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published in(发表于) 2016/7/16 8:03:10
Network movie sad: best screenplay, Director, said heard,



Network movie sad: best screenplay, Director heard-network movie, movie-IT information

On July 13, the network movie the killer the scarecrow in the major video sites online, as of July 14, at 11 o'clock in the morning, play has close to 30,000. This data is not high film can cause people's attention, because it recently won the Peking University School of Cinematic Arts Award "best screenplay".

Since it was founded 118 years, Peking University, the first "best screenplay" issued to a suspense movie. This is the network movie won Academy Awards for the first time.

Since its birth, network darling of the film is the capital, has been ignored by traditional film criticism and even, Director Jia Zhangke was when asked about the network movie and answer the question "what the hell is that? Never heard of ". Academic awards of the killer the scarecrow, the signal network movie can get rid of the awkward situation of public opinion, was about to enter a new cycle?

Low threshold, income-generation, network movie a certifiable

Network movie taking shape now in 2013, many people believe that it is the upgraded version of micro films. Aiqi art to movies is the definition of the network, between 500,000 to 3 million or 4 million investment, when more than 60 minutes, produced, shot, release cycles are relatively short, core story is more complete, and release it on the Internet.

Network movie and cinema film the biggest difference is that low threshold to make it, short cycle, income generation. To network big movie Taoist mountain for cases, it in took first Department only with has 280,000 yuan investment, making party revealed script writing time not to one week, plus preparatory 10 days, shooting 10 days, late making 10-12 days, despite before and after filmed available not over one months, but Taoist mountain online two days on recovered has cost, 10 days full network box office over 3 million, Baidu ranked leading earlier the compound line movie, and break has the big video website paid records.

Short, fast return on investment makes big films became the darlings of the market. Based on data from aiqi art before 2016, network-wide network film number is expected to reach 2,200. Among them, split over 2 million the number of films will be more than 200, nearly 6 times than in 2015. It can be foreseen that 2016 is network development spurt big movie of the year, was estimated in 2016, network movie market scale will reach 1 billion. Lower barriers to entry and dividend stimulates huge market, many new media companies, entrepreneurial teams have big movie eyes on the network, eager to share.

Although favored by the capital, network movie market has many problems. Like when is the app platform has just opened to the public, mixed, if not adjusted, network movie prospects are still bogged down in crisis.

Network movie embarrassment

At first, network movie with "low cost, high return, short cycle" features gradually formed unique positioning and attributes, creating new formats of Internet and movie industry depth. But unlike the nets play the Princess Never Put It in Writing, phenomenal word of mouth works, network movie while alive, but under the shoddy, hardly a phenomenal work.

Terms of watercress, the film critics of the time network group, or in the know, Baidu such a question-and-answer platform, barely see the discussions about a particular movie, ratings, and lack of evaluation system, the network still did not enter the mainstream eye. Although the killer the scarecrow received academic recognition, but because of the following reasons, people a negative impression of the network movie has cured to achieve long-term development, the current situation is awkward.

1,-cheesy topics. Because of a network movie there is no strict standard of review, therefore, many traditional movie not subject will be implemented in the network movie, such as thriller, zombie themes, gambling chip, playing erotic ball and so on. Due to gaps in regulation, network movie has put its subject matter an infinite loop, the more vulgar subject matter seems more likely to attract audiences, in order to attract traffic and achieve high yields in the short term, vulgar subject matter must be part of a network movie shortcut.

2, rough. For profit, are paying to watch online movie now go routes, both in title and is in the subject matter will try to stimulate the eye, erotic, violent edge of the contents are not uncommon. And the movie mode of paying into more and more mature, represented by aiqi Arts paid membership system has been formed, for the films to see huge gains with this hope, in a short time, under the double pressure of high yield, content churn is also expected.

3, appeal to the poor taste. From the title, I will be able to see, network movie subject matter interest was staying during the video halls of Hong Kong films in the last century aesthetic, to satisfy the curiosity of the audience, mainly voyeuristic desires, such as the zombies, the Taoist mountains, the yin and Yang of the sovereign, legend of the gambler, the night widow village and the naked female agents, and so on. The age of peach, the recognition game, my wife of minors, a night of crazy and so on, is the usual theme of early Hong Kong category III films, plus cover all teasing posters, make him unable to control click, make eyeballs. Some directly on the hit movies, TV shows, series, walking in the title, such as the Taoist mountains, the Australian Glen Johnson, President of beauty personal master, return of the fairy, and more. Network movie audiences to two or three cities, towns, mainly young crowd.

Look abroad, although there is a short film of the similar concept, but whether it is content, audience, or the profit model, entirely different from the domestic. In the United States, online movie focuses on Vimeo, Fander, HULU, NETFLIEX and other video Web sites, most similar to the domestic micro-films. Most of the time within a half hour, the theme is serious, strong story, aimed at sharing. Another has a Shi long more long, story context more clear of network movie, by investors intervention, they in video website Shang not long-term share, acres election the film festival, for get more of professional recognized, this film in film festival Shang show, once was as Warner like of big capital fancy, on has has upper House of Parliament line, and earned box office of may, and also has DVD issued, mature of around supporting to achieved returns.

Thus the United States major creation or upload the network of independent film producers, often to treat works well to look forward to is cinema and investors see an opportunity. So its a long shot the lowest cost is about $ 1 million.

United States has a more perfect system, vulgar subject matter works for public exhibition opportunities, who have special needs to scale the movie to fill the gap.

By contrast, the domestic network movie team, often emerging team pictures for the new media entrepreneur. Many lack the professional background and knowledge, a lack of film art, even if they are investment or around little thought on how to get more income.

Marketing dilemma, quality is the key

And at home, just because born in Robin Hood, more and more prospectors into network movie market, to produce a phenomenal network movie, unless you have a good marketing strategy, as network TV series the Princess Never Put It in Writing that, seize the role topic of ridicule and poor cast, its a high degree of attention to IP.

But compared to the network series, online movie marketing is destined to become trapped. On one hand, most crudely, said Hugh to get around, whatever-scale as a selling point, also was to feature as a selling point, is not very convenient with great fanfare propaganda, it is difficult to truly move people. The other hand, most of the investors to earn quick money to, the pursuit is not in the works, there is no plan to expend a lot of energy to operate.

Many of today's operations, is basically a video platform to boast. Many PR articles hype network movie, in fact, is turned off. Even the so-called winning of the killer the scarecrow is also a work full of Groove.

No objective evaluation mechanism, the creator of creative direction to get the correct assessment.

In this case, high quality IP into the Council is extremely important. Once a professional company was trying to improve quality, create word of mouth works, mud stirred, perhaps Internet movie market, producers follow suit three custom, investor attitudes will be changed to follow the trend of making quick money.

Certainly now in the works already have access to professional, high quality movie content is still worth looking forward to, but grass-roots to the new Board is not much business opportunity, more and more online movies are implementing institutions, investment, its contents never vulgar, poor-quality products must face out.

Especially for network management and control will be irreversibly Stern, policy fence tightening when the network movie will face subversion of the existing environment. Real benefits, should be the people who get on the ball.

网络电影之悲:拿到最佳编剧奖,名导演称没听说过 - 网络电影,大电影 - IT资讯












1、 题材烂俗化。由于网络大电影目前还没有严格的审查标准,因此,很多传统电影不敢拍的题材就会在网络大电影中实现,比如恐怖惊悚、丧尸题材、赌片、打情色擦边球等等。由于监管缺失,网络大电影的内容已经陷入题材方面的死循环,越低俗的题材看似越容易吸引受众,为了吸引流量,在短期内取得高收益,低俗题材必然成为网络大电影的一条捷径。

2、 内容粗糙。为了盈利,网络电影目前走的大多是付费观看的路线,因此无论在标题上还是在题材选择上都会尽量刺激眼球,打情色、暴力擦边球的内容并不少见。而且当下的网络电影付费分成模式越来越成熟,以爱奇艺为代表的付费会员制度已成型,让电影出品方看到以此来获得巨大收益的希望,在短时间、高收益双重压力之下,内容方面粗制滥造也在意料之中。


反观国外,虽然也有类似概念的short film,但无论是内容方向、受众群体,还是从盈利模式,都与国内大相径庭。在美国,网络电影主要集中于Vimeo、Fander、HULU、NETFLIEX等视频网站,大部分类似于国内的微电影。大多时长在半小时以内,题材偏严肃,故事性强,目的在于分享。另有一种时长更长,故事脉络更清晰的网络电影,由投资人介入,它们在视频网站上不长期分享,成片参选各电影节,为获得更多的专业认可,这种影片在电影节上放映,一旦被如华纳之类的大资本看中,就有了上院线、赚票房的可能,而且还有DVD发行等成熟的周边配套来实现回报。












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