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published in(发表于) 2016/8/9 14:12:52
Deputy Director of the Yunnan higher people’s Court: should give money to ren Feng a “regular, large, high“ apology



Deputy Director of the Yunnan higher people's Court: should give money to ren Feng a "regular, large, high" apology | Qian Renfeng | wrong | Yunnan _ the High Court news
Information: Qian Renfeng.

Original title: Vice President of the higher people's Court of Yunnan province: should give money to ren Feng a "large high" apology

According to voice of the news reports of the evening rush hour, eight months after his release from prison, Qian Renfeng finally came on their own compensation. High Court's Judicial Committee of Yunnan Province today held a news conference officially announced the verdict. In accordance with the national standards for compensation paid to Qian Renfeng 1.723 million yuan of State compensation. At this point, qiaojia County of Yunnan province "Star core baby Park" kindergarten aged 2, were poisoned to death, 17 year old nanny Qian Renfeng was convicted of "poisoning the killer" case into a miscarriage 13 years 10 months, complete the verdict, a retrial as well as compensation for work.

Yunnan Provincial higher people's Court this morning, Qian Ren wind served on the agent of "national compensation decision." According to the legal regulations following consultations and by mutual agreement, Qian Renfeng violated personal freedom awarded damages and mental distress amounted to 1723857.30 yuan. On Qian Renfeng proposed compensation for violations of personal liberty shall be distinguished legal working days and overtime, and on public holidays, public holidays, paid leave be different standards of compensation claims. In accordance with the relevant provisions: pay the claimant Qian Renfeng 1.2238 million Yuan compensation for the violation of personal freedom; payment of compensation requests Qian Renfeng emotional gold 500000 Yuan.

Deputy Director of the Yunnan Provincial higher people's Court, the National Compensation Committee Director Tian Chengyou, said Qian Ren wind State compensation cases are concerned in our province in recent years maximum, the highest amount of compensation, the cases decided in the shortest time. Dealing with the case, and Court rights in strict accordance with the spirit of respecting and protecting citizens, idea of knots, and strive to do injustice in the case directly, error correction is partial, reflect the quality of care, transmission temperature.

On June 1 of this year, Yunnan province, Qian Ren winds brought the High Court amounts to more than 9.55 million yuan of State compensation. On July 8 this year, Qian Ren feng, held at Yunnan Provincial higher people's court hearing the application for State compensation case, the Yunnan Provincial higher people's Court Vice President, Director of the National Reparations Commission Tian Cheng Qian Ren wind bowed to apologize to the parties on behalf of Yunnan High Court. Men 14 years ' imprisonment after his release, Qian Renfeng got their own compensation. Yang Zhu Qian Renfeng lawyer believes that only completed one-third in this case, the parties acquitted, as a lawyer should have been let go. However, in this case, first of all, the real murderer is, and secondly, the three police suspected of crime of perjury, as a lawyer can do has been done, followed by a call of the entire community.

  Tian Chengyou, ren Feng a formal, pay, generous, high specifications of the apology. Tian Chengyou, said equal justice ought to be humble, civilization, and to equal treatment to each of the public and to repair the wounds of society, understanding, reconciliation, let us sincerely and in good faith. Trace the kidnapper to return to historical reality, need the services rely on the rule of law to track down, the Court can only review the angle of reflection, summary.

Qian Renfeng after being acquitted, the Court set up an investigation team, in accordance with the procedures for investigation, tracking there is no conclusion, how procedures for handling still needs to go, and must strictly, strictly in accordance with law, rule of law require departments clear, fair need to all work together to promote.

Father of child victims of Lei Hou Hou old six injured kindergarten Jumet's father Zhu Minghua to Kunming together with appeal to catch a murderer at the scene, accountability wrongful. Baby star Rui kindergarten Jumet's father Zhu Minghua said, "recalls Dr Attorney approached us several times, I have not met. Because we were spiritually economically and the brains are on the whole cast, poisoning case occurred five times in a row after arson, burning our bikes in the courtyard, this last one even burned the House, terrified. My daughter was scared, scared! "He said right now he wanted was to punish a murderer:" Qian Renfeng after judgment, we have always had misgivings about this things. We just want to lead a stable life. After we secure the real murderer out, to compensate us for the loss! ”

The father of the dead child Lei Hou Hou old six: "terrific!" And mentally unbalanced. We have more than 10 years of mental or physical suffering no less Qian Renfeng. We ask the law to arrest the murderer, let him be punished! ”

Source: authorities wide nets of Dizi music

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
Qian Renfeng injustice in Yunnan province High Court

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  据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,出狱八个月后,钱仁凤终于等来了对最自己的赔偿。云南省高院审判委员会今天召开发布会,正式宣布裁定结果。按照国家赔偿标准向钱仁凤支付172.3万元的国家赔偿。至此,云南省巧家县“星蕊宝宝园”幼儿园2岁女童被人投毒致死、17岁保姆钱仁风被判“投毒凶手”入冤狱 13年零10个月的案件,完成了翻案、再审以及赔偿的工作。

  云南省高级人民法院今天早上向钱仁风的代理人送达了“国家赔偿决定书”。依据法律相关规定并经双方协商后达成一致意见,钱仁风获赔被侵犯人身自 由赔偿金与精神抚慰金共计1723857.30元。关于钱仁风提出被侵犯人身自由的赔偿应区分法定工作日及加班、公休日、节假日、带薪休假日予以不同赔偿 标准的赔偿请求。依照相关规定:支付赔偿请求人钱仁风被侵犯人身自由的赔偿金人民币122.38万元;支付赔偿请求人钱仁风精神抚慰金人民币500000 元。

  云南省高级人民法院副院长、国家赔偿委员会主任田成有表示,钱仁风国家赔偿案是近年来我省关注度最大、赔偿数额最高、决定时间最快的案件。处理 该案,法院本着尊重和保障公民权利严格依法,案结事了的理念,力争要把该案办成平冤理直、纠错正偏、体现关爱、传递温度的精品案。

  今年6月1日,钱仁风向云南省高院提起共计955万余元的国家赔偿。今年7月8日在云南省高级人民法院举行的钱仁风申请国家赔偿案听证会上,云 南省高级人民法院副院长、国家赔偿委员会主任田成有代表云南高院向当事人钱仁风鞠躬赔礼道歉。在蒙冤入狱近14年获释后,钱仁风终于得到属于自己的赔偿。 钱仁风代理律师杨柱认为,这个案件只完成了三分之一,当事人无罪释放,作为一个律师原本应该释怀。但是,从这个案子看出,第一,真正的凶手是存在的;第二,这三个做假证的警察涉嫌徇私枉法罪,作为一个律师所能做的已经做完了,后面是整个社会的呼吁。



  钱案受害儿童侯磊的父亲侯老六与受害幼儿园园长朱梅的父亲朱明华也一起到昆明联手在现场呼吁抓捕真凶,问责不法。星蕊宝宝幼儿园园长朱梅的爸爸 朱明华称,“当时杨律师下去找过我们若干次,我没有碰面。因为我们当时精神上经济上和着脑筋上都被整蒙了,投毒案以后连续发生过五次纵火,烧了我们家院坝 里的摩托,最后这一次是连房子都被烧毁了,担惊受怕的。我女儿就更怕了,被吓怕了!”他说此时此刻,他希望的就是严惩真凶:“对钱仁凤被判决以后,我们一 直都对这个事情有疑虑。我们就是想过安稳的日子。把真凶抓出来以后我们就安稳了,赔偿我们的损失!”


  来源:央广网 陈鸿燕

责任编辑:张淳 SN182

钱仁凤 冤案 云南高院


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