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published in(发表于) 2016/7/14 10:57:17
The former General Manager of Guangdong power grid nearly 40 million bribery, not white do not charge



Previous bribes of nearly 40 million, General Manager of Guangdong power grid said no white don't Guangdong | | money | bribery _ news

Original title: taking bribes of nearly 40 million the former General Manager of Guangdong power grid not white do not charge

Beijing news alert Central Commission for discipline inspection announced on July 14 at the official website of Guangdong power grid recorded in the case of former General Manager Wu Zhouchun warning said Wu Zhouchun bribe of nearly 40 million. This reflection, selfish expansion, lust, by hook or by crook, and total depravity. More greedy selfish expansion more greedy, jealous, have to pay, not white do not charge; do not send, not white do not.

Wu Zhouchun has star power system official. In June 1984, Wu Zhouchun just turned 30 years old Secretary was appointed in Zhanjiang power supply Bureau, become the youngest long prefecture-level city power supply Bureau of Guangdong Province. In May 1991, the Organization adjusted Wu Zhouchun Secretary of Guangzhou power supply Bureau, became the country's youngest capital city power supply Bureau of long, he was 40 years old at this time. Subsequently, Wu Zhouchun served as General Manager of Guangdong power grid Corporation, China Southern power grid, Assistant General Manager, China Southern power grid, Chairman of international limited liability company and other positions in charge of power companies for more than 25 years.

On February 13, 2014, Wu Zhouchun on suspicion of serious offenses, examination by Guangdong Provincial Commission for discipline inspection. On May 14, 2014, by the provincial Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee for consideration and approval of the provincial party Committee, and decided to grant Wu Zhouchun expelled from disciplinary action, its judicial organs shall investigate and deal with the transfer of suspected crime clues. Identified as Wu Zhouchun used his position to seek benefits for others, ask for and accept other person's property amounted to 39.26 million Yuan, US $ 30,000 yuan. On January 25, 2016, accused Wu Zhouchun bribery and sentenced to 13 years.

Wu Zhouchun introspection, "said selfish expansion, lust, by hook or by crook, and total depravity. More greedy selfish expansion more greedy, jealous, have to pay, not white do not charge; do not send, not white do not. Seeing those who know boss Villa, senior restaurant, sitting high on cars, I think they earn large sum of wealth there is a telephone, a call, a statement from. My heart is not balanced, power-for-money transaction, equal exchange, since you with my power to get wealth, you are normal. Greed, money I brazen and daring, thoroughly degraded, jail becomes inevitable. ”

Responsible editor: Kang Yunkai

Article keywords:
Guangdong trading power for money bribery

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The Beijing News
广东电网上一任总经理受贿近4000万 称不收白不收|广东|权钱交易|受贿_新闻资讯

  原标题:受贿近四千万 广东电网原总经理称不收白不收

  新京报快讯 中纪委7月14日在官网公布广东电网原总经理吴周春案件警示录称,吴周春曾受贿近四千万。对此他反思称,私欲膨胀,利令智昏,不择手段,彻底堕落。私欲膨胀越贪越想贪,因而见钱眼红,有送即收,不收白不收;不送即要,不要白不要。

  吴周春此前曾为电力系统明星官员。1984 年6月,刚满30岁的吴周春被任命为湛江供电局局长,成为广东省最年轻的地级市供电局长。1991年5月,组织上调吴周春任广州市供电局局长,成为当时全国最年轻的省会城市供电局长,此时他未满 40岁。其后,吴周春历任广东电网公司总经理、南方电网总经理助理、南方电网国际有限责任公司董事长等职务,主管电网企业长达25年。

  2014年2月13日,吴周春因涉嫌严重违纪,被广东省纪委立案审查。2014年5月14日,经省纪委常委会议审议并报省委批准,决定给予吴周春开除党籍处分,将其涉嫌犯罪的线索移交司法机关依法 查处。经查明,吴周春利用职务上的便利为他人谋取利益,索取、收受他人财物共计人民币3926万元,美金3万元。2016年1月25日,被告人吴周春犯受贿罪,判处有期徒刑13年。



广东 权钱交易 受贿


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