhen Hospital of Peking University physician Liang Zhentao killed in accidents when swimming in Shenzhen dameisha waters, aroused the concern, his relatives suspect he was hit by a Hong Kong Yacht propellers led to death. Shenzhen Maritime Bureau later made it clear that vessels involved "138115" licence to Hong Kong, Shenzhen waters illegally. The afternoon of July 5, Shenzhen Yantian district court sentencing hearing on Yachting Li Zhijian, sentence Li Zhijian was sentenced to death for traffic accidents a year for six months.

Yantian court trial found that: 15:54 January 1, 2015, Li Zhijian illegal driving does not have a valid vessel certificate of Hong Kong origin "138115" yacht sailing to the island of Taipa, Yantian district, Shenzhen Northeast waters, failed to use its good seamanship to maintain careful driving, failing to find the swimmer Liang Zhentao and take effective measures, causing the yacht collided with a Liang Zhentao, caused the death of Liang Zhentao.

The time of the incident, Li Zhijian after hearing the sound of ship collision objects, stop the ship, found the ship about 20 metres behind the water was blood red. He quickly close blood-red waters, found a man suspended in sea water, then immediately jumped into the sea, in cooperation with save the people of other people aboard. Zhihou, Li Zhijian Yachting sailed quickly to the Yacht Club dock at dameisha, while crews Liao Tianxiao 120 emergency telephone calls. Mesa hospital emergency doctor arrived, dameisha, Yacht Club, Pier, confirmed by diagnostic Liang Zhentao has died.

After Sun Yat-sen University Centre for forensic identification: Liang Zhentao injuries consistent with characteristics of ante-mortem injuries; Liang Zhentao meets due to being curved a sharp object caused by traumatic hemorrhagic shock caused by multiple injuries and death, inspection of propellers can form the above injury; detected in water samples, see few feather lines and few focus diatoms, Liang Zhentao was not detected in the lung, liver and kidney of diatoms.

By People's Republic of China Shenzhen Maritime Council finds: Hong Kong nationality amusement ship "138115" not handle imports Bank procedures, not holding effective of boats certificate (Hong Kong operation licence expired, not made in the nationality ship registration certificate), in incident waters is illegal sailing, driver Li Zhijian failed to using good ship art keep caution driving, not early found swimming who and take effective measures, led to accident occurred, Hong Kong nationality amusement ship on the up accident negative main responsibility, driver Li Zhijian is main head. Swimmer Liang Zhentao drunk in non-designated swimming area swim swim after sailing yacht used waters failed to take safety measures, did not fulfill safety obligations, secondary responsibility for the accident. Yantian District Court hearing to identify the facts and the relevant law, legally decided Li Zhijian committed a traffic offence, sentenced to one year and six months. After the verdict, Li Zhijian said it was considering an appeal in court. Editor: Li Yu

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Yacht struck and killed

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Yangcheng evening news
深圳北大医院医生冬泳遭游艇撞死 驾驶员获刑|游艇|撞死_新闻资讯

资料图:梁振涛的家属在福田的家里为他设了灵堂。南都记者 陈文才 摄

  原标题:深圳北大医院医生冬泳身亡 游艇驾驶员获刑一年半





  经中华人民共和国深圳海事局认定:香港籍游乐船“138115”未办理进口岸手续,未持有效的船艇证书(香港运作牌照过期,未取得中国籍船舶登记证书),在事发海域属非法航行,驾驶员李志健未能运用良好船艺保持谨慎驾驶,未及早发现游泳者并采取有效措施,导致事故发生,香港籍游乐船对该起事故负主要责任,驾驶员李志健是主要负责人。游泳者梁振涛酒后在非划定泳区下海游泳,游经游艇习惯航行水域未采取安全警示措施,未尽到安全谨慎义务,对该起事故负次要责任。盐田区法院根据审理查明的事实和相关法律规定,依法判决李志健犯交通肇事罪,判处有期徒刑一年六个月。宣判后,李志健当庭表示考虑上诉。 编辑:李禹

责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

游艇 撞死


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