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published in(发表于) 2016/7/13 8:19:57
United States said binding arbitration decision on the South China Sea in the Philippines, the Chinese Foreign Ministry response



United States says South China Sea Arbitration rulings binding on Philippine Foreign Ministry response | sea arbitration _ news

Q: on July 12, the United States spokesman for China's State Council issued a press statement saying that Philippine Sea Arbitration Tribunal released the so-called decision is legally binding for both China and the Philippines, and hopes the two sides to comply with the obligations, and take this as an opportunity to resume peace efforts to resolve the dispute. Do you have any comment?

A: our statements by the US side expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition, and has made solemn representations to the US side.

Filed arbitration cases in the South seas and the so-called unilateral decisions in the Philippines, the Chinese Foreign Ministry today issued a statement elaborated the solemn stand of the Chinese Government. I would like to stress again, Benigno Aquino III of the Philippines Government to unilaterally initiate an arbitration violation to international law, is a covered with legal coat political farce. Behavior and decisions of the arbitration tribunal a serious departure from the general practice of international arbitration, the decision null and void, have no legal binding force. In the South China Sea territorial sovereignty and maritime rights in any case is not affected by the arbitration ruling, China is opposed to and will not accept any claims and actions based on that ruling. China will continue to firmly safeguard territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and firmly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea, stick with the parties directly concerned on the basis of respect for historical facts, in accordance with international law, the dispute through a negotiated peaceful settlement of the South China Sea.

United States released so-called statements of facts, of arbitral awards to be illegal invalid fade, this in itself does not meet the spirit of the rule of law, in violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations, contrary to the United States to its own position on issues relating to territorial disputes without public commitments, to properly control the sea, peaceful settlement of disputes create serious obstacles. Us has always been selective implementation of attitude towards international law, collection, not abandon, keeps on asking others to abide by the United Nations law of the Sea Convention itself has not ratified the Convention. Us on South China Sea issue has no comment on others? We urge the US side to reflect on their own behavior, stop illegal ruling, and stopped in the South China Sea issue pick wrong, stop undermining China's sovereignty and security interests, words and deeds that exacerbated tension in the region.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
South China Sea Arbitration

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China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
美国称南海仲裁案裁决对中菲有拘束力 中国外交部回应|南海仲裁_新闻资讯



  关于菲律宾单方面提起的南海仲裁案及其所谓裁决,中国外交部今天已发表声明全面阐述了中国政府的严正立场。我想再次强调,菲律宾阿基诺三世政府 单方面提起仲裁的行为违反国际法,是一场披着法律外衣的政治闹剧。仲裁庭的行为及其裁决严重背离国际仲裁一般实践,有关裁决完全无效,没有法律拘束力。中 国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益在任何情况下不受仲裁裁决影响,中国反对且不接受任何基于该裁决的主张和行动。中方将继续坚定维护领土主权和海洋权益,坚定 维护南海和平稳定,坚持与直接有关当事国在尊重历史事实的基础上,根据国际法,通过谈判协商和平解决南海有关争议。

  美方发表的所谓声明罔顾事实,为非法无效的仲裁裁决张目,这本身就不符合法治精神,违背国际法和国际关系基本准则,违背美方自己关于在有关领土 争议问题上不持立场的公开承诺,给各方妥善管控海上局势、和平解决争议制造严重障碍。美方历来对国际法采取选择性执行的态度,合则用、不合则弃,口口声声 要求别人遵守《联合国海洋法公约》,可自己至今也没有批准加入《公约》。美方有什么资格在南海问题上对别人说三道四?我们奉劝美方好好反省自己的言行,停 止为有关非法裁决造势,停止在南海问题上挑事生非,停止损害中方主权和安全利益、加剧地区紧张局势的言行。

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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