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published in(发表于) 2016/7/19 10:32:35
First Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway performance, net profit last year nearly 6.6 billion



Performance first came to Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway net profit last year nearly 6.6 billion | _ Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway news
High speed rail

  After each reporter Li Zhuo had just turned 5 years old birthday of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, because "Beijing and Shanghai the second channel" very obvious, and once again become the focus of attention in the industry.

Known as "the world's most profitable high-speed rail," the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, earnings were never officially disclosed. However, on July 18, the daily economic news reporter from a shareholder in Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail found in the disclosure of information, by the end of 2015, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway company limited 131.172 billion yuan of net assets, asset-liability ratio was only 27.74%. While its operating revenue reached 23.424 billion yuan last year, and net income of $ 6.581 billion yuan.

"Hands of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed lines cost for the railway company's most profitable, best quality assets, no one. "High-speed rail researcher, author a high-speed rail in colour" @ high speed rail experience, "comment said. Meanwhile, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway insiders said, had previously been considered obstacles to listed Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway "asset Division" is over. However, unlike expected, the source said, because plenty of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail cash flows, for the time being and find good investment opportunities, in no rush to become a listed company.

In an interview with reporters, many from members of the industry, Beijing, Shanghai and two-channel package to Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail company investment, development of ideas, which are also believed to stimulate listed one of the biggest drivers of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway. However, according to the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway insiders, at least for now, Beijing-Shanghai second channel has not been handed over to them to consider. This also means that everything can find the right new problem for Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail investment projects to be listed.

Average profit per person or 50 Yuan

How make money are the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail? At the time of the daily economic news reporter, still did not publicly disclose the relevant data in the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, but railway authorities said that in 5 years, this is the only profitable domestic high-speed lines.

Worth mentioning is that the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway have lost money before. 2013 or even market rumors that two or three shareholders of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway: ping an asset management company limited (owned by ping an of China), the National Council for Social Security Fund, for Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway loss takes too long to make withdrawal request.

However, according to the business daily reporters check out ping 2014 and 2015 information was informed that two years, ping an of China on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway net equity investment of 6.3 billion yuan, 16 billion yuan in total assets, indirect shareholding ratio has been maintained at 39.18%. This means ping an of China at least two shareholders there is no retreat.

But ping an's financial statements, about the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail revenues, net income and other data were not disclosed.

Another shareholder as the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, Tianjin railway construction investment holding (Group) limited disclosure statement of bonds in early July this year, data showed profits for the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway.

Shown in this manual, by the end of 2015, the Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway company with total assets of 181.539 billion yuan, 50.367 billion yuan total liabilities and owners ' equity totaled 131.172 billion yuan, assets-liabilities ratio 27.74% in 2015 and operating income of 23.424 billion yuan, total cost 16.736 billion yuan of business; operating income of 130,000 yuan, operating expenses 27.51 million; total profit of 6.66 billion yuan, net income of $ 6.581 billion yuan.

Noteworthy is that according to data published total iron official website beginning on June 30, 2011 since the opening, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail passengers only within six months of the year reached 24.15 million passengers, 2015 years shipped nearly 130 million passengers. Estimated that in 2015, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway passenger average about 50 Yuan per person (includes tickets other than the profit).

Insiders say asset classification completed

On the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail profits at the same time, its market barriers are gradually reduced. According to the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway insiders said, the Beijing-Shanghai high speed rail more than 180 billion yuan in fixed assets, asset classification has been completed, mainly some lines to the Bureau or another company, all the train Depot to the repairs area, allocated to roads.

For industry concern of is, 2010 early, is in construction in the of Beijing Shanghai high-speed rail on once rumors or will was China State "specially" listed financing; thereafter, railways official Enterprise separate, and China State Development Research Center while released "383 programme", recommends select a development potential larger, and business border clear, and for Yu established route company of project first listed, more deepened has outside on Beijing Shanghai high-speed rail listed of looks forward to.

Industry analysts believe that Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, as the most promising of the assets, still may be a focus on training to build the first listed rail companies. Meanwhile, expectation of profit, also would be affected by the listed requirements pressure from shareholders. But after listing do? If there is no suitable investment projects and programs, and plenty of cash flow, the listing process and underpowered.

Beijing, Shanghai and two channels there is no timeframe

Whether listed or not, the Beijing-Shanghai Gao Tieyun saturation, especially the realization of profits, are gradually pushing up the second channel of the Beijing-Shanghai building expected.

Latest raised public opinion is concerned, on June 29, Chinese Premier Li keqiang held executive meeting of the State Council approved in principle the medium-and long-term railway network plan (2016~ 2030). Official planning sketch, although there is no direct labeling "Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway second line", but it appeared to have: "Beijing-Tianjin-binzhou, Weifang-Lin Yi-Huai-Yangzhou-Shanghai."

On July 8, signed by "major infrastructure Coordination Office in Jiangsu Province" on the Internet publicly reply to a user question, made it clear that Chinese national medium-and long-term railway network plan prepared by the railway company (2030) (draft for soliciting opinions), the second-channel planning and construction of the Beijing-Shanghai project was put forward. According to the public response, two channel lines from Beijing to Shanghai prepared by Shandong Weifang, linyi, Huaian, Yangzhou, Nantong first sea mapping for high speed passenger, Lin Yi-Huai line to roughly the same and the new long railway, via shuyang.

However, industry sources told the daily news pointed out that, despite planning sketch of a Beijing-Shanghai corridor is taking shape now, but the "Thirteen-Five" plan and the medium-and long-term railway network plan (2016~2030), there is no actual reference to second-line from Beijing to Shanghai. The strong willingness of local government performance can only be described as reasonable. When second-line from Beijing to Shanghai will implement, start period argument is a fairly complicated project, timeline is unknown.

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway

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京沪高铁业绩首次曝光 去年净赚近66亿|京沪高铁_新闻资讯

  ◎每经记者 李卓 刚刚过完5周岁生日的京沪高铁,因为“京沪二通道”的呼之欲出,再次成为业界关注的焦点。

  被誉为“全球最赚钱高铁”的京沪高铁,具体盈利数据此前却从未正式披露。但在7月18日,《每日经济新闻》记者从京沪高铁一家股东披露的信息中发 现,截至2015年末,京沪高速铁路股份有限公司净资产1311.72亿元,资产负债率仅27.74%。而其去年营业总收入达234.24亿元,净利润 65.81亿元。

  “京沪高铁成为铁路总公司手里最赚钱、最优质的一个资产,没有之一。”高铁研究者、《高铁风云录》作者“@高铁见闻”如此评价称。同时,京沪高铁内 部人士称,此前一直被认为有碍京沪高铁上市的“资产划分”也已经结束。不过,不同于外界预期,该人士称,因为目前京沪高铁现金流充沛,暂时并没有找到很好 的投资项目,公司内部并不急于上市。

  在记者的采访中,不乏业内人士提出,将京沪二通道打包给京沪高铁公司投资、开发的设想,这也被认为是刺激京沪高铁上市的最大动力之一。不过,据京沪 高铁内部人士透露,至少在目前,京沪二线通道还没有交给他们做的考虑。这也意味着,万事俱备后,能否找到合适的投资项目成为京沪高铁上市新的难题。







  该说明书中显示,截至2015年末,京沪高速铁路股份有限公司资产总额1815.39亿元,负债总额503.67亿元,所有者权益总额 1311.72亿元,资产负债率27.74%;2015年公司营业总收入234.24亿元,营业总成本167.36亿元;营业外收入13万元,营业外支出 2751万元;利润总额66.6亿元,净利润65.81亿元。




  为业界关注的是,2010年年初,尚在建设中的京沪高铁就一度风传或将获中国国务院“特批”上市融资;此后,铁道部正式政企分开、中国国务院发展研究中心同 时发布“383方案”,建议选择一批发展潜力较大、业务边界清晰、适合于成立干线公司的项目率先上市,更加深了外界对京沪高铁上市的期待。




  引发舆论最新关注的是,6月29日,中国国务院总理李克强召开中国国务院常务会议原则通过《中长期铁路网规划(2016~ 2030)》。在官方公布的规划示意图中,虽然没有直接标注“京沪高铁二线”,但其走向已显现:“北京—天津—滨州—潍坊—临沂—淮安—扬州—上海”。

  7月8日,署名“江苏省重大基础设施协调办公室”在网上公开回复网友提问时明确表示,中国铁路总公司编制的国家《中长期铁路网规划(2030年)》(征求意 见稿)中,提出将规划建设京沪二通道项目。据公开回复,京沪二通道线路拟由山东潍坊经临沂、淮安、扬州、南通至上海,初步定位为高速客运专线,其中临沂至 淮安段线路走向与现有新长铁路大致相同,途经沭阳。

  不过,业内人士对《每日经济新闻》记者分析指出,尽管规划示意图中的又一京沪通道已雏形初现,但毕竟“十三五”规划和《中长期铁路网规划 (2016~2030)》中,都没有实际文字提及京沪二线。而地方政府的强烈意愿表现也只能说是情理之中。京沪二线究竟什么时候可以落实、开工,期间的论 证亦是一个相当复杂的工程,时间表未知。

责任编辑:向昌明 SN123



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