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published in(发表于) 2016/7/20 7:43:31
Jiangxi prison police arrangements for prisoners and whoring, the Director dismissed



Dismissed Director of the Jiangxi prison police arrangements for prisoners and whoring | prostitution _ news

July 19, Province Police Office, and people social Office, and country funding Board, and business Office respectively through their official website announced provincial visits group feedback views rectification situation: on, Fuzhou City, Dongxiang detention center police arrangements left by served personnel whoring of problem, except will 2 name parties police referred to the prosecutorial organ filed investigation outside, also held has from County Detention Center Director until public Security Bureau long of led responsibility; province business office serious processing has Office is units individual sector private "slush fund" of problem......

  Office units up individual departments "small coffer" provincial Department of Commerce collection responsible

Feedback from provincial inspection group "financial regulation is not in place" issue, provincial Department of Commerce financial system and financial discipline learning and strengthen the management of Trade Union funds are for the specific requirements of the Office, asked all units to strictly enforce Trade Union of trade unions financial system, open to all members of Trade Union funds balances in a timely manner, accepting Member supervision, transparent. As of April 19, departments under the Office of the Federation of trade unions and subordinate of 10 grass-roots trade unions have all been open in 2015-Union income and expenditure of funds. Meanwhile, dealt with individual Department of Bureau up "small treasuries" problems, talk to persons responsible for the commandments and the suspension, collection of "small coffer" all remaining payments, return of the irregular expenditure and accounts turned over to the independent Commission against corruption.

  Jiangxi vocational college of engineering in obtaining grants persons responsible for canceling the hiring process

"Jiangxi vocational college of engineering mechanics school from 2009 to 2010 cheat grants" problem, that the problem has been dealt with that at the end of 2014, after the incident, Taiwanese Chamber dragnet to check, with the jiufengban Stern College violations, problems. First time to fully suspend the school technical school business, organized experts to come to school after the end of the relevant departments to check site dealing with legacy problems. Meanwhile, the Office of administrative and technical management business operates a business, a new Division of adjustments, and 3 people were given the party a serious warning, administrative demerit and removed from your old job, canceling the hiring process.

  Civilian police arrangement in Dongxiang County Detention Center inmates and whoring, Director of the 2 parties were filed for investigation dismissed

Province Police Office in province detention center carried out security management highlight problem special regulation, on, Fuzhou City, Dongxiang detention center police arrangements left by served personnel whoring of problem, except will 2 name parties police referred to the prosecutorial organ filed investigation outside, also held has from County Detention Center Director until public Security Bureau long of led responsibility, which party warning 3 people, and party serious warning 1 people, Dongxiang Board Organization Department are by program handle detention Center Director of removal procedures. On this basis, province, Dongxiang County Public Security Bureau detention center 11 supervisory areas classified as backward facilities across the province, for a period of six months the tone control.

  Pingxiang City Public Security Bureau police leaks in case 6 leaders being accountable

Pingxiang City Public Security Bureau police in the case of tipped off, bribery, leaking police secrets issue, the provincial public Security Bureau police parties have been transferred to judicial organs for handling, leading cadres ' responsibility and hold 6, administrative warning 4, demerit, 1 demerit 1. At present, the provincial public security Department is taking this as a theme, make a warning education, education in the province's public security police warning.

  Minority leaders concealed false real estate Commission entrusted the profound inspection, remedy

For minority leaders concealed omitted property problem, province SASAC in full Board concentrated carried out has leaders report personal about matters of learning publicity activities, in concentrated learning education of based Shang, organization full Board leaders carried out personal about matters report self-examination activities, requirements each a name leaders control on leaders report personal about matters of provides, on past report of personal about matters for once seriously detailed of "back see", find personal whether exists concealed omitted of problem. 3 false negative properties and 1 complete property address unknown fine cadre of serious criticism, tasked to write a profound event truthfully and in check.

Text/reporter Jin Luyao

Source: China's Jiangxi province network

Editor: Sue is imperative

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江西看守所警察安排服刑人员嫖娼 所长免职|嫖娼_新闻资讯

  7月19日,省公安厅、人社厅、国资委、商务厅分别通过各自官网公布省委巡视组反馈意见整改情况:对抚州市东乡 县看守所民警安排留所服刑人员嫖娼的问题,除将2名当事民警交由检察机关立案侦查外,还追究了从县看守所所长直至公安局长的领导责任;省商务厅严肃处理了 厅属单位个别部门私设“小金库”的问题……

  厅属单位个别部门私设“小金库” 省商务厅收缴 处理相关责任人

  针对省委巡视组反馈的“财务监管不到位”的问题,省商务厅组织了财务制度和财经纪律专题学习,并对切实加强厅属单位工会经费管理作了具体要 求,要求各单位工会严格执行工会财务制度,及时向全体会员公开工会经费收支情况,接受会员监督,做到公开透明。截至今年4月19日,该厅直属机关工会联合 会及下属的10个基层工会已全部公开2015年度工会经费收支情况。同时,严肃处理了厅属单位个别部门私设“小金库”的问题,对相关责任人作了诫勉谈话和 停职处理,收缴了“小金库”全部剩余款项,退赔了不符合规定的支出并上交廉政账户。

  江西应用工程职业学院骗取助学金 相关责任人被处取消聘用等处理

  针对“江西应用工程职业学院2009年至2010年骗取技工学校助学金”的问题,该问题已于2014年底处理完毕,在事件发生后,省人社厅 组织拉网式检查,配合省纠风办严肃查处院校违规问题。第一时间全面暂停该校技校业务,在相关部门检查结束后组织专家到校实地处理遗留业务问题。同时,对该 厅的技校管理业务的行政和经办业务,进行了重新划分调整,并对3名责任人分别给予党内严重警告、行政记大过并调离原工作岗位、取消聘用等处理。

  东乡县看守所民警安排服刑人员嫖娼 2名当事人被立案侦查 所长免职

  省公安厅在全省看守所开展安全管理突出问题专项整治,对抚州市东乡县看守所民警安排留所服刑人员嫖娼的问题,除将2名当事民警交由检察机关 立案侦查外,还追究了从县看守所所长直至公安局长的领导责任,其中党内警告3人、党内严重警告1人,东乡县委组织部正按程序办理看守所所长的免职手续。在 此基础上,省公安厅将东乡县看守所等11个监管场所列为全省后进监所,进行为期半年的挂牌治理。

  萍乡市公安局民警办案中泄密 6名领导干部被追责


  少数领导干部瞒报漏报房产 省国资委责成深刻检查、如实补报

  针对少数领导干部瞒报漏报房产问题,省国资委在全委集中开展了领导干部报告个人有关事项的学习宣传活动,在集中学习教育的基础上,组织全委 领导干部开展个人有关事项报告自查活动,要求每一名领导干部对照《关于领导干部报告个人有关事项的规定》,对以往报告的个人有关事项进行一次认真细致的 “回头看”,查找个人是否存在瞒报漏报的问题。对3名漏报房产和1名填报房产地址不详细的干部进行了严肃批评,责成其写出深刻检查、如实补报。






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