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published in(发表于) 2016/7/22 7:42:27
Chinese mother and daughter experience Turkey coup: lack of arm and leg to live



Chinese mother and daughter experience Turkey coup: lack of arm and leg also live | Turkey | coup _ news

Electric car on Slate, the opening Fireworks crackling sound, these unusual sounds, but 23 years old girl from Ningbo Zhou Yi chill. Hard jet lagged sleep, drowsy, she couldn't help but recall the nightmare scenes: Turkey Istanbul Airport, heavily armed military tanks in front of over gunfire, visitors screamed running around ... ...

Dang Turkey parts army at midnight local time on 15th (16th Beijing time) in a military coup, gunfire in capital Ankara, warplanes and helicopters circled in the air when, Zhou Yi and her mother were trapped in Turkey Istanbul Airport.

Danger, Zhou Yi only one thought: "to live, to live anyway, short of arm and leg to live with my mom! ”

After returning home, Zhou Yi posted on the Twitter experience. As of press time, forward this article Twitter handle 30,000, Zambia up to 30,000, still in high frequency secondary fermentation. Yesterday, the qianjiang evening news reporter Zhou Yi and several exclusive dialogue through coup d ' état of Ningbo visitors, restore the fright night.

  Turkey turn back

  Night of the mother and daughter suffered a coup in Ningbo

Midnight approaches, Zhou Yi and his mother had just completed a month-long trip. Gaoerzhouyi United Kingdom studies until graduated from Edinburgh University in June of this year. The scheduled flight time TK026 will be 1:20 A.M., Turkey's largest city Istanbul to Shanghai Pudong, Zhou Yi brought back my whole year of Ningbo.

Shopping duty free shop with my mother, got his wish to have some delicious Turkey ice cream, Zhou Yi wanted to pull Momma's going to taste fried chicken. Behold, the owner suddenly announced that it was closing, leave and Zhou Yi as surprised as the Queuing crowd. Unknown so Zhou Yi, had to take his mother to the scheduled boarding counter to 312. To their dismay, there was: suddenly, the flight information on the big screen, all flights are displayed "delayed"!

The coup d ' état was launched at an unexpected rate. "Look, the military tank! "Someone exclaimed. Floor to ceiling Windows, Zhou Yi to see and have an up-armored military tanks. "Bang" is a, without waiting for weeks to react, stormed to the first floor, second floor, all the passengers. Zhou Yiyi pull MOM, hiding in the small spaces of steel table with the check-in.

  Distress, the Chinese get together

  Contract no matter what happened to same page

When Zhou Yi nervously curled up on the plate under the table refresh when Xie Jianzheng from yuyao three-member and his colleagues carrying luggage, escape, like running. They work in an optical technology company just concluded, Israel travel, intend to turn. "Somebody picked up the luggage smashed Windows, wanted to get out, screams and cries echoed throughout the Hall. Together we and some other people hid behind a large pillar ... ... "Xie Jian to qianjiang evening news reporter describe the situation.

Is this behind a pillar, and her daughter Xie Jian Zhou Yi and they met. Zhou Yi in the circle of friends know, Turkey coup temporarily relieved: coup d ' état than a terrorist attack, okay? They agreed, no matter what happens next, to the same page.

With her mother's cellphone, Zhou Yi to open the Embassy phone. "Ladies, Yes, Turkey coup d ' état. Military now controlled the Turkey airports, we have no way to come in, but we must actively do something to. You'd better stay in the airport this evening, the airport is the most safe place! "A staff member to assuage them.

Engaged in sales of outdoor products in Ningbo Gabriel, on this day were stuck at the airport. He told reporters that he called the Consulate after the phone call, staff advised him to collect retention information. With the proliferation of micro-blogging and micro-letters, more Chinese begin to scatter or hide from elsewhere 312 registered statistics soon to 284. Invisible, organizers became all-CEO of shot.

  Consulate General of China in

  Overcome difficulties into the airport to help stranded countrymen

Across in silence. An hour later, demonstrators slowly leave the airport. Zhou Yi insisted that, the bathroom is the safest place, her clothes lying on the floor, let MOM sleep on the water table. Half awake and half asleep, they rest about 2 hours.

The next day, the Chinese Consulate General in Istanbul to overcome difficulties entering the airport, TWAIN is also under the command of the Consulate, bring drinking water to stranded compatriots in China and biscuits brought Instant Messaging. This gave Zhou Yi they comfort. "This is not a cover of, next to the us cast envious eyes. "Gabriel said.

16th, Turkey announced the Government foiled attempted coup d ' état. Zhou Yi is to confirm the cancellation of their flights, waiting for the arrangement. They are discussing and watched as airport disco, was too dangerous to spend a night. At the same time, broadcasting at the airport shouted: "Chinese Taipei at 304 hurriedly boarding. "They ran and reply, if there are empty seats to fly them. Eventually, Zhou Yi, and Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao with passengers, boarded the plane.

Airplane just smoke the Turkey over. 10.5 hours later, the plane arrived in Taipei, we couldn't help clapping, Zhou Yi became one of the first 300 people returning home.

According to the company's statistics, around July 18, at 6 o'clock in the morning, the last flying stranded countrymen at home boarding, "went for 50 hours, all near misses from Turkey evacuated. ”

Source: qianjiang evening news

Editors: in Yang SN185

Article keywords:
Turkey coup d ' état

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  陪妈妈逛完免税店,如愿以偿地吃到美味的土耳其冰淇淋,周伊想拉妈妈再去品尝炸鸡。不料,店主突然宣布关门,丢下和周伊一样惊讶的排队人群。不明所以的 周伊,只好牵着妈妈往原定的登机柜台312走去。令她们错愕的是:忽然之间,显示登机信息的大屏幕上,所有航班都被显示“delayed”!




  当周伊蜷缩在钢板桌下紧张地刷新新闻时,来自余姚的谢剑正和他的同事一行三人拎着行李,逃命似地狂奔。他们在一家光学科技公司工作,刚刚结束在以色列的 出差,打算在此转机。“有人拿起行李砸玻璃窗,想逃出去,尖叫声、哭泣声在整个大厅回荡。我们和其他一些中国人一起躲在一个大柱子后面……”谢剑向钱江晚 报记者描述当时情况。



  在宁波从事户外产品研发销售的百利,在这一天也被困在机场。他告诉记者,他拨通领事馆电话后,工作人员建议他收集滞留人员的信息。随着微博和微信的扩 散,更多散落或躲避在别处的中国人开始到312口进行登记,很快就统计到了284人。无形之中,组织者百利也成了大家的强心针。





  16日中午,土耳其政府宣布正式挫败政变企图。周伊她们的航班被确认取消,等待安排。她们正在商量,眼看着机场越来越乱,再过一夜太危险了。就在这时, 机场的广播喊道:“中国台北在304赶紧登机。”她们跑过去得到答复,如果有空机位也给她们飞。最终,周伊一行和台湾的、香港的、澳门的乘客一起,搭上了 飞机。




责任编辑:于越杨 SN185

土耳其 政变


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