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published in(发表于) 2016/8/9 14:12:56
Every flat more than 100,000 homes for 3 years in Beijing surged 13 times, was bought by who



Every flat more than 100,000 homes in Beijing surged 13 times times 3 years who was bought? | Beijing housing | the property market _ news

Original title: Beijing 40% houses priced at over 5 million

Beijing Morning News (reporter Yang Yi) "Finally, 5.2 million, raising money, guys don't answer the phone......" public friends joking, Mr. Watch friends "congratulations on buying luxury" message, "luxury" embarrassing frustrates him because he bought is only a set of houses in North rings more than 90 square meters. In Beijing, had nearly 40% of houses costing more than 5 million Yuan, price "100,000 +" 3 years surged nearly 13 times the number of mansions.

House-buying experience is now a common phenomenon in Beijing property market housing. Beijing morning news journalist yesterday learned from the real estate sale or rental services platform live in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, more than 5 million Yuan housing has reached the proportion of 39.7%, 36.6% and 31.1%. Over the same period last year, the data are 29.9%, 28.7%, 24.5%. More and more House prices crossed the 5 million mark, and gradually become the mainstream market.

According to the Beijing Municipal Councils 2014 standard, non-ordinary residential houses in Beijing and has a complicated set of evaluation index. If the total price as a point of reference, and ordinary residential housing price in the standard five ring no more than 4.68 million Yuan, five rings and six ring does not exceed the total price of 3.744 million Yuan, six total more than 2.808 million Yuan. House prices continue to rise, many houses faced "luxury" awkwardness. "Under the influence of rising land prices, a city of more than 5 million houses is likely to further expansion. "Live rooms, analysts said.

Unit price "100,000 +" mansions of the number is growing rapidly. Data show that as of the end of July 2016, unit price in Beijing "100,000 +" than in 2013 an increase of nearly 13 times as much. From the type of view, most three-room, four-room, respectively 30%, 24% per cent. "In fact, some of the more than 100,000 yuan/square meters is not the true meaning of luxury, some additional special value such as school districts or areas. "Live rooms, analysts said.

What kind of clientele to Beijing "100,000 +" are interested in real estate? Housing data released showed that Beijing Dongcheng, Xicheng and Haidian District per capita browsing "100,000 +" the highest level of luxury, of which quite a few groups to improve the housing needs of people, financial, investment, TMT industry group is also the main purchasing luxury. "From the '10 in several different areas of Beijing +' real estate customer base analysis, from upstart IT concentrated in Zhongguancun and the concentration of gold-collar white collar CBD, East third ring road as one of the greatest number. "The analyst said.

Responsible editor: Zhang Chun SN182

Article keywords:
House prices in Beijing housing market

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The Beijing morning post
北京每平10万以上豪宅3年激增13倍 都被谁买了?|北京房价|楼市_新闻资讯


  北京晨报讯(记者 杨奕) “终于定了,520万,筹钱去,兄弟们别不接电话啊……”市民张先生在朋友圈里开着玩笑。看着朋友们“恭喜买入豪宅”的留言,“被豪宅”的尴尬让他哭笑不得,因为自己买下的仅是一套北五环外90多平方米的普通住宅。在北京,已经有近四成的房源售价超过500万元,单价“10万+”的豪宅数量3年激增近13倍。

  张先生的买房经历,是目前北京楼市房源的一个普遍现象。北京晨报记者昨日从房产租售服务平台安居客 了解到,北京、上海、深圳500万元以上的房源占比已经达到39.7%、36.6%和31.1%。去年同期,这一数据分别是29.9%、28.7%、 24.5%。越来越多的住宅价格越过500万大关,并逐渐成为市场主流。

  按照北京市住建委2014年的相关标准,北京普通住宅和非普通 住宅有一套复杂的评定指数。如果单以总房价作为衡量标准,普通住宅的标准是五环内住宅总价不超过468万元,五环至六环总价不超过374.4万元,六环外 总价不超过280.8万元。房价的持续上涨,让不少住房面临着“被豪宅”的尴尬。“受土地价格上涨影响,一线城市超500万的房源可能还会进一步扩容。” 安居客房产分析师表示。

  单价“10万+”豪宅的数量更是增长迅猛。数据显示,截至2016年7月底,北京单价“10万+”的数量比 2013年增加了近13倍之多。从户型来看,三室、四室最多,占比分别为30%、24%。“事实上,有一部分超过10万元/平方米的并非真正意义上的豪宅,有的是附加了学区或地段等特殊价值。”安居客房产分析师说。

  什么样的客群对北京“10万+”楼盘感兴趣?安居客发布的数据显示,北 京的东城、西城、海淀三区人均浏览“10万+”豪宅量最高,其中相当一部分人群为改善住房需求人群,来自金融、投资、TMT行业的群体也是购置豪宅的主力。“从对北京多个不同区域‘10万+’楼盘的客群分析中,来自IT新贵集中的中关村与金领白领集中的CBD、东三环中路等板块的人数最多。”分析师介绍说。

责任编辑:张淳 SN182

北京房价 楼市


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