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published in(发表于) 2016/7/7 13:49:49
Chinese Buddha of all dogs and guard treasure: 150 yuan a month of meals



Chinese Buddha of all dogs and guard treasure: 150 yuan a month of meals | anyue, Sichuan | Wolfhound | heritage _ news
These "designer Bao Wang Xing man", shouldering the burden of anyue, Sichuan cultural relics protection. Respondents images
Anyue 8th Liuben statue figure 10 refining, Bilu cave. Maps/China Visual

38 German Shepherd to protect the local sculpture, "vacancy" 20 or so; the official response is "understaffed", are coordinated to improve treatment

Late one night in early June, Mingshan Temple in anyue County, Sichuan province, Tiger Hill, a rapid dog barking across the night sky. Sleeping more than Mr Peter Tsang Cheung, a wake up, get up, grab a flashlight and walked to the hospital. He sees a strange man in a hurry to turn, leaving Mingshan Temple, disappeared into the night.

Zeng Xiangyu ming Temple, is a national key cultural relics protection units, existing cliff like a 63 body. His identity is the full-time of anyue County Bureau of cultural relics, "insurance", is responsible for the care of these thousands of years carved statues. And the "meritorious service" shepherd is the preparation of anyue County Bureau of cultural relics, "designer Bao Wang", supported by fiscal month "meals" of 150 Yuan.

In the interview with the Beijing News reporter, Tang Wenjun, Deputy Director of anyue County Heritage Council said, to hire "designer Bao Wang", mainly from the staffing and cost savings point of view, is still understaffed around 20, taking care of cultural relics "effect", "beginning in 2012, not stolen."

Financial support of the "designer Bao Wang"

Anyue County, Sichuan province, the Government's official website, "the Chinese Buddha of all" six words exception stands out.

Chief of anyue County Cultural Heritage Bureau Huang Kejin told the Beijing News reporter, in anyue County territory of existing units at all levels more than more than 900, only Cliff as more than 200 of them. The inscription carved on statues, completed from the Tang dynasty, stretching to the Qing dynasty, almost never cut off. "In terms of size and number, can be called a Buddha. "Huang Kejin said.

Local departments, the cliff like is not only wealth, but also "stress". Huang Kejin introduced against the theft of cultural relics of these statues, in anyue was rampant. "Basically be a stranger to steal, taking advantage of the night, stole out, very hard to find. ”

Huang Kejin told the Beijing News reporter, in anyue County Cultural Heritage Bureau is responsible for the protection of cultural relics protection unit, currently within the staff of only two people. In order to care of these cultural relics, they hire a few local farmers as "insurance." Monthly by the funding paid to insurance.

Since 2006, in anyue County area, including Pilu cave stone carvings 8 national key cultural relics protection units equipped with dogs, as a supplement to paper. By the year 2012, and gradually extended to part of the provincial, municipal and county-level cultural relic protection units. These "designer Bao Wang" by the financial support per Wolf per month for 150 yuan of "meals" subsidies.

Dogs really eat every meal on meat

Beijing News reporter learned that, at present, the anyue County-31 cultural relics protection units equipped with 38 "designer Bao Wang". Guttiferae heading Beijing news reporters, according to their budget, in anyue County should be equipped with at least 57 dogs.

Even at the lowest requirement calculations, anyue "designer Bao Wang" or "vacancy" of about 20.

"Is mainly money issues. "Huang Kejin told the Beijing News reporter, the use of electronic monitoring equipment, fixed monthly cost of nearly 3000. By comparison, the use of "designer Bao Wang" costs are much lower. Buy German Shepherd pups from the local cultural relics Bureau staff, prices range between 400 to 600 Yuan, reared by the Member, the monthly subsidy of 150 Yuan.

Anyue County Cultural Heritage Bureau Tang Wenjun, Deputy Director to the Beijing News reporter, current fare of 150 yuan a month, from 2012, taking into account the rising prices, as well as "designer Bao Wang" working strength of large counties are submitting reports for additional funding to help these "designer Bao Wang" raise salaries.

Tang Wenjun, "says designer Bao Wang" treatment, eventually raised to what extent, depends on the actual situation of the financial sector.

"For the time being, 5 average daily fare, it's hard to let the dogs eat meat. "Tang Wenjun said he suggested" chewiness "to ensure that these dog nutrition.

Design aside

"Designer Bao Wang"

See artifacts worth the night shift

Anyue "designer Bao Wang" has become a new generation of "net red." These "safety dog" into working life and how? Beijing News reporter interviewed a number of people, "Wang Xing man" angle was a "narration".

Love meat, I love hiking, cultural relics, and night, tall, charged with the important responsibilities, I'm anyue, Sichuan, "designer Bao Wang", a new generation of "net red."

MOM and dad I was tall, smell, so I pass the "exam", ends on the "iron rice bowl". Because the Bureau of cultural relics in the selection from a German Shepherd pups, will focus on head and touch sensitivity-the unusual nature of the work it! Tall, theft deterrent, and touch sensitive, failing to react faster.

I usually eat live in the unit's living quarters. OK during the day, sleep at night, I'm going to night shifts. Once found on suspects, alerts.

The stealing of cultural objects of human, while the night into the mountains, it never occurred to me, I called, can scare them.

You ask me to night shifts? Our places of work, mostly in the mountains, late at night, in bed, my eyes, carved statues of watching thousands of years. Hill was quiet, seems to hear the wind.

Not long ago, a strange man in the dead of night on the Hill, walk into ming Temple's door.

So late, why would anyone come here? As I can judge, this man must be a treasure thieves! So, I called up, cry scare the man, wake up. This uninvited guests flee.

This group of "designer Bao Wang", working for 4 years. Before we post, few insurance, childcare however anyue carved statues of so many.

After we joined, the situation has been greatly improved. Even our leaders, Tang Wenjun, Deputy Director of anyue County Heritage Council said, with a "designer Bao Wang" units, 4 years does not appear to be stolen.

In fact, I ran through the disaster. Once I put the visitors one up the Hill as the thief and took a bite. Afterwards, it was in consultation with each other, to deal with.

Although it is slightly injured, but I also came under severe criticism. However, these "designer Bao Wang" usually is very cute, not an embarrassment to departments.

With all that said, I can take the opportunity to make a small request? I want to eat more meat. Although I know that cultural relics Bureau funds, but I on the day shift and night shift, Board only five bucks a day, there are too much. Want to eat meat every day, heritage preservation is more powerful.

Question 1

Why do dogs do "culture"?

Research on feasibility study meeting was held from the economic cost and effectiveness considerations

"If we can recruit people, we are not dogs. "The guttiferae, Shepherd is actually a last-ditch move in the insurance sector. He told the Beijing News reporter, carved statues of anyue County territory, mostly in the mountains, inaccessible. If you want to be "guaranteed" only full-time employment. Limited funds and cultural relics, can give the "paper" salary is very limited. "National unit of 1000 Yuan a month, ranging from 600 to 1000 at the provincial level, County-lower. ”

Such a salary, apparently failed to attract young people. Therefore, in anyue County "conservation", most of the local elderly people. "Old man look at artifacts, night patrol anything inconvenient. ”

Huang Kejin introduced anyue County, due to rampant theft of cultural relics in early 2016, the cultural relics Department staff to study tours in the surrounding area. Neijiang, Chang Ta-chien Memorial Hall has a big dog, used to guard, the move makes anyue peer is interested in. June 2016 anyue County departments organized a feasibility study meeting, finally decided to give some units equipped with dogs in the County. Soon, the anyue County, territory of 8 national security units, they have their "security".

Question 2

"Wang Xing man" friendly fire others?

"There has been very few accidental tourists, Conservation Department coordinated"

Compared to "text", "Wang Xing person" the night shift ability. But how to manage them, become a hot topic in many users. Some netizens questioning, originally used to protect cultural relics, "Wang Xing man", will cause damage to carved statues.

In the interview with the Beijing News reporter, Tang Wenjun, Deputy Director of anyue County Heritage Council said, these dogs usually live in the "living area", and the artifacts quarantine. "From the cliff like a certain distance, but can be seen as cultural relics. ”

Tang Wenjun told the Beijing News reporter, compared with "vandals" is concerned, they fear the most is that these dogs hurting people from the poultry, and even hurt. "In the past there have been accidental tourists, although few, also is not serious, is generally the local paper can handle itself, and cannot be handled, coordinated by the Heritage Council compensation. ”

This version of interview/Beijing News reporter Wang Yu

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Anyue, Sichuan province his Wolf heritage conservation

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  “如果能招到人,我们也不至于用狗。”在黄科进看来,使用狼狗,实际上是文保部门的无奈之举。他告诉新京报记者,安岳县境内的摩崖造像,大部分 位于深山中,人迹罕至。如果要当“文保员”,基本上只能全职工作。而文物局限于经费,能够给予“文保员”的薪水十分有限。“国家级文保单位一个月一千元, 省级六百到一千不等,市县级的更低。”


  黄科进介绍,由于安岳县文物盗窃活动猖獗,2016年初,文物部门组织工作人员赴周边地区学习考察。当时内江的张大千纪念馆养了一条大狼狗,用 来看家护院,这一举措让安岳的同行很感兴趣。2016年6月,安岳县多部门组织了一场论证会,最终决定给县内部分文保单位配备狼狗。很快,安岳县境内的8 个国家级文保单位,便拥有了自己的“安保狗”。







  本版采写/新京报记者 王煜

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

四川安岳 狼狗 文物保护


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