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published in(发表于) 2016/8/8 16:11:14
Wang Sicong was serving the investment giant? ,



Wang Sicong was serving the investment giant? Herein-Wang Sicong, precision resource investment, Wanda, Panda TV-IT information

Long began a week of just 404 you (micro signal: i404Page) they open a sleepy computers ready to start trying, suddenly pop up on the screen so his words: national husband Wang Sicong earned 266 million a day!

Here's the thing: on Friday, a diet concept enterprises of the holding company listed on the Hong Kong gem, its IPO price HK $ 0.45, after touching HK $ 8.02, or as high as 1700%, falling close to HK $ 4.28, rose as high as 851%.

Pictures from the concept's official website

Concept one of the shareholders of Prometheus Capital (International) as Wang Sicong wholly-owned holding company, owns 10.11% shares of dining. At present, the concept a total market capitalization of HK $ 3.42 billion, calculated by Wang Sicong's stake, its market value amounted to HK $ 346 million, or about $ 266 million Yuan.

404 you seemed to see the girls call him uninformed eyes husband make love.

However, the applause did not last long, questioning voice emerged. Concept prospectus showed that eating concepts from the past two years, profits continued to fall, 2015 only 3.9% in net profit, well below the industry average, while staff costs and leasing expenses are on the rise.

404 you heard some gossip: stocks are not for Wang Sicong's sake, after all, Wang Sicong investments after the Hallasan, Halla and Wanda group to establish a strategic cooperation, and rely on Wanda's rapid expansion, investment is if chosen diet concepts may in cooperation with Wanda.

Back in 2013, when Wang Wang Sicong dad joked: 500 million to his son fall 20 times, good for Wanda went back to work. These three years, Wang Sicong and his precision resource capital and "miracles" and "skyrocketing", "return x times" associated with such words, Liu also grabbed headlines.

It is a bowl of "reborn stronger than you would investing" big chicken soup? 404 you tempted to give national husband is a financial.

Probably at the end of last year, maunfacturing capital explosion "blew out of the 5 listed companies for two years", "highest achieving 5 times rewards", then we first recurring wandering from the reported holdings, music funny game, lead intelligence, longevity and interactive 5 day pigeon listed company said.

Note: the exit project travel holdings, the concept is not in a table

In April 2014, maunfacturing capital invested $ 5.9 million to make the game, it is Wang Sicong was the highest return portfolio disclosure, but also "5 times return" refers to the object.

However, starting from the end of last year, some people speculated that Wang Sicong that investment should not be 5 times as high, and from the current share price, the real return should be around 3 times.

However, it is interesting, Wang Sicong when investing in music make the game, which is preparing to go public is not short of money. Music is said to have made games CEO Chen Xiangyu shares to precision resource capital is required, the other shareholders do not agree.

But finally Chen Xiangyu individuals out of the 1.3% shares sold to Wang Sicong, is to give money.

5 Travel Holdings is a retired project, maunfacturing capital travel Pre-IPO has invested $ 4 million, accounting for 1.05%. In October 2013, the investment after 7 months, maunfacturing exit travel holdings, exit for 56.33 million HK dollars, and 0.78 times return.

Leading intelligence, longevity and pigeon day interaction between the three data is not clear, but integrated the outside analysis, except on the day pigeons interaction, Wang Sicong may be in depth locked state, two other projects should be able to get to the oil.

"The investment community" estimates and funeral services company Fu-Yuan Wang Sicong yields around 36%. Wuxi's leading shares last year after strong gains 9 times the offer price, and not back down to 1 time price.

Judging from the listed items this report card, Crestron students fared poorly, but also not as exaggerated as some media reports.

Of course, Wang Sicong investment list, more entrepreneurial company.

According to statistics from IT Orange, apart from the above listed companies, maunfacturing capital investments over more than 20 business projects at least. Entrepreneurship program, Wang Sicong follow hot investment characteristics are very obvious.

Live hot this year, Wang Sicong was the lead founder of Panda TV and spend 100 million investment in the live interactive show "Hello! Goddess "; VR hot, and has invested in a Magic Leap and the praise of two VR, AR area start-up companies. Return these items, now it is hard to comment.

Of course, followed the hotspot is not always a wise choice. Have access to Wang Sicong super high-speed rail investment Hyperloop, from the beginning to now step by step was pulled down from the altar.

If non-to said has what project "created" has hot, points answer may is a, despite since Wang Sicong personal in platform Shang earned to 200,000 extra Hou, outside have began questioned this community of lasting sex, like general user of variable now opportunities less, and fans on celebrity of enthusiasm also not focused and so on, but star of constantly burst material, also is for points answer earned foot has popularity.

Wang Sicong was once in a paid speech answered the question-and-answer platform stressed that their investment is by no means "hot spots", but to create hotspots, but in fact, we see more, probably an ordinary, like investors who follow hot.

No black people her husband's means, but it seems to 404 you, General, Wang Sicong's best investment performance summary.

王思聪真是百发百中的投资圣手吗?来扒皮 - 王思聪,普思投资,万达,熊猫TV - IT资讯




饮食概念的股东之一Prometheus Capital(International)为王思聪全资控股公司,持有饮食概念10.11%的股份。目前,饮食概念总市值为34.2亿港元,以王思聪的持股比例计算,其所持市值已高达3.46亿港元,约合人民币2.66亿元。


















比如今年直播大热,王思聪就领头创办了熊猫TV并花1亿投资了直播互动节目“Hello!女神”;VR大热,又先后投资了Magic Leap和那赞度两家VR、AR领域的创业公司。这些项目的回报,目前都还很难评论。





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