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published in(发表于) 2016/8/2 11:02:50
Tesla merge Solar,City: musk ecological anti-household energy strategy



Tesla with Solar City: musk household energy strategy of ecological anti-horse gram, Tesla-IT information

Sorry to borrow one of the other companies to create industry buzzwords. MASCA with Tesla to induction and Solar City strategic considerations, perhaps the best explanation is that building a sustainable energy vertically in the field of ecology.

Yilong·masike (Elon Musk) said that Tesla's Solar City and maintain, it is a "historical mistake".

Ten years later, he amended the accidents of history, both of its businesses into a. Behind this move, a reflection of his expansionist ambitions of vertical integration in the field of sustainable energy. This holding by outsiders as "new jobs" the legendary entrepreneur, new energy in the consumer market with its new blueprint.

From a company perspective, Tesla with Solar City merger deal is not a surprise. Both companies share a common set of tags: musk's company. The serial legend has led the two energy companies to achieve commercial success and is publicly traded, also are major shareholders of the two companies, holdings of more than 20%. Musk is the CEO of Tesla, is also Chairman of Solar City, his cousin, served as CEO. Two members of the Board of Directors of the company has a lot of crossover.

In fact, musk is not a founder of Tesla, which is made up of Mading·aibohade (Martin Eberhard) and make·tabenning (Mark Tarpenning) in 2003. But as investors involved, Thomas Tesla a corporate, lead the electric vehicle company has withstood many challenges, and ultimately to the success. Solar is by bite·Lifu (Peter Rive) and lindeng·Lifu (Lyndon Rive) brothers founded in 2006, Mr MASKEY is a cousin of both, is also the major investor in Solar City and strategic planners. He put more energy in Tesla and the Space x, frequently between Los Angeles and Silicon Valley.

Both musk's company announced on Monday, has reached 2.6 billion dollars ' worth of share exchange merger agreement. For obvious reasons, the deal has raised questions about conflicts of interest and corporate governance disputes. In order to avoid criticism, the two companies only allow independent Directors vote on the deal. Expect should shareholders and regulators approved the current plan, blueprint for the new release for the musk of the sustainable energy industry.

However, in accordance with the share swap plan, Solar City of conversion price $ 25.83, is not only far below the Solar City high of $ 60 in the past year, also below this year's high of $ 35, representing an average of $ 25 a share over the past three months and there's no obvious premium, even lower than the offer proposed by Tesla June interval 26.5 USD-$ 28.5. Mr MASKEY said he was not involved in negotiations to valuations, but even if deals can be realized, I'm afraid he can't get rid of "stock low, misappropriation of shareholders ' interests" controversy. As MASCA to hold major stakes in companies, financial transactions between these companies is especially noteworthy. 2014 Solar City debt financing of $ 214 million, largest buyers as well as another company owned by Thomas g Space x.

This merger was led by Thomas g, shareholders of the two companies are a little resistance. Trading began following the announcement of Tesla shares fell 10%, because investors are not optimistic about the prospects for merger of the two companies. While Solar City shareholders believe the Tesla offer underestimated the value of the company. After the deal was announced, Solar City shares today fell 8%. Perhaps in order to anticipate, Solar City also announced changes to the corporate law, shareholders calling for possible future action must be in United States Delaware to protect business interests. Musk has to personally come forward, persuade some institutional shareholders from both companies approved the deal.

Solar City and Tesla's main business is electric cars and solar panels, respectively, belong to different industries, but also belong to the field of sustainable energy. The two companies after the merger, will have solar power generation, energy storage, power, and many other businesses, to create a global sustainable energy sector the most important of a vertically integrated company. "The two companies merged, in order to accelerate the development of sustainable energy. "Mr MASKEY said.

According to his explanation, synergy is a major advantage of merging the two companies, can save at least $ 150 million a year. Tesla's brand and business networks, Solar City can bring more home users. The first quarter of this year, Solar City new user acquisition costs rose 80%, 30% per cent of total cost of residential solar panel installation above. Target users of the two companies have a high degree of overlap. After the merger, consumers at Tesla store in change of the time, these high-end users will become a Solar City solar panel of potential users.

But the deal behind the bigger target, it is Mr Tusk's ambition of building a sustainable energy giant. Super battery factory at a cost of $ 5 billion to Tesla in Nevada has just put into operation last week, mainly for the Tesla Electric vehicles required for the production of lithium-ion batteries. But after the project was completed, Tesla's position will also change, is not only the most promising electric car maker, will become the world's largest producers of lithium-ion batteries.

MASCA wants to build, is across the battery production, household energy, power trips, and many other fields of an energy powerhouse. Considering that Tesla have already published last year for $ 3500 Powerwall home storage battery, which is all the more obvious. After merging the Solar City, the future consumers is Tesla's solar panels installed in family, the production of batteries for home use, and stored in the Tesla family of cells, can be used to charge a Tesla electric car.

Explained in detail, Solar City is the main business for the United States family rental and installation of solar panels, like other power companies charge. However, electricity production sites into the roof of the family. Because the United States is rich in solar resources in the Midwest, produced from solar power can bring great resource savings, eliminating the cost of electric power transmission lines and energy loss. Tesla's batteries will be used in energy storage.

To the consumer, energy, from production to use, exclusively in the Tesla vertical ecological. Solar City is now the second family of solar panel manufacturer, joined Tesla vertical eco, this synergy will bring Solar City and the Tesla electric car more cross-marketing plan, so as to bring more users to the two blocks of business growth. Consider buying a Tesla electric car users are mostly consumers with independent houses, almost all of them can be converted to Solar City user groups.

The other hand, when households to install Solar panels of City, produced more than after the domestic use of electricity, stored within the Tesla family of batteries, is a natural way to think, they are also more likely to buy the Tesla electric car, with domestic production of electricity instead of changing gasoline costs.

Follow the integration scale Thomas g Tesla and important consideration of Solar City. Vertical integration brings up the user scale, Solar City, solar panels and Tesla family of storage batteries that cost can be reduced to the lower, so that you can gain more market share and new users. Priced at $ 35,000 in Model 3 is the core product of Tesla's pursuit of economies of scale. Powerwall caused a sensation last year is also a major cause of home storage battery equipment fell to $ 3500 price point.

Solar City founded originally musk ideas, but in a Space x and process of Tesla, which provided financial and strategic, referred to his two cousins start implementation. Perhaps in his scenario, Solar City is their own sustainable energy with Tesla ecological strategy, and he believes that the separate operation is a "historical mistake". Now two companies merge, makes musk can complete the implementation of their energy strategy in the consumer market.

Will be integrated into a company, can bring about real integration, including residential, commercial and network-level product, provides one-stop solar and storage devices.

特斯拉合并Solar City:马斯克家用能源生态化反战略 - 马斯克,特斯拉 - IT资讯

抱歉借用了一个其他公司创造的行业热词。但要归纳马斯卡合并特斯拉和Solar City的战略考量,或许最好的解释就是打造可持续能源领域的垂直生态。

伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)说,特斯拉和Solar City当初分别独立运营,本来就是一个“历史意外”。


从公司层面看,特斯拉与Solar City合并的交易并不意外。这两家上市公司都有着一个共同的标签:马斯克旗下公司。这位连续创业传奇人物先后带领着这两家新能源领域的公司实现商业成功和上市交易,也同时是两家公司的大股东,持股均超过20%。马斯克是特斯拉的CEO,也是Solar City的董事长,他的表弟担任CEO。两家公司在董事会成员方面有着诸多交叉。

实际上,马斯克并非特斯拉的创始人,后者是由马丁·埃伯哈德(Martin Eberhard)和马克·塔本宁(Mark Tarpenning)在2003年创办。但他作为投资者介入,把特斯拉变成了一家马斯克企业,带领着这家电动车公司经受了诸多挑战,最终走向了成功。Solar是由彼特·里夫(Peter Rive)和林登·里夫(Lyndon Rive)兄弟在2006年创办,马斯克是两人的表哥,也是Solar City的主要投资者和战略规划者。他把更多精力都放在了特斯拉和Space X这边,在洛杉矶和硅谷之间频繁往返。


只不过,按照换股交易方案,折算Solar City的股价只有25.83美元,不仅远远低于Solar City过去一年的高点60美元,也低于今年的高点35美元,较过去三个月的平均股价25美元也没有明显溢价,甚至低于特斯拉6月所提出的报价区间26.5美元-28.5美元。虽然马斯克表示自己没有参与到估值谈判,但即便交易得以实现,他恐怕也无法摆脱“利用股票低点,侵吞小股东权益”的争议。由于马斯卡同时持有多家公司的主要股份,这些公司之间的财务交易就显得格外引人瞩目。2014年Solar City发债融资2.14亿美元,而最大的买家也是马斯克旗下的另一家公司Space X。

这笔合并交易是由马斯克主导的,两家公司的股东多少都有点抵触情绪。交易最初宣布后,特斯拉股价一度暴跌10%,因为投资者并不看好两家公司的合并前景。而Solar City小股东则认为特斯拉报价低估了公司价值。交易方案宣布后,Solar City股价今日暴跌8%。或许是为了未雨绸缪,Solar City还宣布修改了公司法,要求未来可能的股东诉讼都必须在美国最保护企业利益的特拉华州进行。马斯克也不得不亲自出面,说服两家公司的一些机构股东批准这一交易。

特斯拉和Solar City的主营业务分别是电动车和太阳能面板,虽然属于不同的产业,但也同属于可持续能源领域。两家公司合并之后,将同时具备太阳能发电、能源存储、动力出行等诸多业务,打造出全球可持续能源行业最主要的一家垂直整合公司。“推动两家公司合并,是为了加快可持续能源领域的发展。”马斯克这样解释说。

按照他的解释,协同效应是两家公司合并的一个主要优势,每年至少可以节省1.5亿美元。特斯拉的品牌效应和营业网络,可以给Solar City带来更多的家庭用户。今年第一季度,Solar City的新用户获取成本环比增长了80%,占到了家庭太阳能面板安装总成本的30%以上。两家公司的目标用户具有很高的重合度。合并之后,消费者在特斯拉门店看车的时候,这些高端用户也会成为Solar City家庭太阳能面板的潜在用户。


马斯卡想要打造的,是横跨电池生产、家庭能源、动力出行等诸多领域的一个新能源巨无霸。考虑到特斯拉去年就曾经发布过售价3500美元的家庭存储电池Powerwall,这种战略就显得更加明显。合并了Solar City之后,未来消费者在家庭安装的是特斯拉太阳能电池板,所生产的电池将用于家庭使用,并存储在特斯拉的家庭电池中,可以用于为特斯拉电动车充电。

详细解释说,Solar City的主要业务是为美国家庭出租和安装太阳能面板,像其他电力公司一样收取电费。只不过,电力的生产场所变成了家庭的房顶。由于美国中西部地区的太阳能资源非常丰富,自产自销的太阳能发电能够带来极大的资源节省,免去了电力传输的线路成本和能源损耗问题。而特斯拉的电池产品则将用在能源的存储上。

对消费者而言,能源从生产到使用,完全在特斯拉的垂直生态之中。Solar City目前是全美第二大家庭太阳能面板提供商,在加入特斯拉垂直生态之中,这种协同效应将给Solar City乃至特斯拉电动车带来更大的交叉营销计划,从而给两块业务都带来更多的用户增长。考虑买特斯拉电动车的用户大多是拥有独立房屋的消费者,他们几乎都可以转化为Solar City的用户人群。

另一方面,当家庭用户安装了Solar City的面板,生产了超过家庭使用的电力之后,存储在特斯拉的家庭蓄电池之内,可以很自然地联想到,他们也更有可能购买特斯拉的电动车,用家庭生产的电力取代不断变动的汽油成本。

随之而来的规模效应也是马斯克整合特斯拉和Solar City的重要考量。垂直整合带来最多的用户规模,Solar City的太阳能面板和特斯拉的家庭存储电池的成本就可以降到越低,进而可以获得更多的市场份额和新用户。售价3.5万美元的Model 3正是特斯拉追求规模效应的核心产品。去年Powerwall引发轰动的一个主要原因也是把家庭存储电池设备降到了3500美元的价位。

Solar City创办最初是马斯克的创意,但他陷入Space X和特斯拉的创业过程,因而提供了资金和战略,交由自己的两位表弟创业实施。或许在他的设想中,Solar City原本就是与特斯拉同属于自己的可持续能源生态战略,因而他才认为当初分开运营是一个“历史意外”。现在两家公司的合并,让马斯克可以完整实施自己在消费市场的能源战略。


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