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published in(发表于) 2016/7/22 7:42:35
Retirement Office-run farm donated thousands of students, was selling for aiding students



Retired Office-run farm donated thousands of students was selling _ aiding students nude donated | | poor college students news

His officers to Zhanjiang City Committee, from the Orchestra-level cadre positions after retiring but did not stay in the old Akers, but ran to the leizhou peninsula, a remote contract wasteland reclamation plant fruit trees. Fruit market losses for 10 years, until the only improvement in recent years, he treated fruit all the income is used to finance students. In order to gather 1 million Yuan, he even sold in Zhanjiang, a three-bedroom. He has also promised, if he went, the farm will be handed over to the Government, to continue to fulfil its mission, "does not give them a dime! ”

More than 10 years, and whether he grants to many college students, no one remembers clearly. As of last year, he used to finance poor college students money and reward outstanding students outstanding teachers of 11.62 million Yuan. Thrifty he even wear their clothes couldn't bear to throw away for six or seven years ... ... He was the leizhou people known as the "Bo" Chen Guangbao.

Hall retired to abandon "easy a" wilderness run farm

Chen Guangbao leizhou in Guangdong diaofengzhen who was born in 1931, home to three generations of the long-term employment scheme in 1947, joined the revolution. In 1953, the Party Secretary of leizhou Chen Guangbao nanxing, 1992 has been official Secretary of Committee Chairperson Haikang County, Zhanjiang City Committee in 1994, retired.

"Do the people live, you cannot stop it. "In 1995, Chen Guangbao started wondering what I can do. Finally, reminded him of his childhood dreams--farm. "The kinds of bananas, sugar cane, mango, hoping to play a model role, driving rich people around. "The early lives of poor poor, Chen Guangbao of land and has a special feeling in the countryside. He and his wife to the North and Zhen Xian ling – a distance of more than 100 kilometers in Zhanjiang city in remote areas, contracted 2800 acres of wasteland opened a farm, growing sugar cane, bananas and other crops.

"A lot of people don't understand, a departmental level cadres, have very good treatment after retirement, why do you torture yourself? "Served in leizhou municipal Committee Huang Changyao had worked with Chen Guangbao, Vice Minister of the propaganda Department, more than the average person could understand his predecessors. In 1970, the leizhou governance perennial flooding South across the River, then-Commander Chen Guangbao, bare to the waist and Yun Shi di with local people, eating sweet potatoes on salt water. "He is such a man with stones had to be moved to be happy than others."

Chen Guangbao live two-storey house is surrounded by green fields again banana Grove, living room window is always open. He said, so you can use less air conditioning will save money going out. "You see, does not turn on the air conditioner does not cool too? "Hearty laugh for the elderly, graying wrinkles clustered together. His sister Chen Guiying privately told reporters that baobo usually accustomed to austerity, interview wear this underwear have put six or seven years.

Teach students enough money selling to raise

Growing fruit trees in the Heath, beginning several years did not go smoothly. Because of natural disasters, Chen Guang farm forests of mango trees, bananas have not survived, previous money boondoggle. "We had several children persuaded him to home life, he does not listen, we can't. "His eldest son Chen Qiang (formerly Chen Yongyuan) said, fathers at home have been to kiss, waiting for something to make the shape.

Later, Chen Guangbao began to plant drought-resistant crops such as sugar cane, chili, farm income better year by year. In 2000, he began funding the college students of leizhou and reward go to local high school students, this initiative has become traditional. In 2004, Chen Guang became ill because of lumbar bone hyperplasia seriously had to have an operation. However, the operation failed unexpectedly causing paralysis of lower limbs, lives in a wheelchair, but he taught of the action has not been interrupted. In 2009, Chen Guangbao leizhou learned that a line on the college entrance examination candidates have 305 people, decided to donated 1 million Yuan for these students. One of the more than 700,000 yuan, all surpluses, retired from the farm, and daughter to treat 40,000 yuan. "In order to fill 1 million, Dad insists on a House to be sold only in Zhanjiang city, up 260,000 yuan. "Chen Qiang said that their sons and daughters are reluctant to sell, but to beat the old man's temper, got 260,000 yuan when the room, kept to the old man. So far, Chen Guang is not informed. More than 10 years, 11.62 million Yuan to award taught student Chen Guangbao contributions, contributions to 2.53 million Yuan building roads, aided the poor, donated 14.15 million Yuan.

Set "three rules" no family "tree" under the shade

Chen Guangbao Haikang County magistrate of the first day at home and announced several rules: "no gifts, no back doors, no husband and wife (a) expensive. "Chen Guangbao often warn their relatives" took someone else's PIN, it will take someone else's gold ". Family also has to comply with the "three rules". Chen Guangbao often warn their children, to clean zifeng, largest filial piety is not greedy, not even "not greedy, not" as the new rules. In 2010, Chen Guangbao announced a new rule: "if one day I go, the farm will be handed over to the Government, to continue to fulfil its mission, not to give children a penny. ”

In 1974, his eldest daughter, Chen Zhong in the "countryside" Longmen forest farm. In 1979, the same batch 14 educated youth to the countryside, she was the only one not yet return to the city. Chen Zhong also wants to return home to visit relatives when father for help, but was refused by Chen Guang. "He is afraid family got him a little light, but he is a father after all. "Talk about the story, said Chen Qiang, while sister Chen Zhong in the back, father quietly sister bags stuffed with food stamps and more than 10 more a month pocket money, there are several secondary school textbooks for review, clip in a message:" child, way under your feet. ”

Later, Chen Zhonghe to strenuously study went to College and eventually left the farm. Chen Guangbao 4 other children, were admitted to the University and embarked on a variety of jobs. "The words he said to our brothers and sisters most is, ' don't count on him '. "Chen Qiang said, the father often told them," you Shun is not greedy, not, to the best of my ". In April 2007, Chen Guangbao wife died. After the cremation, many friends and relatives in Xian Ling took a piece of land, proposed to bury her ashes there. However, Chen Guangbao did not agree, he said if people built tombs for dead, then the future children of non-arable. Chen Guangbao told children not buried after his death, must be cremated, to couple their ashes sprinkled into the South River, flowing into the sea, not to occupy one inch of the land.

Wish to donate all the money to the family of "stingy"

More than one person behind Chen Guangbao is "idiot": Haikang County (now in leizhou Island, Guangdong) as a magistrate for 30 years, Secretary of the County party Committee, the official President of the Zhanjiang City Committee of the CPPCC, retired after less than veterans retire, but with his wife opened up wasteland for cultivation of leizhou peninsula, site of the remote. Have now managed to earn some money, but family "stingy", a point left to donate.

Many people expressed no understanding of Chen Guangbao, as Chen Guang do not understand shidaorenxin. "I don't know how those corrupt officials, corruption so much money do? Death cannot take away. "" A lot of people asked me bluntly, ' Chen Guang and exactly what you do? Is in order to still want to go down in history? ' I told them, I ask for no return, I did just an ordinary party member should do. "Chen Guangbao said his party is determined to fight for communism when life, even at the expense of all. A lot of people think his talk, rhetoric, but Chen Guangbao believe action can prove everything.

Father support borrowing also contributed to belief

Baobo "family wealth" 's move does not lead to the family's objections, it makes him feel gratified. Baobo Shenzhen City, four sub-Chan now is a civil servant. In his eyes, the father of "dominance", because his look of things, no one can change. "When my mother was alive, and sometimes even take their own money to support his father. ”

Chen Zhu said that his father usually reserved, rarely use a lecturing way in educating their children, but all he did, five brothers and sisters were in the eye. Donate to her father's "heroism", five siblings have been accustomed to. Chen Zhuxiao, father Guo Chang, from the beginning of the construction is a public fruit farm, over the years he was to work for other people. Even serious farm losses, borrow money from him to donor college students. Baobo daughter Chen Xi is now a teacher of Jinan University. She also supported her father "not to leave their children a penny" approach, "we are proud of his father. ”

Over the years, five children will return to fruit farms accompany a holiday home for the elderly. Only when the grandchildren, baobo will reveal a rare smile, make fun of her grandchildren. At this time, he was more like a kindly old man.

About the old Secretary, leizhou municipal Committee Secretary Jiang Yi said, "Uncle" is a title of respect for an octogenarian Chen Guangbao of leizhou in Guangdong Province people, he is a household name in leizhou, a well-known. At present, the ongoing study of leizhou "Bo", spiritual activity, carry forward the excellent qualities and noble spirit of Chen Guangbao, Chen Guangbao and energetic and dedication back heat party character, dedication.

Chen Guang quotes

"Treating poor first folly, the talent is the key; can cultivate more talents are wishes. ”

"If one day I go, the farm will be handed over to the Government, to continue to fulfil its mission, not to give children a penny. ”

Practice of Socialist core values

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Naked donation poor college students

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  厅官离休弃“安逸” 荒野办农场







  后来,陈光保开始改种甘蔗、辣椒等耐旱经济作物,农场收益才逐年好起来。2000年起,他开始资助考上大学的雷州学生,同时奖励考上当地重点高中的初中生,这一举措渐渐成为传统。2004年,陈光保积劳成疾,腰骨增生严重不得不动手术。然而,手术意外失败造成下肢瘫痪,此后生活中就离不开轮椅,但他重教奖学的行动一直没有中断。2009年,陈光保得知雷州市高考上一本线的考生有305人,决定为这些学生捐款100万元。其中的70多万元,来自农场的全部盈余、离休费以及女儿给的4万元治病钱。“为了凑足100万, 爸爸执意要卖掉湛江市区唯一的一套房子,凑了26万元。”陈强说,他们几个子女舍不得卖房,但又拗不过老人的脾气,就凑了26万元当卖房钱,瞒着交给老人。至今,陈光保尚不知情。十多年来,陈光保捐款1162万元用于奖教助学,捐款253万元建路、资助贫困户等,累计捐款1415万元。

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责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

裸捐 贫困大学生


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