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published in(发表于) 2016/8/7 17:10:03
Korean media culture of China dinner: wine can be a deal on the table



Korean media culture of China dinner: wine dinner, China may decide to deal on the table | | food culture _ news

  Reference news, August 7 Korean media said China is a country of vast resources, vast land and rich resources. In such a vast continent survive, the key is to make some "big brother", that is, connections, that is, people often say that the "relationship".

  According to the Korea Central Daily website reported on August 5, there is a Chinese saying "one more friend is one more way". However, is the most effective way to make friends in China hosted a banquet, the meal did enough to decide on the success or failure of doing business in China.

Reports, arranging dinner of Chinese first consideration is cost to arrange dinner at what price points. Dinner is not more expensive, the better, as long as they can show its sincerity to the other party. The second consideration is the place, arranging dinner is best to choose a place where you can meet each other to give special meaning. Third is to invite certain people attending for their support for the advancement of decent. In General, the Chinese people's hospitality and Korea in much the same, but for these factors, the Chinese have given a more detailed.

First of all, in the invitation after the Chinese guests, need quite a lot of thought on the seating arrangements. Chinese table is round, generally by the master sat in the Center, and guest sitting in the master's right, invited Parties and guests in accordance with the status line in turn. If people other than the first owner, and second master, the person sitting across from first owner. If the beautiful scenery out of the window, or you can let guests back to the door to be seated, just explain "deliberately arranged so that seat, is meant to allow everyone to enjoy scenery outside the window" can be, it is important to show consideration for each other in good faith.

Dinner cannot be missing drinks. The essence of wine is food, so unless there are special circumstances, must be on the table ready to drink. Chinese people pay attention to wine, there is "full glasses of wine, half a cup of tea". Drinking without trying to be brave, than unconscious drunk ravings on its own according to the best, to make a "good wine" impression. If the other party is determined to drink, flatter yourselves better, you can use a "no alcohol, only wine," he jokes atmosphere. Pour wine is in need of attention, China pay attention to at any time, "Tim Cup", unlike Korea people usually have to wait each other's wine glass was empty after the wine. In addition, if you can, just before the dinner ends up with all the guests one by one touch, if you drink, even if superficially, and 22 hit with guests a glass.

Chinese pay attention to after the first cold dishes on hot food, generally last dish is fish, because "eat fish" sounds like "eat", meaning after the meal there is abundance, although Chinese restaurant serving one of the few in accordance with such order. In addition, China dishes class more, need to arrange meal rhythm. Even saying "to eat at a meal to last is the real Chinese experts." If you encounter the appropriate appetite of dishes, can be politely refused on the basis of respect for each other.

Reports, it is important to master how to dining occasions, important business topic. In fact, under normal circumstances without spending too much time talking about business at a dinner, dining and before and after eating or find a chance to talk about something a little bit more effective. During the dinner, can focus on winning the best recognized each other, as long as the other side to see her sincerity and goodwill, business can be successful. There is a Chinese saying "be friends first, after the business" is. Eating just say some can heighten the atmosphere of table topics, dialogue can be varied, talk about the origin of food and wine is also not a bad idea.

Anecdotes about food is one of the Chinese favorite topic. There was a Chinese talk about at the dinner table: "do you know what? When eating bear paws, bear's right hand and left hand prices are so different. Reportedly because the bear likes to eat honey, eat honey when it left the hive, the right Palm dig honey, so the right Palm more nutritious than the left hand. Not familiar with the restaurant, if called on a cake, the store will end left, if you want to eat the ball, you have to tell the store what the right Palm ". Reported that in view of this, talking about China's martial arts, and can also be driven table atmosphere.

Reports, and attend the dinner to try not to damage each other's face. The Chinese guests about "courtesy" to try to make the guests feel at home, but this is not easy. Chinese people generally will not open to show their emotions, so the joke that psychologists are least likely to succeed in China's professional, because almost no Chinese will confess to answer the doctor's questions. So, face not acknowledged that the meaning of the Chinese "face" should be particularly taken into account. Cultural critic Lin Yu-tang, China had to face as a face, destiny, en dominate China's three great goddesses of the first. Even as saying that Chinese people "lose face" fear is far better than the Christians fear of hell.

Together with the Chinese people at the table also need to be aware of another problem is that Chinese like to take no other friends attend the dinner appointment in advance. Korea people, not about good friends for dinner in advance so that your partner will feel uncomfortable, but often friends call their friends in China, and later friend and other friends to a dinner party. This is the "relationship" typical expansion characteristics. Like a pebble in the Lake can create a circle of splashes, circles to expand outside China "relationship" a major feature. Chinese is not only used to bring new friends to dinner, often at a dinner ahead of halfway got up to leave. Chinese people focused on when in need of a friend came forward to join in good faith if they want to when they need short stepped in to join directly determine whether a person can make more friends in China.

Reports that China and Korea are close neighbors, and culture has many pass through the points of difference. Doing business in China, the success or failure often depends on grasping the rules. But the rules are very complex, is hard for foreigners to see its existence, so that foreigners do not know the rules, it's hard to play China. At this point need to be familiar with the rules in assisted to make Chinese friends. Making Chinese friends, the most useful way is to eat together.

File photo: January 10, 2014, Taiyuan citizens in an upscale restaurant. Xinhua reporter Yan Yan photography

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Chinese banquet food culture

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Reference news

  参考消息网8月7日报道 韩媒称,中国是一个地大物博的国家,土地辽阔且物产丰富。在如此广袤的大陆上生存下,关键在于多结交一些“大哥”,即人脉,也就是人们口中常说的“关系”。


  报 道称,安排饭局的中国人首先考虑的是费用问题,即安排何种价位的饭局。饭局并非越贵越好,只要能够向对方展示诚意即可。第二个考虑因素是场所,安排饭局最 好选择一个可以为彼此见面赋予特别意义的地方。第三是邀请一定地位的人物出席为自己支撑体面。大体上看,中国人的待客方法与韩国大致相同,但对于这些因 素,中国人考虑得更为细致。

  首先,在邀请中国客人之后,需要在座位安排上颇费一番心思。中国的餐桌多为圆桌,一般由主人坐于正中央,主宾 坐在主人右侧,邀请方和宾客按照身份地位依次排开。如果主办人除第一主人之外,还有第二个主人,该人一般坐在第一主人对面。如果窗外景色优美,也可以让客 人背对门口入座,只需解释清楚“故意安排这样入座,是为了方便大家欣赏窗外风景”即可,重要的是表现出为对方着想的一片诚意。

  饭局上不能 缺少酒水。酒是饮食的精华,因此除非有特殊情况,餐桌上一定要准备酒水。中国人讲究倒酒倒满,还有“满杯酒,半杯茶”的说法。喝酒时无须刻意逞强,比起喝 醉不省人事胡言乱语,最好根据自己的情况量力而为,给对方留下一个“酒品好”的印象。如果对方执意劝酒,抬举自己酒量好,可以用一句“没有酒量,只有酒 胆”的玩笑话烘托气氛。斟酒时需要注意的是,中国讲究随时“添杯”,不像韩国人一般要等对方的酒杯空了之后斟酒。另外,可以的话,不妨在饭局结束前起身与在座宾客一一碰杯交盏,如果酒量不好,即使蜻蜓点水,也要与宾客们两两碰上一杯。

  中 餐讲究先上凉菜后上热菜,一般最后一道菜都会是鱼,因为“吃鱼”谐音“吃余”,寓意吃完之后还有富足,虽然中国真正按照如此顺序上菜的餐厅为数不多。另 外,中国餐桌的菜品种类较多,需要安排好就餐节奏。甚至有说法称“能够在饭局上吃到最后的才是真正的中国专家”。如果偶然遇到不合胃口的菜品,完全可以在 尊重对方的基础上礼貌拒绝。

  报道称,重要的是掌握住如何在就餐场合提出重要的生意话题。事实上,一般情况下无需在饭局上花费太多时间谈论 生意,在就餐过程中或者就餐前后找个机会稍微谈论几句更有效果。在饭局上,最好可以集中精力博取对方认可,只要让对方看到自己的真心与诚意,生意自然可以 成功。中国有句话说“先做朋友,后做生意”便是如此。就餐时只需要说些可以烘托餐桌气氛的话题即可,对话内容可以多种多样,谈论一番食物和酒的由来也未尝 不可。

  关于食物的趣闻轶事是中国人喜欢的话题之一。曾有一位中国人在饭桌上谈论到:“你们知道吗?吃熊掌时,熊的右掌和左掌价格不一样 呢。据说是因为熊喜欢吃蜂蜜,它吃蜜的时候都用左掌拿蜂巢,右掌掏蜜,所以右掌比左掌更有营养。去不熟悉的餐厅吃饭,如果叫上一份熊掌,店家一般都会端出 左掌,要是想吃的尽兴,就得跟店家说清楚要右掌”。报道称,由此看来,谈论一番中国的武侠小说,也可以很好带动起餐桌的气氛。

  报道称,此 外,参加饭局要尽量不损伤对方的颜面。中国人待客讲究“以礼相待”,力图使客人感到宾至如归,但做到这一点并不容易。中国人一般不会坦诚表露自己的情感, 因此有玩笑称心理医生是最不可能在中国取得成功的职业,因为几乎没有一个中国人会坦诚回答医生的问题。那么,面对不愿坦承真意的中国人,“面子”尤其应该 考虑。中国文化评论家林语堂曾把面子列为面子、命运、报恩等支配中国的三大女神之首。甚至有说法称,中国人对于“丢面子”的恐惧远胜于基督教徒对于下地狱 的恐惧。

  在与中国人一同就餐时还需要注意的另一个问题是,中国人喜欢带没有提前约好的其他朋友一同参加饭局。对于韩国人来说,叫上没有提 前约好的朋友参加饭局会使对方感到不自在,但在中国经常出现朋友叫上自己的朋友,后来的朋友又叫上另外的朋友参加饭局的情况。这便是“关系”典型的扩张性 特征。如同在湖水中投入一颗石子可以激起一圈圈波纹一样,一圈圈往外扩张也是中国“关系”的一大特色。中国人不仅对带新朋友参加饭局习以为常,还经常在饭 局中途提前起身离开。中国人看重的是在朋友需要时出面捧场的诚意,是否愿意在朋友需要时短暂出面捧场,直接决定一个人能否在中国结交更多朋友。

  报 道称,中国与韩国虽是近邻,文化却存在诸多似通非通之处的差异。在中国经商的成败经常取决于能否把握好中国的规则。但这种规则非常复杂,外国人很难看到它 的存在,因此外国人不知道中国的规则,很难与中国一起游戏。这时候就需要一个熟悉规则的人在旁协助,即结交中国朋友。而在结交中国朋友时,最有用的方法莫 过于一起吃饭了。

  资料图片:2014年1月10日,太原市民在一家高档餐厅用餐。新华社记者 燕雁 摄

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

中国饭局 饮食文化


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