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published in(发表于) 2016/7/8 10:29:48
Manzhouli in Inner Mongolia deputies to sexually abusing girls investigate: encourage kids to study hard



Manzhouli in Inner Mongolia deputies to sexually abusing girls investigate: encourage kids to study hard | | deputies molestation _ news

Original title: stretch black school girls become "prey"--Inner Mongolia manzhouli junior high school girls were sexual assault investigation

Hohhot, July 8 Xinhua Reuters new media (Xinhua Zou Jianpu) occurred in the case of sexual assault, manzhouli in Inner Mongolia recently caused widespread concern, junior girls suffered rape, sex offenders, and even local people's Congress.

After days of supplementary investigation, and 6th, the last two suspects used a prosecution, manzhouli and Zhao was arrested. At this point, all 8 of the suspects were arrested in connection with, they will face forced prostitution, rape and other charges charges.

  Junior High girls to suicide led the deputies involved in the sexual assault case attention

"My heavens! "On July 4, the reporter met a sexual assault the girl's father, just one opening, the more than 40-year old man had cried. "The child was only 13 years old, people who are parents, how to shoot three men......"

On May 10, 2016, the local middle school teacher stumbled upon a girl in his class wanted to commit suicide, school officials in the investigation that followed, found by social workers coerced sexual assault of the girl was immediately reported. Task force after days of investigation, quickly suspected of coercing girls 5 suspects and alleged rape of 3 suspects caught.

According to the Public Security Bureau officials, manzhouli introduced, 5 suspects suspected of coercing girls and 1 were high school dropouts, the other 4 people unemployed. 3 suspected of rape suspects respectively for stone, often a, Zhao. Among them, the stones for construction and installation limited liability corporation, often some of the original staff of the Bank of China branch in manzhouli (resigned), Zhao was the manzhouli Customs Office in station warden, has been dismissed for absenteeism in a row.

Identified by the investigation, beginning of April 2016, Wang and others repeatedly forcing 4 underage victim for sex with stone and others, a total profit of over more than 20,000 yuan. Two of the victims were stress, are under 14 years of age. As of July 6, 8 all suspects were arrested.

The community particularly is concerned, 3 suspects arrested for sexually assaulting middle school girls, manzhouli stone as the original people's Congress. On June 24, manzhouli Shi resign from the 14 session of the national people's Congress, the Standing Committee shall be subject to a representative.

Reporter interviews found, born in 1964, stone a born in siyang County in Jiangsu Province, a nonpartisan college graduate. November 13, 2012 election to the 14th session of the national people's Congress, manzhouli, election constituencies for workers. Stone arrived in Manchuria in 1988 business by contracting construction projects developed step by step.

"Stone like a good boy. "A person familiar with the matter said, after sexually assaulting middle school girls, stone still in bed, to encourage children to study hard and be very distorted.

In view of the nature of the case, manzhouli city Party Committee and Government have held many special work schedules, requirements and procedures strictly, in accordance with the relevant legal provisions as soon as possible.

  Girl dropouts "paraphernalia" around the campus hidden hazards control

"If it wasn't sticky, and maybe even how many children will suffer. "When it comes to this case, manzhouli's many educators still haunt.

The reporter learned from the Public Security Bureau of manzhouli and 5 stress female suspects were women with an average age of less than 19 years of age, of which 3 are primary school and 1 junior high school culture, 1 drop out of high school.

Investigators said each victim forced to after having sex with others, suspects over more than 1000 Yuan of "reward". The money was used for drink, and soon squandered. Once the money has been spent, the victim will experience a new nightmare.

"The drop out rate, and lax discipline of parents is that they are an important reason for perverting. "Investigators said 5 suspects have no real job, full day roaming the community, once a girl becomes their" prey "would be difficult to get rid of, do not obey will be kicked. If you find "prey" of sexual assault before the withdrawal, they would "beat you to death" words such as threats.

"Now the school was full of cameras, school violence is easy to find. In school, we often feel powerless. "Deputy Director of the Education Bureau of manzhouli said Wang Dong, social workers and students in the use of social software, which brings to the regulatory challenge.

Wang Dong said, many living on campus surrounding community who are minors under 18 years of age, even if they imposed to students mild violence or extortion involving a smaller property, often also criticize. Due to fear of reprisals, most of the time, was hurt students to tell a parent or teacher.

In this regard, the responsible Xu Ailian, manzhouli municipal government, said the next step, the city's schools will further strengthen legal education and ideological work, minor protection, and educational, cultural, community organizations and women's and children's rights protection organizations all related departments to carry out their duties, such as detailed measures to develop linkage mechanism. Meanwhile, the public security organs will strengthen campus and around troubleshooting, crack down on violent incidents on and off campus.

  "Special student" absence of care education needs more attention

Manzhouli City Bureau Deputy Director Zhao Jing, who said that stone and others pedophilia "addiction" a chilling. But apart from heart palpitations, more to explore, how can we avoid such tragedy again, how children no longer suffer in silence when threatened.

Known as the "East" window of manzhouli is China's largest land port in this cosmopolitan city, education not far behind, more than 2000 teachers in the city, there are more than 230 people holding national counselor certificate. Schools have school-age children in the mental health, sex education, sexual assault prevention education lectures. But before and after several girls threatened by sexual assault victims, but none of the initiative to stand up and tell a parent or teacher.

"The child is the fear of social workers on the one hand, on the other hand, we are also deeply, are parents and we are not doing nearly enough. "Zhao Jing said that these were sexually abusing girls, either parent is not around, hosted in someone's home for a long time; or migrant parents, business, neglect the management of children. Criminals choose "game" when they chose.

"I know so, nothing much also care about children. "During the interview, a repeatedly sexually assault children parent dunzuchuixiong, lament.

In another family, busy with a living mother accidentally discovered the subtle changes in children. After intensive care, kids completely get rid of the interference of stress, so there is no continue to suffer injury, current mood has leveled off, making it "Unfortunately lucky."

Statistics from the Education Bureau of manzhouli, this city of immigrants nearly 20,000 students, including children of migrant workers accounted for 39% of the total number of students, some schools even as high as 80%, and 2% of the left-behind children.

"The children of migrant workers, children, single parent families, children with disabilities are our designated as ' secret ', a ' one-to-one ' support. "Zhao Jing said that the parents of these families generally making ends meet, lack of care for children, educational level is relatively low, for their children's education, schools need to do more work, best make up for the absence of family education.

Reporter learned that, in order to prevent such events from happening again, manzhouli City Bureau has requested schools to further implement ideological and psychological "precision support", and continue to improve communication mechanisms such as community, to grasp the youth outside the flow dynamics, as benign, effective communication with the guardians.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Sexual assault NPC

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Xinhua News Agency

  原标题:黑手伸向校园 幼女成为“猎物”——内蒙古满洲里多名初中女生遭性侵事件调查

  新华网呼和浩特7月8日新媒体专电(记者 邹俭朴) 发生在内蒙古满洲里市的一起性侵案日前引发社会广泛关注,多名初中女生屡遭性侵,性侵者甚至包括当地人大代表。


  初中女孩欲自杀牵出性侵案 人大代表涉案引关注



  据满洲里市公安局办案人员介绍,涉嫌胁迫女生的5名犯罪嫌疑人中,有1人为高中辍学学生,其余4人均无业。涉嫌强奸的3名犯罪嫌疑人分别为石 某、常某、赵某。其中,石某为一家建筑安装责任有限公司法人;常某为原中国银行满洲里分行职员(已辞职);赵某曾是满洲里海关驻车站办事处协管员,因连续旷工已被辞退。






  学妹沦为辍学者的“生财工具” 校园周边隐患治理几多难




  “过早辍学,父母疏于管教是这她们走向歧途的重要原因。”办案人员表示,这5名犯罪嫌疑人均无正经工作,整日在社会游荡,一旦有女孩成为她们的 “猎物”,便很难摆脱,稍不服从,就会被拳打脚踢。如果发现“猎物”遭性侵前有退缩的表现,她们就会用“回头打死你”等话语进行威胁。



  对此,满洲里市市政府相关责任人许爱莲表示,下一步,全市各学校将进一步加强青少年法制教育和思想工作,未成年保护机构和教育、文化、社区组织 和妇女儿童权益保护组织等各相关部门都要各司其职细化工作措施,形成长效联动机制。与此同时,公安机关将加强校园及周边隐患排查,严厉打击校园内外的暴力 事件。

  “特情学生”更需关爱 教育缺位需重视


  被誉为“东亚之窗”的满洲里是中国最大陆路口岸,在这座国际化的城市中,教育理念并不落后,全市2000多名教师中,有230多人持有国家级心 理咨询师证书。各学校一直在适龄学生中开展心理健康、性知识教育、预防性侵犯教育等讲座。但几名受害女生受到性侵威胁前后,却没有一位主动站出来告诉家长 或老师。







责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

性侵 人大代表


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