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published in(发表于) 2016/8/3 23:44:15
Typhoon “NI da“ landed in Guangdong Nansha, 1600 Stadium for the night



Typhoon "NI da" 1600 people landed in Guangdong Nansha gymnasium overnight | | NI da | Nansha _ Typhoon news

Yesterday, a large number of foreign workers at the Nansha gymnasium hedge. South reporter Miss LEUNG photography

Yesterday at about 10 o'clock in the morning, Nansha gymnasium temporary safe-haven staff left.

Original title: "NI da" disturb the Nansha 1600 people in the gym for the night

Enable 22 emergency shelters, 943 fishing boats back to port for shelter, district-wide safe and sound

South reporter Xu Mian yesterday morning, "NI da" Typhoon passing across the Guangzhou Nansha, brought high winds and heavy rains to Nansha. In response to the storm, all the people in areas affected by threats 19179, more than 1600 people a night in the gym. This southern desert area since the area for the first time. Due to the Typhoon prevention measures ready, Nansha is safe.


Eye quiet flooded after tree falls

7:50 A.M. yesterday, "NI da" across the main channel of the Pearl River from Dongguan in Nansha district within Centre wind 11 (cyclone), compared to landing areas such as Shenzhen, Zhuhai's violent, "NI da" after arriving in Nansha, and gradually "gentle". And Thunder and lightning is different in the early hours, into port early in the morning on the road only from the drizzle. South reporter learned from the Meteorological Department yesterday at about 8 o'clock in the morning, "NI da" hovering over the Nansha Islands, Nansha is in the eye of Typhoon.

"Typhoons are usually clear within the eye area. "As described by the municipal meteorological Observatory forecast bestv's Chief Executive, at Jinzhou station almost no precipitation over. But many people don't know this information, they as usual, arrive at the subway station, hoping here to travel to Guangzhou, only to be told that the subway in the morning all was suspended.

In fact, often atrocious Typhoon at the time of his departure from the show. "Wind ball right side more often. "And sure enough, after a few hours, and 11 o'clock in the morning, although the Typhoon crossed the territory of Nansha, Panyu and Foshan has been reached, Grand Cape Mount Tin Hau Temple of South East, but very heavy rainfall. Scenic roads no stagnant water, scenic beach is submerged by the tide, a rough sea. Site on duty told the Southern Metropolis reporter, at the highest level, sea water inundated several sculptures on the beach, but not over the barrier.

After the wind, dumping in Dragons ' den there were trees on the island, some 5 m high big tree down the broken and fallen branches across the road, but when the wind, almost no vehicles on the road.


Police learn to knock advised people to leave

The morning of August 2, Nansha into Hong Kong within a hotel lobby, Hunan Adan a head on his hand, one hand pulling a 5-year old son, unwittingly fell asleep.

"And no place to live, near the places traveled, there is no place to live. "Adan told the Southern Metropolis reporter, her stall just outside the hotel less than kilometre of hillside, on August 1, has notified civilian police to her home, to prevent dangerous during typhoon, had to" safe places "overnight.

Her husband is not at home, so Ali took his son to a hotel near their home. But mostly full House Hotel, Aria can only in the lobby the night. Avenue yesterday morning in the South into Hong Kong to consult the more than more than 10 hotels around, most hotel rooms have all been booked before 11 o'clock.

The typhoon hit, in order to prevent danger in the old households in the area, Humen, Guangzhou border detachment police station overnight on the area of 31 93 households were transferred. It is understood that the Nansha, North and South around several hillside several decades old buildings, in the upcoming "NI da" before, security will be very low. That night, the Humen border police and community workers come here to start transfer of residents. After most residents informed of dangers, offered to clear up some belongings ready to move, but there are several "nail House", won't listen, refused to evacuate, border officers and men, and even communicate with residents late into the night, as at 2nd, at 3 o'clock in the morning, until the transfer of residents within all.


Nansha gymnasium more than thousand people spend the night

53 people in Anhui Province tert-a week ago, had just arrived in Guangzhou Nansha, working in Jinzhou on a site near a metro station. Typhoon, he was a bit strange, "seen, heard very scary. ”

August 1 at about 8 o'clock in the evening, the foreman calling together chaoshu, over more than 30 workers, Typhoon tell you need to transfer. "The start was a bit scared, said later that has places to go, car, feel at ease. "Uncle says, that night, the boss caught them from site to site in the Nansha gymnasium, all the workers at the Stadium through the night.

Yesterday at about 9 o'clock in the morning, Southern Metropolis reporter arrived at Nansha Stadium, thousands of partition upon the rest of the masses. Stormy outside the Museum, the Museum workers face smiles easily and without outside wind resistance in tension. Reporters saw in the South, some fellow workers squatting in a corner of the gym to watch mobile video, someone sitting around playing cards on the chat, others hold the noodles and started breakfast.

Persons within the venue, or exhausted, the majority are asleep. Headphones hanging a young worker, lay sleeping in a basketball.

See Typhoon, the Museum was unable to sit still. "Just hungry, big companies will bring their own food, our company put us on this matter. "A worker told reporters that after the 1st 8 o'clock in the evening, he and several other workers no longer eating. Due to hurry out to dinner, the worker and the Museum's managers had a fight. Due to venue staff adhere to the Typhoon does not have grounds, and not go out.

Fortunately, yesterday about 9:30 A.M. the stadium property companies sent the breakfast distributed free sheltered members of the public. Reporters saw in the South, several large pots filled with rice congee, noodles and pots are empty for more than 10 minutes. An aunt from Dianbai in Guangdong Province construction group co, told reporters, "a hot breakfast is served warm. ”

9:40 A.M., came news of the site called "NI da" had begun to leave the Nansha, night here to immediately start packing packing, to the various entrances of the Stadium are ready to leave. At around 10 in the morning, sheltered corner of the venue more than 90% people have been evacuated, most of them left by the company sent vans.

A cccc built two workers who left, "said received notice from company, companies will in the morning at Pearl Bay construction site safety hazard investigation, after confirming the safety organizations such as vehicle picked us. ”

 Safety and security

First large-scale transfer of risk aversion people

Women and children separate partitions for food

South reporter learned from the Nansha District Civil Affairs Bureau, August 1, about more than 1600 people came to Nansha gymnasium for shelter, most of which is Pearl Bay and banana projects of construction workers and their families, centrally by the corporate organizations to come to the gym for shelter and gymnasium and corporate communication in advance, unified by a company providing food and drinking water for the masses.

Stadium Director Huang Min says on August 1, after receiving the notice, preparation begins at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the gymnasium and open around the asylum at 3:30 P.M.. Total of 46 security personnel security safeguards and arrange 2 health care staff to provide health care services. South reporter noticed, venues especially for women and children's Division has a separate area for rest, and give them a special eight-treasure porridge skeleton and dumplings, soy sauce and other foods.

In fact, Nansha gymnasium is only one of 22 typhoon shelter space in the Nansha area, August 1, at 15 o'clock, District 22 24 hour shelter has been opened to all.

Nansha district headquarter sent 9 Steering Group to the town (Street) Steering disaster statistics and to assist in the rescue and relief work. The town (Street) have dispatched teams of village (neighborhood) inspection patrol, a total of 7472, 1112 vehicles (including cars, buses, motorcycles), nearly 3000 people in rescue teams throughout the area and a variety of equipment, emergency supplies ready implementation of 943 all fishing vessels to return to Hong Kong typhoon shelter.

As of yesterday at 10 o'clock in the morning, Nansha zone transfer threatened mass 19179. Since this is the Nansha zone, first took refuge more than 19000 transfer.

Responsible editor: Gao Yuying

Article keywords:
Typhoon NI da Nansha gymnasium

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The Southern Metropolis daily
台风“妮妲”登陆广东南沙 1600人体育馆过夜|台风|妮妲|南沙_新闻资讯

昨日,大量外来务工人员在南沙体育馆避险。南都记者梁炜培 摄




  南都讯 记者徐勉 昨日上午,“妮妲”台风从广州南沙过境,给南沙带来大风和强降雨。为了应对这场台风,全区转移安置受威胁市民19179人,1600余人在体育馆内过夜。而这,还是南沙区自建区以来的第一次。由于各项防台风措施准备充分,南沙基本安然无恙。
































台风 妮妲 南沙 体育馆


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