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published in(发表于) 2016/8/7 17:10:19
Spontaneous combustion of bus carrying 44 people in Guangdong Highway, was firing iron frame



Guangdong spontaneous bus carrying 44 people the highway was reduced to iron (fig) | coach caught fire _ news
After a spontaneous combustion occurs inside the bus.

Source of Guangzhou daily news (reporter Zeng Huanyang correspondent Xu Xiaoyong, Xie Ting photography) around 15 o'clock yesterday, dongyuan County, Heyuan city, Guangdong, Guangdong and Jiangxi high-speed related bus occurred at the lighthouse near the town of longzushan tunnel of spontaneous combustion accidents, fortunately found time and passengers were quickly evacuated, causing no casualties.

Involved in fighting fire firemen introduction, buses from the lighthouse of longzushan tunnel of spontaneous combustion accident happened less than 100 meters, drivers rear engine position found after the fire in a timely manner, promptly pulled over on the highway and call the timely opening safety doors allow passengers time to evacuate and escape. Bus carrying 44 people.

Received fire Hou,, Heyuan city, and dongyuan fire soldiers timely arrived site for bashing fire, local police immediately started emergency plans, Yu 15:29 began on Heyuan North Jiangxi direction of sections for full closed, after 1 hours of struggled to saves, bus Shang of fire Yu 16 o'clock 30 around was saves, unfortunately of is, due to fire had slammed, the bus last was fire burn left a "skeleton". Due to spontaneous combustion accident bus, sections of the incident also led to traffic jams, closure began releasing more than 4 hours later.

Local firefighters initially speculated that the bus yesterday, the cause of the fire may be the weather too hot, for passenger car rear engine overheating ignition car lines and blaze.

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Bus fire

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Ocean excursions, Guangzhou daily
广东载44人大巴高速路上自燃 被烧成铁架(图)|大巴起火_新闻资讯

  广州日报河源讯 (记者曾焕阳 通讯员徐小勇、谢婷摄影报道)昨日15时左右,粤赣高速广东河源市东源县灯塔镇龙祖山隧道附近发生一宗有关大客车自燃的事故,所幸事故发现及时和车上乘客被快速疏散,未造成人员伤亡。


  接 到火警后,河源市和东源县消防官兵及时赶到现场进行扑火,当地交警立即启动应急预案,于15时29分开始对河源北上江西方向的路段进行全面封闭,经过1个 多小时的奋力扑救,客车上的大火于16时30左右被扑救,可惜的是,由于火势过猛,该大客车最后被大火烧剩一个“骨架”。因大客车自燃事故,事发路段还导 致交通一度堵塞,全封闭路段时间超过4个小时之后才开始解封。


责任编辑:向昌明 SN123



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