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published in(发表于) 2016/7/7 13:50:20
Villagers armed with knives after chopping the civilian police in Heilongjiang province were killed



Heilongjiang | villagers armed with knives to cut civilian police was killed _ police news

Effort PUMA News 7th News (reporter xiaojinbiao) tonight, Harbin city ylang County propaganda released message: day afternoon fool public Xiang police station police received alarm said, fool public Xiang Jinshan village Jinshan Tun villagers Zhang Enhou holding knife assault, police arrived Zhang Enhou home in the disposal process in the, Zhang En thick not listening to discourage and attacks police works personnel, Director Jin Shaofeng fired warning shots warning, but suspects Zhang En thick not listening to discourage, still holding knife continues to chased police, waving sickle assault, eventually Director Jin Shaofeng in fired warning shots warning invalid Hou shot killed suspects Zhang Enhou.

Following is a foolish Yilan County Public Security Bureau police station killing suspect Zhang En thick reports full text:

7th 13:40, Yilan County, Yu Gong Xiang Jin Shan Village and suspects his uncle Zhang many times alarm: Jin Shan Yu Gong Xiang Jin Shan Cun Zhang Enhou Tun villagers armed with knives to their attack. Yu Gong Jin Shaofeng, Director immediately led out by police officers of the police station rushed to the Zhang Enhou disposal at home. During the disposal process, Zhang En thickness do not scatter, sticks out of the police police out of its yard and sickle, armed with two cross walls chased, assaulted police officers. Jin Shaofeng, Director fired a warning shot, suspect Zhang En thickness do not scatter, still chasing police with a knife wielding a scythe attack, police officers life-threatening situations, and Jin Shaofeng, Director fired a warning shot after the suspect. Zhang En thick after death.

Suspect Zhang En-thick, male, of Han nationality, born in July 16, 1975, Yilan County farmers Jin Shan Yu Gong Xiang Jin Shan Cun Tun, has never married.

Yilan County prosecutors have been involved in the investigation, in the circumstances of the case is under further investigation.

Source: PUMA News

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Civilian police

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  劲彪新闻7日讯(记者 肖劲彪)今晚,哈尔滨市依兰县委宣传部发布消息:当日下午愚公乡派出所民警接到报警称,愚公乡锦山村锦山屯村民张恩厚持刀行凶,民警赶到张恩厚家中处置过 程中,张恩厚不听劝阻并袭击警务人员,所长金少锋鸣枪示警,但嫌疑人张恩厚不听劝阻,仍持刀继续追赶民警,挥舞镰刀行凶,最终所长金少锋在鸣枪警告无效后 开枪击毙嫌疑人张恩厚。


  7 日13时40分许,依兰县愚公乡锦山村村长及嫌疑人舅舅张某等多次报警:愚公乡锦山村锦山屯村民张恩厚持刀向其行凶。愚公派出所所长金少锋立即带领警务人 员出警赶到张恩厚家中处置。处置过程中,张恩厚不听劝阻,持棍棒将出警的民警赶出其家院子,继而手持两把镰刀翻过院墙追赶、袭击出警警务人员。所长金少锋 鸣枪示警,嫌疑人张恩厚不听劝阻,仍持刀继续追赶民警,挥舞镰刀行凶,在危及警务人员生命安全的情况下,所长金少锋在鸣枪警告无效后开枪击中嫌疑人。后张 恩厚死亡。




责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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