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published in(发表于) 2016/7/15 11:56:31
Any bribe, General Manager of the Guangdong power grid on a gimmicky: ancestor worship as bribes reason



Any bribe, General Manager of the Guangdong power grid on a gimmicky: ancestor worship as bribes reason anti-corruption | | | Wu Zhouchun _ power news

The South reporter Yi Huang "greed, money I brazen and daring, thoroughly degraded, jail becomes inevitable. "Yesterday, the Central Commission for discipline inspection site, the provincial discipline Inspection Commission South wind released the long-term layout curves generated electric power bosses touch" electricity "article, disclosure of Guangdong power grid company General Manager Wu Zhouchun confession and warning were recorded.

On February 13, 2014, Wu Zhouchun on suspicion of serious offenses, examination by Guangdong Provincial Commission for discipline inspection. On May 14, 2014, by the provincial Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee for consideration and approval of the provincial party Committee, and decided to grant Wu Zhouchun expelled from disciplinary action, its judicial organs shall investigate and deal with the transfer of suspected crime clues. Article disclosed, identified as Wu Zhouchun used his position to seek benefits for others, ask for and accept other people's property, a total of 39.26 million Yuan, US $ 30,000 yuan. On January 25, 2016, Wu Zhouchun bribery was sentenced to 13 years.

Bribe-full of tricks

In June 1984, Wu Zhouchun just turned 30 years old Secretary was appointed in Zhanjiang power supply Bureau, become the youngest long prefecture-level city power supply Bureau of Guangdong Province. In May 1991, the Organization adjusted Wu Zhouchun Secretary of Guangzhou power supply Bureau, he was 40 years old at this time. Starting from Zhanjiang, journey times, 2005 years later served as General Manager of Guangdong power grid Corporation, China Southern power grid, Assistant General Manager, China Southern power grid, Chairman of international limited liability company and other duties, Wu Zhouchun power grid enterprises in charge for many years.

Electric power industry capital and technology-intensive, more construction and management projects, and top leaders control a comprehensive, has some arbiter of the rules of procedure. "See money jealous, has sent that received, not received white not received; not sent that to, don't white don't", Wu Zhouchun tore has last a layer fig leaf, by original of shy into later of active asking for, and pattern full, and by hook or by crook: son do company, and home mothering ancestors, and purchase stock, and acquisition property, are can became he obtained bribery of excuses, from hundreds of thousands of Yuan to millions of Yuan, reaches that to.

Rent long term

Wu Zhouchun rent on the long term and interest characteristics of transport options. Not many people can enter the Wu Zhouchun core interests, about 5, and are long and relatively stable. Such as he, Wu Zhouchun interest relationship with for more than 20 years.

Wu Zhouchun regards he as "die-hard allies", willing to reap huge benefits in the power systems pave. According to statistics, in the tendering of Guangdong power grid supplies only this one, within 4 years, he and enterprise access to procurement contracts amount to 1.719 billion yuan.

There is no doubt that he has become the Wu Zhouchun real "cash dispenser". In order to support Wu Zhouchun son doing business in Nanning, Guangxi, a cash payment not only of 2.15 million yuan in 2007 he purchased for its Office, and lump-sum payments of 5 million Yuan as start-up capital of the company.

Wu Zhouchun is not only good at layout for a long time, and very careful concealment of money. In order to avoid risks, he is the most commonly used method is to borrow stock, stock in the name of a partnership to obtain reference bribes.

Once, Wu Zhouchun through certain channels was informed that a stock will rise in the short term, contact won and he took care of a company boss Chen, son, FRY asked Chen for lack of funds financed eventually return of 3 million Yuan, Wu Zhouchun gets one of 2 million Yuan. Later Wu Zhouchun to buy shares in the name of a 3, to several business bosses have "borrowed", which obtained an insurance company Marketing Manager Yang 2 million Yuan, an electric company boss Chen 3 million Yuan and an information technology company boss Lee 9.75 million Yuan.

Editor: Sue is imperative

Article keywords:
Anti-corruption network Wu Zhouchun

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The Southern Metropolis daily

  南都讯 记者黄怡“贪字、钱字使我厚颜无耻、胆大妄为,彻底堕落、锒铛入狱成为必然。”昨日,中纪委网站、省纪委南粤清风网发布《长期布局曲线敛财电力老总触“电”》文章,披露广东电网公司原总经理吴周春忏悔和警示录。

  2014 年2月13日,吴周春因涉嫌严重违纪,被广东省纪委立案审查。2014年5月14日,经省纪委常委会议审议并报省委批准,决定给予吴周春开除党籍处分,将 其涉嫌犯罪的线索移交司法机关依法查处。文章披露,经查明,吴周春利用职务上的便利为他人谋取利益,索取、收受他人财物共计3926万元,美金3万元。 2016年1月25日,吴周春犯受贿罪被判处有期徒刑13年。


  1984年6月,刚满30岁的吴 周春被任命为湛江供电局局长,成为广东省最年轻的地级市供电局长。1991年5月,组织上调吴周春任广州市供电局局长,此时他未满40岁。从湛江起步,一 路顺风顺水,2005年后历任广东电网公司总经理、南方电网总经理助理、南方电网国际有限责任公司董事长等职务,吴周春主管电网企业多年。

  电 力行业资金、技术密集,建设、管理项目较多,而一把手统管全面,有一定的议事决断权。“见钱眼红,有送即收,不收白不收;不送即要,不要白不要”,吴周春 撕下了最后一层遮羞布,由原来的羞羞答答变成后来的主动索要,且花样百出、不择手段:儿子办公司、回家省亲祭祖、购买股票、购置房产等都可以成为他索取贿 赂的借口,从数十万元到几百万元,伸手即要。






  曾 有一次,吴周春通过某种渠道获知一家股票将在短期内上涨,联系曾获得过他照顾的某电器公司老板陈某,以儿子炒股缺少资金为由要求陈某出资支持,最终股票收 益300万元,吴周春获取了其中的200万元。后来吴周春又以购买某3只股票为名,先后向多个业务往来的老板“借款”,其中索取某保险公司推销经理杨某 200万元、某电器公司老板陈某300万元和某信息技术公司老板李某资金975万元。


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