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published in(发表于) 2016/7/8 10:29:37
Guangzhou good citizen recognizes top ten heroic, 3 of them bus drivers



Guangzhou good citizen recognizes top ten heroic 3 are bus-drivers Guangzhou | | bus driver _ news

(Original title: Guangzhou citizens recognize 2015 top ten heroic half comes from transport system)

In moments of distress of others, they chose to come forward, they were deeply moved by the story of countless people, positive energy is spreading in the whole society in Guangzhou. Yesterday afternoon, the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of political and Legislative Affairs Committee, municipal comprehensive management, and good Samaritan Foundation joint meeting 2015 "Guangzhou heroic good citizen" awards ceremony in recognition of 10 such as Wu Zhifeng 2015 "good citizens of Guangzhou heroic" Honorary certificate and prize 10000 Yuan. Municipal Communist Party Deputy Inspector Jiao Daoneng attended the Conference and made a speech.

It is reported that ten "good citizen" from the bus driver, auxiliary police, defense team captain, apartments and many other jobs, and one is in College, five of them "good citizens" are from the transportation system.

Awards ceremony presided over by the good Samaritan Foundation Secretary General Li Zuochun yesterday. Liu Jisheng, President of good Samaritan Foundation introduces 2015 "Guangzhou heroic good citizen" award. According to reports, the campaign launched in December 2015, which lasted more than six months. Review by the Review Committee, all members elected by secret ballot of 15 candidates, and on April 28 this year in Guangzhou daily, Guangzhou, Ocean NET reference published the award announcement, launching the people and masses to vote.

As of May 20, received effective letter, online voting amounts to 377863. Requested by the Review Committee, the first 10 candidates who obtained the largest number of votes was elected for the year 2015 "Guangzhou honorable citizens", four branch Guangzhou Faw bus company driver Wu Zhifeng down thieves brave wounded and received the highest number of votes.

Worth noting is that the top ten "good citizens of Guangzhou heroic", five are from the transportation system, 3 of them was the bus driver, two taxi drivers, passenger engineers, similar to this years contest is also relatively rare.

  Good driver

  Female passenger shouted thief he fell fleeing man

Now 46 years old, Wu Zhifeng, Faw bus company as drivers in Guangzhou has more than 11 years. Appeared in the "good citizens of Guangzhou heroic" and obtained the highest number of votes, he was surprised, saying only a very small thing, "not thinking so much of the incident, passenger safety is the most important, they can help will go to help. ”

Event occurred on November 27, 2015 at 9 o'clock in the morning, Wu Zhifeng 76 bus driving from JI Xian Yuan Xin Cun to Higashiyama station, when the bus to Tang Sculpture Park West Road station, the car and suddenly heard a woman shouting: "my cell phone is missing! "Wu Zhifeng from the rear-view mirror and saw the woman grabbed a man by the clothes, the man escaped out the back door after the break. At that time, Wu Zhifeng immediately after disembarking from the front door before she pursued the men, found that Wu Zhifeng car chase after each other to speed up to escape, Wu Zhifeng heels, after running more than 50 meters, and eventually the man fell to the floor, when men struggling, beat Wu Zhifeng, scratch Wu Zhifeng face and hands. To prevent the men escape, fighting back pain would subdue Wu Zhifeng. After being stolen phone female passenger also ran, from uniform Pocket finds stolen iPhone. Later, police arrived at the scene, the man taken in for questioning.

Back at injured of stories, Wu Zhifeng to reporter shake has shook his head, a face indifferent said: "this not is what", himself as one bus driver, "just in post Shang do has a is ordinary of thing", because himself is responsible for of 76 road bus line is Guangzhou a article old of bus line, via multiple downtown sections, road complex, personnel intensive, for will in driving process in the would like to remember company "fraternity in car" of service spirit, in ride peak period, will by Xia security warning key reminded General passengers, Keep their own property, and this will help passengers keep their phone and caught the thief, "worth it! ”


  Lu student was robbed the cell phone call for help

  He was stabbed is still very reluctantly Chase gangster

At age 22, Xie Haobo, huadu district is currently studying in vocational and technical college of industry and commerce, is a sophomore majoring in, he is also the youngest of the time heroic citizens. Facing reporters, Xie Haobo says don't raise him from time to time, he's just doing a normal thing.

Initially, learned that himself was named "heroic good public", Xie Haobo also thought is in joked, "is accident", he think "is General of a thing, didn't thought will get so big of honors", has he also no will this pieces thing told teacher and students, "is small of a thing, didn't necessary let other people know, didn't want to shows off, this thing others met certainly also will out aid hand".

September 27, 2015 at 11 o'clock in the evening, Huang Liyu freshmen on their way back to school, after 107 guangqing road bridge at the end of bare snatch the phone by a man, then the man intended to sit on a takes his motorcycle to escape, but Huang Liyu dragged off, Huang Liyu after being beaten by other, causing multiple injuries. At this time, just passing Xie Haobo heard the cry for help, immediately rushed forward suspect caught, and snatched the phone back, and call the police.

Alarm process, the gangsters took out a knife stabbed Xie Haobo spring left waist and lateral elbow escape. Xie Haobo, despite injuries, endured the pain followed the gangsters, until unable to fall came after students sent to hospital for medical treatment.

Xie Haobo told reporters that his succession within one month before being stolen things were grabbed the phone, so to see other mobile phones were robbed, he will try his best to help, "will encounter difficulties in the community, the person wants to help each other", and you experience something similar, he will certainly do that.

  Fierce auxiliary police

  Railway station square rioters cut man

  He rushed forward to save the neck injury

"When someone is in trouble, we would like to help within their means. "37 year old Peng Yu is yangchun, Guangdong men square, yuexiu district police station of the auxiliary police, in this line of work for 10 years, in the face of cut knife-wielding gangsters crazy person, Peng Yu unhesitatingly rushed forward to stop. On yesterday's Conference, Peng Yu neck wound scars clearly visible, he told reporters that this was named "honorable citizens" feel very honored, "similar events will do so in the future."

8:18 A.M. March 6, 2015 or so, Peng Yu eating breakfast when he passed West of Guangzhou Railway station square, passengers face with blood running in panic, some people cut people ran and shouted, Peng Yu see a nefarious gangster carrying a kitchen knife to travellers passing through crazy hack, has two people lay on the ground. Then, Peng Yu readily took up a stainless steel iron horse, will desperate to rushed forward and gangster wrestling, gangster last-ditch, shoot with hands of knife to Peng Yu cut to, Peng Yu quickly Dodge, is still was blade cut has collar, injury and the neck, blood DC, but Peng Yu still has been and gangster wrestling, until and police with will gangster uniforms, avoid more big casualties, then was reminded Peng Yu neck Shang are kept to bleeding, Peng Yu only found himself serious injured. But in the course of treatment, and Peng Yu insisted that injured 120 vehicles on the first treatment, the last before being taken to hospital. Diagnosed by the hospital, Peng Yu wound on the left side of the neck up to 5cm, deep 1cm.

Peng Yu, told reporters that the situation was critical, he rushed up too late to think, thought only "must outlaw uniforms", never thought I would get hurt now when I think of the scene a little bit scared, but he has no regrets. And this is not Peng Yu for saving wounded for the first time, as far back as when he was ten years old, had saved a drowning man, in order to save a stone bruise.

Editor: Sue is imperative

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Guangzhou bus driver

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广州表彰十大见义勇为好市民 3人是公交司机|广州|公交司机_新闻资讯

  (原标题:广州表彰2015年度十大见义勇为好市民 一半来自交通系统)

  在别人危难的时刻,他们选择挺身而出,他们的事迹深深感动了无数市民,广州正能 量正在全社会蔓延。昨日下午,广州市委政法委、市综治办和市见义勇为基金会联合召开2015年度“广州市见义勇为好市民”表彰大会,表彰伍志峰等10名 2015年度“广州市见义勇为好市民”,各颁发荣誉证书和奖金10000元。市委政法委副巡视员焦道能出席表彰大会并作讲话。


  昨 日表彰大会由市见义勇为基金会秘书长李作春主持。市见义勇为基金会理事长刘继生介绍了2015年度“广州市见义勇为好市民”评选活动情况。据介绍,本次评 选活动自2015年12月启动,历时半年多。经评审委员会评审,全体委员以无记名投票方式选出15名候选人,并于今年4月28日在广州日报、广州参考、大 洋网刊发评选公告,发动广大市民群众投票。




  女乘客喊抓贼 他扑倒逃跑男子


  事 件发生在2015年11月27日上午9时许,伍志峰驾驶76路公交车由集贤苑教师新村开往东山总站,当公交车行驶至下塘西路的雕塑公园站时,车厢后突然听 到一名女乘客大声呼喊:“我的手机不见了!”伍志峰从后视镜中看见那名女乘客抓住一名男子的衣服,该名男子挣脱后从后门逃跑。当时,伍志峰见状后立即从前 门冲下车追赶那名男子,对方发现伍志峰下车追赶后加速逃跑,伍志峰紧追不放,跑了50多米后,最终将那名男子扑倒在地,彼时男子奋力挣扎,对伍志峰拳打脚 踢,并用手抓伤了伍志峰的脸部。为防止男子逃脱,伍志峰强忍剧痛将其制服。之后,被盗手机的女乘客也追了上来,从被制服的男子衣服口袋中找到被盗的苹果手 机。后来,警察到达现场,将涉案男子带走调查。

  回想当时受伤的情景,伍志峰向记者摇了摇头,一脸淡然说道:“这不算什么”,自己作为一名公 交驾驶员,“只是在岗位上做了一件很平凡的事”,因为自己负责的76路公交线是广州一条老字号的公交线,途经多个繁华路段,路况复杂,人员密集,为此会在 驾车过程中谨记公司“友爱在车厢”的服务精神,在乘车高峰时段,会按下安全警示键提醒广大乘客,时刻留意自身的财物安全,这次能帮乘客保住了手机并抓住了 小偷,“值得!”






  2015 年9月27日晚11时许,大一学生黄丽钰回学校途中,经过107国道广清高速桥底时,被一名男子徒手抢走手机,随后该男子本欲坐上一辆接应他的摩托车逃 跑,但被黄丽钰拖下车,之后黄丽钰遭到对方殴打,导致身体多处受伤。这时,刚好路过的谢豪博听到了呼救声,立即冲上前将嫌疑人抓住,并将被抢走的手机夺 回,并拨打电话报警。






  “当 别人遇到困难时,我们要在力所能及的范围内给予帮助。”37岁的广东阳春男子彭郁是越秀区广场派出所辅警,他在这行工作已整整10个年头,在面对持刀歹徒 疯狂砍人时, 彭郁毫不犹豫地冲向前阻止。昨日的表彰大会上,彭郁脖颈处的伤口疤痕还清晰可见,他告诉记者,这次能被评为“见义勇为好市民”感到非常荣幸,“今后遇到类 似事件还会这样做”。

  2015年3月6日早上8时18分左右,彭郁吃完早餐路过广州火车站西广场时,见多名旅客脸上带血惊慌乱跑,有的群众边跑边大声呼喊砍 人,彭郁见一名穷凶极恶的歹徒手持菜刀向过往旅客疯狂乱砍,地上已经躺着两人。这时,彭郁随手拿起一个不锈钢铁马,便奋不顾身地冲向前与歹徒搏斗,歹徒负 隅顽抗,拼力用手中的刀向彭郁砍去,彭郁急忙躲闪,却仍然被刀锋划破了衣领,伤及颈部,鲜血直流,但彭郁仍一直与歹徒搏斗,直到与民警一起将歹徒制服,避 免更大伤亡,这时有人提醒彭郁脖子上正不停地流血,彭郁才发现自己严重受伤。但在救治过程中,彭郁坚持让受伤群众先上120车救治,自己最后才被送往医 院。经医院诊断,彭郁颈部左边伤口长达5cm,深1cm。

  彭郁告诉记者,事发当时情况危急,他来不及多想就冲了上去,心中只想着“一定要把 歹徒制服”,没想过自己会不会受伤,现在回想起当时的场景有那么一点点后怕,不过他一点也不后悔。而这也并非彭郁首次为救人受伤,早在他十来岁的时候,就 曾救过一名溺水者,当时为了救人被石头擦伤。


广州 公交司机


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